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I close my eyes and dream
DHANY.Loud , Irritating , Cheerful. Asian. Al Faried Yusri - ♥ Family and my girls are 1st priority |
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Okay, had an awesome day yesterday, with Sheila [in blue] and Fiqah [in brown ] darlings ;D Met up with Fiqah and Sheila at 1230 at Whitesands. Awww, Fiqah looked so adorably cute and pretty! and so was Sheila! Missed them both so much. At first we had a hard time deciding on where to go, but at last, we trained to City Hall. Walked walked walked, all the way to Esplanade. And then it was raining, so very sad, but managed to snap afew pictures. ;D And then since the rain was getting heavier, we walked over to Marina Square, and sat at MacD, while daoing a little catching up with darlings. And believe me, We really missed out on a load of things. Rain got heavier, so we walked around some more, and just happened to go to Kiddy Palace, and start to play with the fluffy soft toys. ;D Trained back to Pasir Ris, and went to Ehub. Took some pictures and talked talked talked. Decided to go to Pasir Ris park when we thought the rain had stopped. But we were wrong, werent we girls? hahas. But we still carried on with our plans. Had tonnes of fun. And I think I saw Dzul on the way home. hahas. ;D HI!HI!HI!HI! Okay, im rednose-ed. My nose hurts from all the blowing. Ive been blowing my nose for the past 3 hours. I dont think I'll have much energy, since Ive wasted it all on blowing my nose. I really hate having flu I really hate having flu I really hate having flu. And Syafiqin, Im pretty sure I dont have swine flu la. aiyo. And okay, how do you differentiate swine flu from normal flu la? Isnt it more or less the same? Aiyo. Supposed to go out with Sheila and Fiqah today. Sheila cant make it so the outing is freaking canceled. Been so long since I saw them, this is so superduper sad. Aiyo. Okay, I havent started on my holiday assignments, and yes, I feel that I should really start on them nowNOW. But Im tired, bloody energy gone down the drain, haaa. aiyo. I just blew my nose again. More energy wasted. haha. aiyo. Adek using laptop, turned the volume up so high, its noisy! Hello, I want to watch mythbusters la, and he turns up the laptop volume so high. And one more adek hitting the floor with her paper sticks. Irritated irritated irritated! Dhaniie, chillchill.. kay, sudah chill. I thought of going to the beach. Alone. Go walk by the shore, enjoy the moment and forget everything else thats bugging me. now thats really the only thing that can get me to feel ever so relaxed right now. Watching tv wont do any good, since the cartoons nowadays are so bloody irritating. -_- - - - - I dont know who you are, and how the bloody hell you know me, but please shut your freaking fanny and stop being irritating. 'Cause no matter how many times you nudge or whatsoever, I am NEVER going to entertain you, asshole. Okay, back so soon, I know. Didnt stay there long anyways. Boring like hell. Rested at grandparent's house after walking around and getting those few CDs. Movie marathon-ed. Watched Monsters VS Aliens , Hannah Montanah the Movie and Jangan Tegur. After that ate durians, mmm. Drank grape juice and listened to music while exploring the things in moms phone. So, overall, you can see I did nothing much. It was boring. - On the other hand, I was shocked to see how tall my cousins have grown. I think im the shortest teenager in the house yesterday. Like come on, abang Hafiz has to be at least 1.8m , his head almost touches the top of the door frame. Wow. And, cousins were being so kpo, I dont know why. I found them so noisy, and because of that I wasnt in the mood most of the time. There wasnt much to do there anyways, and both my MP4 and mobile was running out of battery. Nice, eh? Kay la, Im gonna find something to munch on, so bye. Lifes a climb. But the view is great.
