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I close my eyes and dream
DHANY.Loud , Irritating , Cheerful. Asian. Al Faried Yusri - ♥ Family and my girls are 1st priority |
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theres a hero if you look inside your heart
Celebrated teacher's day today. Had 4 hours of normal lessons. PoootPooooot[s].I became super hyper right after Mother Tongue. I dont really know the reason why I went all hyper. Laughed my ass off at something, then bumped into Aqil and Hafizh on the way back to class. Went back to class with them while still laughing like some crazy person. When we reached class, Mrs Te stared at all four of us, especially me and Hafizh, since I hadnt stopped laughing, and poor Hafizh happened to be sitting right infront of me. Hahah. Oh, and Hafizh was punished, 30 push-ups 30 squats, for not submitting his Summary assignment. He came back to his seat red-faced. Poor poor guy, haha. Had an awesome time during Physical Education, though I had to do pull-ups, sit-ups and sit-and-reach. Oh gosh, sit-and-reach was torture, but Im happy I got a better score compared to Aqil's with just my first try, heheee. Played "seek" with Anisa and Fatin. Awesome game Fatin's cousin came up with. In the end, Fatin was the one who got slapped the most times. HAHA, man, I so love this game. *grins* Skip! During Design and Technology, we were supposed to draw what teacher drew on the board. BUT, Fatin and I were doodling on each others' papers instead. She wrote " Siti Nur Dhaniyah Bte Muhd ____ is SiowTingTong", hahahaaaa, this kind of friend, they'll always be there to cheer you up with their nonsense. And I think we were the noisiest and loudest in Design and Technology class. HAHA. Teahcer's Day concert! It was awesome, I loved the Malay Dance and 'The Band' [teacher's band]. I cannot believe Mr Hisham and Mr Derek Ho know how to play the guitar. I still remember Fatin and I screamed when the curtains opened and we saw Mr Hisham Mr Derek Ms Dil Ms ET and Mr Poh. HAHA, guess we couldnt believe what we saw. Teachers rock too, okay! LOL After the concert, went to meet Maam and Karmilya to do my footdrill mutual assesment. Took Karmilya quite long before she found the thing she was searching in her laptop before I could start my mutual. So in all, I took quite some time to complete my mutual, thanks to Karmilya, eh? heheee. Went to meet Dzul, gave him a tap on his shoulder. It gave him a shock. Sorry dearest. heheheeeee. Apologized to him for being late, I was more than an hour late right? So sorry. Slacked at my void deck for awhile, super boring, until Dzul saw a cat and shouted [he was looking around for cats], which gave me quite a shock. But poor Dzul, the cat did not entertain him, heheeee. Went home after that, thanks for sending me sweets. } ♥ ANDANDAND ; HAPPY TEACHERS DAY [in advance] to all teachers, ESPECIALLY ; Mr Kenny Low, Mrs Beatrice Te, Mr Eugene Chan, Mrs Serene Goh, Ms Valerie Chan, Mr Barry Lim, Mrs Pinto, Cikgu Norhani, Mr Sng, Ms Jenny Lau. kay lah, Assalami'alaikum , Iloveyoupeople Break fast at Sakura yesterday. Many choices, adek rambang mate already. But she didnt finish everything she took. HAHA. Rambang mate betol. Anyways, I was mesmerised by the sunset. Beautiful, I swear. I watched the sunset instead of eating. HAHA. And oh, there was this guy sitting behind me. He happened to know me, but I have absolutely no idea who he is. Poor dude, haha. Kay, Im really lazy to elaborate on anything else. here are the photos. takecare! assalamu'alaikum, iloveyou people. Common test started yesterday, and to say I screwed my first two papers, im dissappointed in myself. I didnt manage to finish both my English and Social Studies papers. Today, on the other hand, I managed to complete my surat kiriman for my Malay paper. Though I didnt have enough time to finish my Chemistry paper, and many of the questions were tough eventhough I studied. Got Fed-up with myself just now. Thanks Dzul for telling me its okay. [: Today was jumbled up. Some awesome moments, some aweful moments. Some people just really dont know when to stop fooling around, its irritating. Once, twice maybe. But isnt that enough? Maybe you dont find yourself irritating, but truth be told, many find you very irritating. Sorry. On the bright side, Aqil and I made a fool of ourselves after Chemistry test. It was downright hilarious, too bad I cant upload any photos currently, since blogger is being such