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I close my eyes and dream
DHANY.Loud , Irritating , Cheerful. Asian. Al Faried Yusri - ♥ Family and my girls are 1st priority |
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Im back! ♥ I dont really have much to update on, though. Hari Raya was awesome. Celebrated first day at Grandparent's house, went to stay there for afew days to help grandmom cook the dishes. Enjoyed every single minute of the time I spent with cousins there, my cousins are awesome! Raya-ed with Aunts, Uncles and cousins from mom's side on second day. I swear it was super kecoh, especially since we were meeting up after one long year of not seeing each other, right Abang Syamil? heheheeee. I kind of realised that we all seemed much more closer than the past few years, I dont know why, but its a good thing, so I wont think about the reason too much. cousins ♥ - 3 missing ]: family ♥ cousins posing! posing lah lagi. :D pakcik abang Izul ♥ Sarah♥ , Trisha♥, Liyana♥ ![]() abang Firdaus ♥ papa lang! :D ayang anjang, favourite uncle. ♥ ********************************************* Yesterday's open house was a blast, especially since friends were able to come by. Thanks Fred, Fiie, Elle Sarafina, Khaliesah, Shafiqah, Shahila, Fatin Liyana, Anisa and Atiqa for coming over. Without you guys the open house wouldnt have been as awesome as it was yesterday. SAYAANG you guys. ♥ Last few days of Ramadan. Im a little saddened, but Im still very excited for Hari Raya. School reopens tomorrow, and I havent finished my Mathematics homework. Ive still got plenty to complete, from both the ten year series and the worksheets. Yes, Im drowning in my Mathematics homework. Again. Im falling way behind the rest, I guess. Ive got to catch up, buck up for my double Mathematics. Gaaahhh, shouldnt have taken Additional Mathematics, for a start. Ive got plenty of reading to do for my Mother tongue, so as to improve in my language and hopefully achieve the A2 that I want by June next year, InsyaAllah. *** Imissdearest. Talked on the phone with him last two nights, still missing him though. ]: Nevermind, meet up soon! ♥ alright, Assalamu'alaikum. iloveyou peoples. Happy Birthday, cousin ♥
![]() Happy 16th Birthday Abang Syamil ! :D I wish you all the best in everything you do. Remember, giving up is never an option. Best of luck for your O levels, cousin! I hope you get to where you intend to go after finishing Secondary School alright? Dont worry, I'll be praying for you. I love you truckloads, cousin! ♥ *** ![]() Taken on the last day of term 3 with Miss Lau. Its supposed to be Miss Lau and the girls only, Nigel and Aqil are extras. haa. Anyways, its the last day Miss Lau would be teaching in Changkat, so we wouldnt be seeing her anymore. Lets wish Miss Lau the best in everytihng she does, all the best in her future endevours. LoveLove ♥ geylang fever?
Went to break fast at geylang yesterday. If I aint mistaken, we ate at Pattaya. I think so? hehe.After that, went to Joo Chiat complex to find baju kurung. Walked around and around, I was getting rather moody, when I bumped into Haziq. Tegor-ed him, kecohkecoh for awhile and then went of to find baju kurung. Spent 3 hours to find the perfect baju kurung for myself , adekadek and Dad. We havent gotten Mom's, but I really needed to go home badly, since I felt like vomiting 'cause I think I breathed in too much smoke form the ciggs. Ewww Ewww. Anyways, I told abang "angel" that I bought turqoise. And he told me he wanted to get turqoise, and then I sebok, went to get the colour first. I think abang might be having second thoughts on getting turqoise, though he told me he could be getting turqoise too. Yay for abang "angel". hehe. Oh, abang wants me to treat him. Such an angel, isnt he? HEHE, nevermind, I'll see when I can treat you alright, Brother angel? pooootpooooot[s] lah you. hehe. Im falling sick. Im having the flu right now, and my nose really hurts. Abang angel asked me whether im having swine flu[?]. Well, no im not, im having normal Human flu, haha. And Im really shocked right now. Elle said my voice aint like a voice of a fifteen year-old girl. Hahaha, weird right, Dhaniie? Yes, Dhaniie knows that. Okaykay, Assalamu'alaikum, iloveyoupeople. yesterday was FredaNurDeanna, my dear twinnie's birthday!
Alright, Fatin Liyana girlfriend, has dedicated something to dearest, and she expects me to copy paste whatever she wrote in my blog, so here it goes ;
HAPPY15th BIRTHDAY FREDA GORGEOUS! This girl eh, so long never meet up with her already. Miss loadsloads. dzul, congratulations and i'll like you to say this clearly to you. i'm not qoinq to scold you or anythinq but this is just to feed you with information. dhaniie has been single since lonq and i don't want her to qet hurt like what shakir and whoever has done to her. last lonq with her, and love her for who she is. as a faithful girlfee and a husband of her (*winks) , dont make her mad, just a little thinq can make her pamperedly upset. i beg you like heavens, dont hurt her. if i do find out one little tiny scratch of tears or complains about you hurtinq her, u kena from me liiao. i rembat you ! HA ! tak lahh, kiddinq jek. please take care of her, i depend on u as a part of my friendship with her on takinq care of her. she's the little qirl we all love, please love her all the way till your haert rots (spelling betol?) . break a leq, my friend All this is from Fatin alright? Dont believe me, please ask her. I really think Fatin is super dee duper sweet for writing this. Thats only in my opinion, I dont know what he'll say, though. Anyways, dearest is going to Malaysia, one week. How upsetting, but nevermind. I just hope he has fun, and that he wont think of me too much yea? I'll try to have fun too; Abang Syamil's birthday is in 2 days time! And I think Hadi's is in about 12 days time, while Fatin's is in 9 days timme! Oh, the excitement is building up again, HAHA. Well, for the faithful readers, you'll know why right? heheeee. alright, Im done with my post, I know its short, Im not really in the mood to blog. PS: takecare of yourself, b. assalamu'alaikum, iloveyoupeoples. Hello peoplepeople, I know Im back so soon right? HAHA. Im supposed to be doing my humanities[History elective] homework right now, actually. But I really cant find the mood to do it. I know I know, Im such a lazybumm. But its the last week before September holidays, and I just cant find the mood to study. Anyways, Ive received all my results except for malay. So far, I managed to pass my English, Combined Sciences [physics/chemistry] and History elective. And sadly, I flunked my Additional mathematics, Elementary mathematics and Social Studies. I did pretty badly, dont you think? Its upsetting, really. But nevermind, Im still hoping I pass my Malay paper. Wish me luck, peeps. Had quite a bad day at school, mostly due to stomach cramps and D&T. Im irritated, pootpooooot[s]. hahaha, kaylah, I wanna go sleep. Assalamu'alaikum , iloveyoupeoples. Alright, I got this from Hanis's blog. You all should watch this, its really awesome. Anyways, Abang Syamil's birthday is in like, 6 days time. And Hadi's is in like, 10+ days time. Fuyoooooh, I shall remind myself to give him a patrick, so he wont bug me. HAHA. And oh, Abang Syamil, I want to break fast with you, pretty please? |