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I close my eyes and dream
DHANY.Loud , Irritating , Cheerful. Asian. Al Faried Yusri - ♥ Family and my girls are 1st priority |
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someone apologised. so much for ego.
Hey dude, so much for ego right? I knew, someday, somehow you would put aside your humongous ego and apologise for all your wrong doings. But hey, by the time you realised, dear boy, its way too late. The door for forgiveness is almost closed, and youre trying so hard to squeeze through. Im not sorry, however, that I cant forgive you. Hurt me too deep with your lies, and who knows, youre lying right now? I dont believe your words, I dont trust you anymore. Find another way to be friends with me again, find another way to gain back my trust. Chalo ~ heyhey, happy 16th birthday. Sorry about the past yea? sincerely. I dont want any foes, i dont want any feeling of hate. ape yang sudah tu sudah k? please. ive let go of everything already. and ive forgoten all of it. now, can we start a new as friends? instead of us being foes? please.... idk whether youre convinced, but im truely sincerely sorry. please, forgive me for all of my wrong doings. and please dont ignore, cause im sincere here. will be waiting for a reply, please. just a simple reply will do. Happy Birthday to me ♥ Finally, its March 29th. Im finally 16. Thanks you all for the birthday wishes, I really appreciate it. You people are awesome. Thanks for the wishes [according to time] : Haikal . Acit♥ . Raimi[bongKsioww]♥ . Sheila♥ . Ain♥ . Fatin Liyana♥ . Michelle . Nadiah . Aizat . Muz . Noor Amirah . Jessica♥ . Nicholas . Aqil . Aida♥ . Fathin Aerlisa♥ . Mr Ho . Fiqah♥ . Nigel♥ . Anisa♥ . Hyrza♥ . Wanni♥ . Nianting . Zara♥ . Syahidin♥ . Iskky . Mai . Manfred . Zubb♥ . Angela . Shaun . Hakeem . Fahmi . Raimy . Jacinda . Adi . Farrini . Elle Sarafina♥ . Isam . Hariz . Thanks for the hugs and presents [incomplete] : Fatin Liyana♥ . Fathin Aerlisa♥ . a little thing called reunion
Hey you people! Im going to try something new today. Im inspired by Fathin Aerlisa and Mariam, my two lovely awexums. Credits to those two lovelies. So here it goes :- DhaniieDee - Midget 26th March 2010 Blogging while smiling widely to myself. Let me explain to you people why im smiling to myself. Im ever so happy today, really I am. I finally got to meet ShaikhBuddy after such a long time, I was super ecstatic to have met him today. Adding on to that, Hakim, Luqman and Zul tagged along, and trust me, those guys are the awesome-est people Ive know since, 2 years ago. In between everything, I saw Dzul, and I shall say it ruined my mood till I caught sight of Shaikh and Hakim. Haha, buddy cheered me up. Love you, buddy :D Slacked with Hakim, Zul and Shaikh while, I have no idea where Luqman went. Truthfully, I dont think Hakim has changed much since the last time I went out with him, which was pretty much 2 years ago. Still the same old legong I knew. Anyways, I gave him 5c since he was short of money to board the bus. HAHA, And I swear the way he counted 55c, just 55c, was so freaking hilarious. [Dah sah ex aku legong] HAHAHA :D I really cant say much for Luqman, I dont know him well. As for Shaikh and Zul, I cant say much either because I see them most of the time :D Okay Im starting to miss Hakim, Zul and Shaikh, damn it. Meet soon guys! Chalo ~ Im jumping on the inside. I met baby today. ♥ Update! : 6 more fucking days to my birthday. Hell yeah, baby. This whole week, I wont be able to meet baby♥. Why? Because of my darling English enrichment. But what heck, I can endure for this week, I can. The cut-off point for Film and Media Studies; Mass Communication, is 10 points. And apparently, Mrs Te says that in order to atleast make it into that course, Id have to score two points lower that the cut-off point. Meaning, she's asking me to be a single pointer [which I feel, is truly difficult even if I put my heart and soul into achieving it]. Not saying that I cant, I just have to do lots of tideous work, revision every single day. By doing so, Im sure I can make it, atleast 9 points? :D Come on babies, pray for me. :D Im praying and putting alot of effort in my malay. Hopefully by august, when the MT 'O' lvl results are out, Id have achieved an A1 :D kay bye babies. feel like calling Raimi♥, then again, maybe not? tataaaaa~ March 17th. Its 12 days to me turning 16. And I dont know if I should be psyched about that, because at the moment, im not on good terms with pretty much most of the people that are dear to me. I think someone would be happy with this news, no? Definitely, yes, I think she will be. Argued with my dearest 'wife' this morning, argued with love♥ at noon. And truthfully, I am not very happy right now. If only I could go to the pit, if only. Then I'd be slightly happier that Id get to meet love♥, give him a reassuring hug. Oh God, I miss him so much right now. Its true, what he said. That we cant live without seeing each other everyday. Well, technically we can, its just hard to get through the day. bye. HAHAHA, like I fucking care about being gone eh please.
Im happy you kicked me outta your stupid life. :D on to tumblr. most posts would be on tumblr now. and ive got a new number. though im still using my old one. just contact me at my new one. kay bye. ![]() ♥i miss bongksioww Sheesha with Acit and the rest. But fuck im unwell. -_- next time , I guess. Blog: gonn' private it soon. So some eyes wont see the words here, Some bitches and sluts cant get through and read. and later on fucking go around and spread to everyone, such fucked up attitude. Its bloody childish, you bitches. I swear I cant take this nonsense. Though I sometimes laugh at your stupidity. Its hilarious, get that into your head. I hope you can comprehend my simple English. Because I really am trying hard not to put in difficult words. ^_^ Want excess to my blog, tell me okay? :D i love A♥
Im no longer there. And if youre reading this, Im really happy Ive let you go.To say that you'll wait alongside me till the time comes, well youre a real big fucking liar. And here I am, a changed women. Im stronger, to ignore your messages. Im stronger to tell myself that youve always been a liar, lying to me, brainwashing me. Now I know, that Fatiin, Azri, Syahidin. Maybe even Herlmi and Aqil, were all right about you. They warned me, but I was too brainwashed by you. They held me back, but I remained stubborn. And now, I dont regret knowing you. Im just full of regret for loving you, for wasting my time on you when I really had Azri, all the while waiting and watching by the sidelines. But forget about all that, Im with AZRI♥ now. And I love him dearly. I guess I love him more than I loved you. |