a loser right now. Anyways, Aqil and I were siting in this yoga-like position, and then in that position, tried walking on our knees. I thought only I loved doing that, but it turns out he likes doing it too. Hahaa, 3e2 peeps are really super awesome. :D Oh and Fatin, Primary Fools eh, Primary Fools. Baek uh, punye jauh! Hahaha, you know, I know. The public dont know :D Oh, and yeah. I want to break fast with friends, pretty please? ; Shafiqah! Sheila! Valerie! Ain! Elle! Dzul! Fatin! Anisa! Maybe with Cousin Syamil, Firdaus, Afiq and Izzul too, alright? ^^V Okay, till here, selamat berbuka nanti, to muslim peeps! Wish me luck for my other exams, thanks. Assalamu'alaikum, iloveyou people. ♥ [editted] Im bored, so bored, very bored. Madrasah yesterday was suprisingly awesome. Told Ain and Shaleen darlings about what happened to my friendship with Shakir. And Shakir, you were right. You would lose me, no matter what choice you decided to take. But you were wrong to say that bestfriends would last forever. Ive got the proof that youre wrong. Because our bestfriend-relationship did not last forever did it Shakir? It really doesnt bother me now. Not at all. The only thing that still bothers me is that you were too blinded by the trust you have for you friend to see that HE was the one lying, not me. But its okay, I forgive you, because I still see you as my bestfriend. But I find it hard to forgive your friend, and if you ever read this, tell him I said he's a sucker. thankyou eh. ♥Went to break fast at Grandparent's place yesterday. Waaaahh, mom bought kebab and chicken. YummYummYummyy! Cousins ate quite alot, suprisingly. And Abang-abang and Kakak have grown so tall. Well, atleast Im still taller than Kakak Surah, hehee. Acit! Besok puasa, jangan tak puasa eh bro? hehehe. okay, till here. : Assalamu'alaikum, iloveyoupeople. Happy Belated Birthday to Shaikh! Hahaaa, kene bash rabakrabak dari Nadhir eh? kesian uh brother. :D Next year aku bash kau lebihlebih okay? kay set, best! hahas. Its Ramadhan, once again. Im excited as ever this year, and I still havent figured out why. Oh!, and Im really hoping to fast a full month, without any restrictions , **erhemm erhemmm winkwink** . Past few days have been great, especially during Humanitties lessons. We did groupwork, and it so happens that Hafizh and Aqil were in the same group as Fatin, Anisa and I. With them in the group, theres no way I'd stopped laughing. Well, I stopped laughing for a minute or two, and then Hafizh would do something hilariously stupid, and the whole group would burst out laughing our asses of again. Im still giggling to myself every now and then, when I remember what happened in class. Hahahaa, awesome lah these people. *** Met Dzul yesterday, slacked at townpark. My hyperness due to drinking lemon tea hadnt went away, so I was being quite jumpy. Pretty random too, I suppose. I spotted this cloud, it was so beautiful, pinkish orange. It really took my breath away. Ive never seen anything as beautiful as that cloud. Wow. Whooooooosh, Dzul! Gerek uh you. :D okay then, till here. Will update soon okay? Assalamu'alaikum , Iloveyoupeople you went, goodbye ;
Holla to you people! :DToday was really such a confusing day. Many aweful things happened, but hey, I kept calm. For I know all of this, is just a test from Allah. Though they were really awesome things that happened too. Met Dzul, Dannee, Shaikh, his girlfriend[if im not wrong], and his friend[I forgot the name]. Waited at afghan for I dont know how long really, end up we sat with Aqil for awhile. After he went of, Dzul came, talked, and then Dannee called saying he reached already, but he was scared to come sit with us [whaaaaat?~] , so I had to go and fetch him and persuade him to sit with me, Dzul and Fatin. After that, went to meet Shaikh. Dannee got upset about something,[im not writing]. Walked for quite awhile till sampai tempat Shaikh nak lepak. And then, Dzul, Fatin and me planned on what to do to Shaikh. And I guess we were mean. Till we asked his girlfriend to throw flour onto him too. Haha, awesome, really. Dzul sent me home. thanks yea? ;DD thankyou ♥
