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I close my eyes and dream
DHANY.Loud , Irritating , Cheerful. Asian. Al Faried Yusri - ♥ Family and my girls are 1st priority |
give me these :
sem 2 : 3.00 GPAmovie date walk by the shore movie marathon Pass Cordova prelims Pass LPPI> polaroid camera DSLR Ask Away.
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Those were the times. Times I still managed to get out into the light.
Chatted with Luke and Fatiin. I agree with Luke, its really been some time since we saw each other. Hope to go for the Ngee Ann Poly open house - most prolly on the last day , so that I can see fellow centurions and Luke. Maybe bump into Faizal. I didnt give Luke a chance to deny that he's cute, hurray for me. He wanted to see Abang Syamil's picture since I told him how they really look so much alike. So well, showed him. And he showed me a girl's profile and said I looked like her. Hahaaaa. KAY. im just bored. BYE horoscope
yesterday. [true]You have a bold nature, Aries, but sometimes the boldness drives you straight into trouble, and this is one of those times. Fortunately, you have someone who will help extricate you from the trouble, but afterward, may become less favorable to you. This is a problem that comes from an image issue on your end: not admitting that you are wrong, or not making a true assessment of your competence. If you just learn that it's better to do something that you're good at successfully, you'll eliminate troubles like this once and for all. today. [true] Expect communication to pick up a bit, Aries. You are likely to be involved in running around a bit: possibly visiting as well as taking care of necessary errands. Chances are good that you will have to set aside something you really want to do in order to take care of something that you have to do. At the same time, you are getting something done and not having to worry about it anymore. You are likely to get help from others and be able to turn it into fun anyway. Keep your opinions to yourself today. I asked for Love, so God gave me troubled friends to help. You may never get what you want, but you were given everything you need to get it. Now, I see..-Herlmi Romeo
People with no life, disrupting the life of others. I really dont get you spammers. Why disrupt others' lives? Why tell the whole world of the flaws someone has? It really makes no sense. At the very least, I cant make any sense out of it. If you dislike the person, if you have to settle things with the person, atleast save your dignity and settle it face to face, not this way. Not by spamming, it really wont make anything better. Just think about it. And to those spamming me, dont bloody hell mess with Fatiin and Fir. One word on their tagboard and its enougt to tick me of right now. So freaking get lost. eeee, blackhole
Still deep in the blackhole.Someone please help. Oh wait. Awww, yet again, no one can. Blackhole. Great enough that it destroyed my holiday mood. Im going to need someone to accompany me to school on Wednesday. Another great idea. Seeing the school building would be the best thing for me. Not ever. Not for as long as I live. Blackhole. It has its advantages. Nobody wants to talk to a person so down. Wait. Maybe that's a disadvantage all the same. Regardless, I want to be on my own. On certain people wont irritate me if they were to talk to me. "If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn into a mighty stranger." Tragedy happens. ♥ the thought of O level
Was day dreaming just now, as usual I have nothing much to do compared to the other teenagers around my age. Eventhough im not grounded, I feel like im grounded. Holidays are boring, maybe I should just give Syamil a text saying I need the time with him and Diniy.Back on track. I was day dreaming, like I said. And it suddenly struck me, like, someone threw a brick at me or something. I had totally forgotten Im going to sit for my O levels next year. Next year. In just afew months time. I dont know whether it was good or bad, but Im simply scared out of my wits. You may say, " come on Dhaniie, the Os are still months away ". If that sentence was coming from those people in the express stream, I would really say that you have to wake up. Months away, yes its true. But how confident are you that you'll pass with flying colours, right? Im aiming 18 points, maybe less. I hope I can meet my target. Anyways, havent been talking to Fatin much this holiday. Seems we're drifting apart. But somehow I dont seem to care. I havent fully recovered, still sick. Whats more, Im becoming so much slower. So if I dont get what you tell me, dont get mad. If you do, then nevermind, I'll freaking get out of the way. Im in no mood to entertain much people, Im in no mood for anything much at all, and as you can see, my posts are getting much more dull by the day. I need a day at the beach, someone please accompany me. I feel like going with Shaikh, but even the thought of having him accompany me to the beach just makes me upset. Even when I so badly want to spend time with him. So seems Im becoming prety much empty inside. There's not a spark of light in my eyes. Only few know me enough, till to see that little spark of light in my eyes with what im going through right now is something so much to them. Im not promising anyone. Im not promising Syahidin, Fatin, Fred, Kadri, Sheila, Fiqah, Elle. Im not promising that I can ever come out of this blackhole. And be the cheerful girl that all of you once knew. And Im very sorry for that, do forgive me. 19th December - Elle Sarafina ♥ 22th December - Hafiz Spencer, RC6 25th December - Shakir 26th December - Khairul Marzuki, RC6 Friends' birthdays are just around the corner. And check out the dates. Close, right? Anyways Im thinking of getting Elle something, but what? And lets see, she fears meeting me up on her birthday, apparently Im the most dangerous person to meet up during your birthday, right Elle? *wink* New Moon :
New Moon was okay. Its a mix of comedy, and beautiful romance. Just the way I like it. But someone fell asleep during the movie, and practically snored from beginning till end. Truely irritating, I must say. Happy birthday Ho Ming ____________________________________________ Phlegmatic Temperament :Mild mannered and laid back, you take life at a slow pace. You are very consistent - both in emotions and actions. You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected. It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional. You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others. ...While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well. At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything. You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams. You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment.
Bolded are the points that I find are true about my character. Coloured and in italics are ones that Im unsure of. I miss this hyper girl lah, when was the last time we went out or hung out together? Im guessing the last time we did was on Fad's birthday. And gee, how long was that. Afew months I guess, about 10 months ago? Yeah, we do bump into each other constantly while on the way to school in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon when we're on our way home. Hug, chat alittle, and we'd be on our way. I just miss hanging out with you, having you be random and super hyper around me. Hahahaa. Eh, panjang jugak aku tulis pasal ini anak. elle sarafina ♥
This post goes out to my dearest girlfriend, Elle Sarafina ♥ :Thanks for hearing me out, darling. You really have been there when I need someone to lend their ear, just to listen to me pour it all out. From the very start, about Shakir and all. Eventhough it was just for awhile that we talked last night, it atleast got the pain lifted from my chest. Thank you Elle. And do remember, dont be too sad alright? Be patient, they would surely come by when the time comes. We really shouldnt rush right now, most of them are only going for those that can satisfy them at the moment. The matured ones would surely go for girls like you, darling. So just take your time, dont go to them. Let them come to you. I love you muchmuch, darls. Meet up soon, yeah :D Images are as clear as ever.
You know you cant escape those flashbacks.Even if you try your best. At times like these, I cant help but reminisce. To take myself back to the past. To experience all that we once were. To try and recall every bit of detail. And compare to what has become of us now. And I dont care how much it hurts me deep down inside. Because I know I would breakdown every now and then when the flashbacks come by. Nobody can bring back my old cheerful self from the person Ive turned into now. Because its trapped somewhere deep. And as for that Id congratulate anybody who manages to bring back the old me. What I want now is to have Abang Syamil maybe along with his bestfriend Diniy, to be around me. Maybe Id indulge in all those delicious treats : chocolates, icecream, frappes. To take my mind off all this. I guess watching Luke's extreme Wii boxing aint a crime either. So bye ♥ |