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I close my eyes and dream
DHANY.Loud , Irritating , Cheerful. Asian. Al Faried Yusri - ♥ Family and my girls are 1st priority |
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breaking my hiatus again. For someone. :D
Its the 28th of May today, and dearest Hafizh Rizqi turns 16 today! ♥ Half a year with Joey, instead of him sitting infront of me really has been quite a bore. No sarcasm, no jokes, no lame remarks, no bets on who'll do better in the class tests, common tests, midyear & endyear exams. No un-artful drawings of each other during Design&Technology lessons. And the list goes on. But today, id love to wish dearest adek ; Im really sorry I forgot your birthday, though. Will make up for it okay? Love you. ♥♥ im breaking my hiatus, momentarily.
Im breaking my hiatus, because I really cannot keep this to myself. I really cant. Career Fair. I was only looking forward to the last segment of the day. Booths from various polytechnics in the hall. Once I stepped into the hall, the first polytechnic I searched for ewas Ngee Ann, and I swear I grabbed Fatin and dragged her halfway to the booth before she realised what in the world I was doing. Nice. Anyway, Im either going through the DPA for CSAECS or MCM in Ngee Ann Poly. Changi General Hospital. Straight after school, went to the hospital to meet up with Ummi. Took the ten bucks she had to give me, and registered before going up to the ward to visit Maknek. Had a great time laughing thanks to Instructor Ahmad [guys! he's a nurse! woahh] , Maknek, Abang Izzul , and Fatin for making jokes out of everything. Lunch. LJS. Darn full. After all that. Went to the library. Fatin's library card wont work. Till she paid her outstanding fees of 0.60 dollars. HAHA. Went to Tamp1, then off to TampMall since Tamp1 was fairly boring. Went to toysrus. I found this small baby doll. When I say small, I meant that it was tiny. So I disturbed fatin by clutching the doll with my knees and screaming : " Oh my god, My babdy came out! My baby came out! Unwanted abortion!" Fatin and I laughed so hard. Then we went to CS, to cool down from the heat outside. Went to see the skateshoes at this skatershop. I was really sarcastic with the cute salesdude there. Sales dude - SD Dhaniie - Dee Fatin - F Kay go! *look down, no i mean, scroll down* SD : Hello, korang carik kasut macam mane ni? Dee : Oh, hmmm, nta plak eh, kite just tengok2 je skrg. SD :Oh, okay. *stands beside me and looks at me and fatin* F : Dhaniie! *mumbles something* Dee : *interrupts* ah, ni dier! this is what Acit wants! $109! how am I going to afford? F : -_- eh I want that type of shoe *points* Dee : I cant find that shoe that I wanted! Where IS it?! SD : oh , ah .... F : *interrupts* Orang dah beli, aiyoooo Dee : But I had my eyes on that one! this is so merepek! F : Dhaniie! *pulls me* Dee : what what what?! F & Dee : * screams* {we saw a manequine } F : eh look at that girl, her face got panau Dee : which one? F : The on wearing faded jeans la. Dee : oh, err kay. ^okay, yknow what? skip^ SD : uhhh, actually kan, korang boleh tengok kat luar. Kat luar ade lagi kasut, baru2 punye. *smiles* Dee : oh, really? haha. *smiles and turns around* Dee : *pushes fatin outta the way* oh, i like this! *points to pink shoe* F : okay... Dee : *moves shoes on top of shoe i want* SD :*walks towards fatin and i* SD : awak nak kasut ni? Dee : *turns shoe upside down* takde harge ke? SD : *smiles sheepishly* uhh, ade. $45. Dee : brape?! SD : $45 Dee : *makes interested face* oooh, okay. boleh lah tuu. SD : *waits and smiles* Dee : I dont have the money now. argh. hmm F : [ i forgot what she said ] Dee : *turns and smiles at SD* hmm, thanks eh. sorry. bye! *smiles* HAHA, like so bastard. i know. CHALO~ Hiautus babies, hiatus.
Mid-Year results are out. English - Pass Emath - Fail Amath - Fail Combined [ss / hist ] - Fail Design and Tech - Pass Combined Sci [ phy/ chem ] - Fail Malay - Pass! Next will be my Malay Language GCE 'O' Level papers, waiting for me. Let me rephrase, coming fast at me, in a shorter time than I would expect, Id be sitting in the examination hall next two Mondays attempting the paper. Two months from that, its prelims. and three months from the actual GCE 'O' Levels. So I would like to wish the best of luck to my darlings. Especially : Sheila ♥ and Fiqah ♥
And others : Hanis , Farah , Nigel , Mariam , Jessica , Anisa , Hyrza , Vanessa , Catherine , Ain , Syazwan , Haney Appart from that, I'll be on hiatus. But stay tuned, I'll update when I can. chalo! Finally, I get to meet Mr Prettyboy bestfriend yesterday after my papers. I got a shock, he got a shock, when we saw we had a huge height difference. Nevermind, I love this pole for who he is. And oh, i love his eyes. ♥ Anyway, things went well. There were afew moments where both of us said nothing, there were moments of which I did not believe happened. Nevertheless, it was fun hanging out with Wan♥ and Im already missing him. Shucks. Meet up veryvery soon, bestfriend. And thanks for coming all the way down to Tampines from Woodlands, I love you loads. Argh, I know my face sucks, but will you just look at how charming he is? HAHA. My face last minute, kay. So shut your pie-holes. :D Chalo~ June Holidays, come quick. I cant wait to meet dear pretty boy *points down* :D A real pretty boy, aint he? Yeah, he's my bestfriend, back off alright? Haha, no seriously. ![]() So, June holidays, arrive soon will you. So I get to meet up with my bestfriend ♥ Look at her pretty hair. I want to have hair like that, like come on. Beauty. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO SAAT! [L] 5May10 I hope you love the rasta bracelet I gave you, had your eyes on my darling bracelet didnt you buddy? Well now you have it, its for keeps, so thake care of it will you. And hopefully you remember the awesome buddy who gave it to you, yeah cutestuff? :D much loves, Dhaniie. English Paper1 and Paper2 tackled. Mother Tongue Paper1 and Paper2 tackled, well not really. Today, Combined Sciences[Physics/Chemistry] practical. Lets not say I aced it. Yet. For Mother Tongue paper, having no idea of the meanings of certain words was absolutely inevitable. Especially since my Malay vocabulary is really very limited. Though I can say that my Malay vocabulary is improving, however not drastically. Been texting Muhd Izhwan Bin .. :D He's great company, no doubt about it. But I think his prepaid is low now. How very inconvenient. Now, however, I really feel the urge to text Abang Syamil. Chalo~ |