School was alright, Miss Chan wasnt in school again. Free period for 3e2, again. Watched, 'Coach Carter'. That movie has meaning, I recomend you all watch it, alright.Oh, I just remembered something. I burned my middle finger during D&T. I accidentally touched the front part of the hot glue gun while I was being hyper. Yes, I screamed in pain, and I realised my flesh was somewhat cooked, ewwww[?]. But nevermind, I know the pain will go away soon. After school, went to meet Shakir♥. But he came late, so Fatin and I went to lepak with Fad, Ade and Ann[i think?], since they happened to be walking nearby. Talked and all, and Fatin suddenly got upset with Faris. Tried to cheer her up, but to no avail. Shakir came by soon after[my hair was so messy! for goodness sakes], I talked to him for awhile, and then told him to help cheer Fatin up while I went to talk to Fad and Ade for a moment. Went back to sit with Shakir and his friends, when Fatin suddenly took out her diary and told Shakir to read the 'poem' she dedicated to me and him. hahaaa, what the hell, I almost got a heart attack, but nevertheless, I let him read it. ALONE. hehe. Then went of to Whitesands, but Fatin had to go home, so I sent her home first. Then went to the end of the interchange, kind of lepak-ed with Shakir and friends, watched them skate. hahaa, I kept yelping everytime I saw one of them lose balance. Weird right, Im the one who's scared when they're the ones losing balance. hehe. ♥ Im sorry Shakir. I didnt know you dont get along well with those kind of guys, I didnt mean to do any harm, really. And those guys are just old friends. Friends of my ex, to be exact. Ive no special connection with them, youre the only one. Believe me. okay, till here. Assalamu'alaikum, Iloveyoupeople. ♥ you are always in my heart
School was quite okay today. I can say I really paid attention in class today. Im so proud of myself. I should get myself something, that is, if I manage to pass all my subjects. Turn on study mode again, jengjeng.And guess what? I totally forgot I had my mathematics test today. For goodness sakes, I didnt study at all. I really hope I manage to scrape through, to atleast get a borderline pass. Damn, I really have to keep track of all my class test. Yes, I just remembered Ive got physics retest tomorrow, not that I failed or anything, I was absent on the day of the test. Baek right Dhaniie? Sakit biler ade test. Yessaaa, Im having D&T tomorrow. Back to the workshop, back to finishing my 'masterpiece' which many people call, 'toiletbowl'. How heartbreaking, but nevertheless I wont give up. I will prove them wrong, after Im finished with my project. yeahhyeahh. :D I just remembered something else. Miss Chan wasnt in school today. So we had an hour of free period, and everyone went chaotic when the relief teacher stepped into class. Yes, 3e2 is hyper, we cant help it. Relief teacher let us watch The Wedding Game, and it was downright hilarious. Michelle, ZhenYu, Hafizh and I couldnt stop laughing, while Fatin was like some blur-sotong beside me. She didnt really watch, she was concentrating on writing something in her diary. Fizh, sumbat tu Vicks dalam lobang hidung lagi uh. haha, tak senonoh. Anyway, went to Fatin's crib after school. For the fun of it, actually. But Faris and friends had to ruin my short peaceful rest there, by knocking and banging on the door, and talking so loudly as if wanting the whole block to hear what they were talking about. What they did, it really got on my nerves, but I remained calm, since Faris already dislikes me. Bertenang Dhaniie, bertenang. Buat bodoh sudah. Okay, till here alright? Till next time, Assalamu'alaikum. Iloveyoupeople. ♥ I'll try to smile, eventhough it hurts so much. Happy Belated 44th Birthday Singapore! ;D
*** My heart is slowly falling apart again. It hurts, alot. And like Ive said, I dont think my heart could ever take another heartbreak. But it just did. And well, I dont think you realise. Its okay, really. I'll still wait, I'll still be here. Struggling to get back up everytime Ive been pushed aside. And I realise, that when you need people to be there for you the most at any point of time, they simply wont. It just tells us that we have to fight, to stand, to be strong all on our own. But to those who've helped me see, and realise that its just another test from Allah, I thank you all. Thankyou ; Anisa, Amir, Hadi. You've all been nothing but the best. okay, I think Ive said enough, right? Assalamualaikum, Iloveyoupeople ♥
national day celebrations
Celebrated Singapore's 44th birthday, in much simpler terms, National Day, at school today. Truth be told, I really didnt expect today to be much fun. And I was proved wrong. School was really awesome. First hour, watched some video, and played Dont Forget The Lyrics : National Day Theme. The whole class sang along, and everybody looked as though they were having a great time, and I know they did. Am I right? haha. Second hour, went to the hall for National Day concert. It was okay, though I really enjoyed the sing-along the most. My class seemed to be the most enthusisatic class sitting in the hall[sec1-3] while all the classes in the gallery[sec4-5] were as enthusiastic as ever. They did an awesome 'kalang' wave, which really got the whole school warmed up for the concert. Though I got irritated when the students in the gallery did afew more rounds of the 'kalang' wave just before we were being released, and because of that, we were released slightly later.After school, went of to Whitesands and got changed. "Met" Shakir♥! Friends Sheila, Farah, Aqee and Fatin realised that *Singapore was flooded!*[inside joke]. Shakir went of to have branch at KFC, Farah went home, while me and the rest went of to E!hub to slack. I saw Suhail, but I didnt tegor him 'cause I think he doesnt remember me since the last time I talked to him was in 2006[?]. Fatin had to go home after awhile, so we sent her to the bustop. Went back to E!hub, since me, Sheila and Aqee wanted to catch a movie, but when we reached the cinema, there wasnt much choices of movies. Saw Haziq, Salimi and their friend whose name is Yaseen, if Im not mistaken. Went to get some food at MacD ; seaweed shaker fries, and went up to the 5th lvl of E!hub to slack again. Sheila saw her adek angkat, oooh. They went to chat while me and Aqee went to find a place to sit After afew minutes of chitchatting and munching on our food, some person told us to clear the area and sit somewhere else, for I dont know what reason, so we went to buy drinks since I was thirsty. Bought the cocktail[apple + peach!], fave! . Went to bowling alley only to see afew more friends, and one of them was Hanif. I tried my luck at tegor-ing him, thinking he wont recognise me. Turns out he did. Hahaa, baek Nif. Ex aku tak ingat name aku, kau tetap ingat name aku lepas brape tahun eh? 3 tahun kan? hahaa, sayang kau! ;D Walked back to Whitesands, and saw Fadzril![atok kesayangan patrick♥ (x ]. Coincidentally, both of us were wearing yellow, macam dah janji gitu eh tok?. Tegor-ed him, and he tegor-ed back and said something[which I cant remember], that made me whack him in the hip-bone. Sorry brother, dengan pantas eh kene pukol? Maaf dong. Walked here and there at Whitesands, and went to sit at MacD since I got tired. Saw Luqman, Zul, Dzul, Apai and their friend. Tegor-ed all except their friend, skali tegor nanti fikir aku giler pulak kan?. When I saw Luqman, he reminded me of Shakir and Abang Syamil, waseii! I dont know why, dont ask me, thankyou very much. Haaa, speaking of Luqman, rindu jugak si dengan itu anak, lame tak lepak2 eh. Hahaha. AND SHEILA! HAD THE BEST TIME EVER! I STILL MISS YOU. PS: SHAFIQAH, I MISS YOU TOO, BAYBAYY! ]: Alright, school was fine today, though my stomach cramps are getting much worst. Anisa and Hafizh came back yesterday. Finally lessons seem more lively and fun, since Hafizh is around to tease me, joke around, and make my day. Today during english he made me laugh like some loon, and to be honest, my tummy hurt alot, since he made me laugh and I was having those cramps. When he found out I was having cramps, he wanted to tease me, but accidentally said the wrong word, which made me, Hafizh, Michelle and ZhenYu laugh non-stop, till Mrs Te got angry as we were making such a racket. Still, we tried our best not to laugh eh? Hafizh's face was funny. hahahaaa. ♥ Had a first glimpse at the class photo, both formal and informal. I didnt look that bad in the formal photo, so I was quite happy with it. Hafizh looked like some 'mat sachok', especially since he was wearing my spectacles, which I bugged him to wear during our class photo taking. And I was right about 'nyet looking good in those spectacles of mine, and to say he didnt believe me when I told him at first. The informal photo on the other hand, didnt turn out as great as I expected it to be. But nevertheless, it was a nice shot, except that Andrew's face was hidden. How sad, but I doubt he even felt upset that his face was hidden, anyway. haha. ♥ Messaged Shakir in the morning, since he told me to. But he acted as though he didnt have the time to even text back. Slightly upset, but nevermind, thanks to Anisa, Fatin and Amir, I feel better now. Anyway, finally meeting him tomorrow, after the times that we had the opportunity to meet but it slipped away. Well, I really am not going to let this opportunity slip, darling. Not at all. And yes, I promise I'll sing for you, alright? Though I've no promises that my voice will sound good. haha. ♥ Social Studies lesson was awesome, by the way. Miss Chan had alot of comments, as pernormal, and yes, they were funny. She shared with us about PAP. And told us about the guy she found super cute. Yes, she told us that. Miss Chan really knows how to make the class fun, in an interesting way. haha. :D And when class almost ended, people started counting down the seconds till the bell rang, and KarKin, as usual, did something hilarious. Miss Chan : has the bell rang? Class : yes!!.. no! Fatin : few more seconds Aqil : 30 more seconds [count down count down] KarKin : tingtongtingtong... [muke blur] ehh, havent uh? who die uh? [merepek!] Class : HAHAHAHAHA [bell rings] I saw Haziq yesterday. Yes, primary school classmate. I was shocked at how much he's grown. Really, I think he should be at least 185cm. haha. And another unexpected thing was that he smiled back when I smiled at him. Usually, he doesnt even care to tegor me if I were to tegor him. Well, at least he smiled back. Okay, till next time. Assalamu'alaikum, Iloveyoupeople. ♥ ♥♥♥ Monday Bluessssss~
Monday Blues~ !Its Monday, once again. And yes, I think this could really be the worst Monday Ive had so far this year. I went to school ; sleepy, moody and lazy. Adding to that, I had physical education. Ran my 2.4. And I failed by three minutes. NO improvement in my timing. At all. I really have to get this off my chest ; running the 2.4 the period just before recess really aint a good idea. Nevermind that, I wonder what Shakir would say when I tell him I failed my 2.4. Again. ~ Hafizh-nyet didnt turn up for school today. Classes werent fun without him around to make the class lively with his noisy chattering. English was dull without him sitting infront of me and making evrything seem funny. Monyet, cepat recover cepat come back to school! [: After school, had the english class test I missed during my absence from school. I didnt know the format, what a drag! Oh, I hope I pass. ~ Chatted with Abang Syamil Izuan♥. I have to say, this was the best part of today. Told abang about bestfriend♥, and yes, I told abang how much similar he was to bestfriend. And abang didnt believe me at first, but after what I told him, he somewhat realise he and bestfriend were about the same. [: Planned with Abang Syamil, to go out during the end-year school holidays. Yes, planned again. Our plan to go out during the June holidays were, not reached. HAHA. So well, I hope to see abang dearest soon, in afew months time! ABANG , I MISS YOU ALOTALOTALOTTT. ]': PS : Thankyou for the great advice and awesome laughs today, abang ♥ when the opportunity slips by~
I wanted so bad, to meet Shakir today, watch him play soccer at Loyang Primary. But, I couldnt since I had to attend madrasah, and yes, Shakir's soccer match and madrasah ; clashed. Im very sorry dearest, we'll meet soon, I promise.Caught a cold today while I was at madrasah. Started sneezing non-stop when I entered the room. And truth be told, it wasnt a nice feeling. At all. My nose hurt, my throat hurt, my eyes watered, and having Syazwan sit a table away from me was torturous, since he made so much noise and I thought that I could have a serious migraine if he wouldnt keep quiet. But, since he was quite a good friend to me, I didnt say anything. Studied arab, and for once I understand at least 70% of what ustaszah had taught us. Watched a movie [ tiga Abdul ] afterwards, for the topic of Akhlak, but we didnt have time, so we stopped halfway. Went straight to the toilet after class, since I really needed to clear my nose. Seriously, it was killing me, I hate having the flu. Moving on ; saw Amirrul coming down the stairs and got shocked, haha. I think poor Amirrul got a shock too, cause he missed a step on the stairs and almost tripped, but lucky for him, he had time to reach out and grab the railing. For that, he gave me a second shock, hahaa. Walked home, since mom couldnt fetch me and lil sister. Passed Loyang Primary and I thought I saw Shakir. Texted him, and he only replied me now. Hahaa, quite a long wait, if I must say so. I guess I did see him, but nevermind, its over. Cant do nothing about it, can I? PS: Freda, cheer up okay hunney? Anything, im only 8 numbers away. smilesmile [: |