What is it that he gains? When he causes so much pain.. I feel slightly better right now, compared to the past few days. All thanks to my babies ; Nur Shafiqah and Syamil Izuan. Well, at least I dont feel so down right now, thanks to you guys.I love you guys so muchmuchmuchmuchmuch; more than words can ever describe. :D Okay, more good news. Im going to Malaysia tomorrow to visit my Grandparents. And ive got a feeling that theres shopping garaunteed. I think I'll shop till I drop, eventhough I dont really like shopping. But since ive already got afew things to get my hands on in my mind, I'll just try to enjoy shopping for the day. Anyways, I'll get to rest at my Grandparent's house afterwards. :D Haha, Domo is so cute! :D Okay, the holidays are freaking boring, I want to go out! Anyone free? text me text me! :D Im here, Hello Awesome World! :D Happy 15th Birthday DanneeeSatSat - Im still feeling super guilty, I cried myself to sleep last night. The pain is really killing me, I hope you can see this, one way or another, because I can take no more. Afiq, please, cheer up, tell me what I did wrong, I know its my fault. But how can I cheer you up if I have no idea why you're so unhappy now? I want you to be happy. For yourself, and for my heart's sake. I can take no more pain, Afiq. Its too much. Had NCC today. Maam helped us refresh our memory on Air Syllabus, and told us alittle of what we are to expect in the upcoming Specialist Course , both for the one during this month and the one during September. Had a practice on the mutual for Individual Feild Craft. Atikah and I did ours together, since all of us were already complaining about our empty stomachs, same goes for Maam Peck Yeng. hahas. And today was super hilarious, Rafidah kept going on and on and on about the horrible music. Hah, even maam laugh. yeah yeah yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh , hahas, *winkwink* Im a short monster, as stated by Hadi my dear galah friend. He said he MIGHT be going to Australia, and its all my fault for spreading the swine flu to Australia. Hahaaaa, freaking irritating, that guy.Nevertheless, I hope you'll get to go to Australia anyway aye, dude. :D See, DhaniieMidget is sooo kind! haha! I love you Abang Syamil! Eventhough you couldnt help much, you still listened. Thats all I needed, a listening ear, a loving cousin to be by my side when Im hurt and down. The best person I could ever joke around with. I wish you the best, I really hope you ace you Os this year aye cousin sayang? :D And Shafiqah sayang, thanks for being there for me. Youre really a friend that can never be replaced, and I wouldnt ever let anyone replace you. Youve been there for me since primary school up till now. 7 years of friendship still counting. ily babe :D lips like shugaa
finally after so long ; ive missed you Happy Birthday you people! ; Yes Yes Yes, more boring days. But today wont be a boring day for Syahidin buddy. Happy Birthday Syahidin! And not forgetting Hanissah . Happy Birthday Haney! I love you two people sooo much. :D Okay, Im bored, Im chewing on gum, and Im blogging. :D That was pretty much random, actually. I dont know why Im blogging. Itchy hands, and I just feel like doing so I guess? Farhannn buddy finally came online after so long. Ive missed him. Kay now, wait till ASTROBOY comes online and I'll be happy and be jumping up and down like a mad monkey who just saw some humungous banana. HAHA :D Hmmm, Cheww cheww chewww.. hmmm, okay. Im still bored. Currently watching iCarly. I swear its hilarious. Sam just tried to put Gibby's foot into his mouth, the whole thing! Poor poor Gibby. hahas. Whoooo, PLain White Ts! cutecutecute :D Okay bye! :D Holidays are soooooooo boring, I think im dying of boredom already. And dang, theres still spec course to attend. And im feeling unuasually tired these few days. Maybe I have something on everyday. hmmm. Kay, lets see, theres night at the museum tomorrow on channel five, im watching it im watching it! At least it would keep me entertained for awhile. okay, Ive got nothing better to do la, so thats why I blogged. Now im tired of blogging, so goodbye sweets and chocolates and frappes and humans and aliens and lollipops and icecreams and smoothies and.... well, you get the point. Now, goodbye dearest blogreaders, goodbye to the people, and the plants al around, and this page, and well, kay im bored and tired, so really, goodbye :D hhaaa, aku takde kerje -_- with every step you'll climb another mountain every breathe is harder to believe you make it throught the pain went under hurricanes to get to that on place
Im in a state of confusion. Head's spinning. Okay, so far, holidays have been very tiring. Been waking up early for goldwing and oral. And woke up quite early yesterday due to Akmal's birthday celebrations. So the only proper rest I had was yesterday. Which really isnt sattisfying. - And okay, I know some people may have realised Ive been kinda moody these few days. I guess its just the lack of rest. So if I tell you Im in no mood to talk to you, you better keep your bloody fanny shut. millions of thankyous. Alrightey~ , Im seriously missing alot of people. Sheila, Fiqah! 18th okay girs? Hmmm, Shaikh and Fadh pulak, I dont know. You guys tell me when you're free okay? Miss you two people a heck lot. not forgetting Freda darling, do meet up soon alright.Text me if youre free. :D And theres; Shafiqin. And all thanks to Starshorty , he wants to meet me. Ni satu Starshorty eh, matchmake orang ajer kerjenye. Out of the many people, dearest Shafiqin choses me, like whoa? hahas! -_- Kay so, maybe meeting him also thanks to Starshorty, but then, she herself cant make it. And so, I do not want to meet up with him alone, so maybe not meeting him? :D Okay, Im also maybe meeting up with Shakir? But Im sad, maybe theres no time to meet up, so most probably meeting dearest buddy during December holidays, then. buddy! text text! rinduuuuu. ~ OHHHYEAAAH ; going out with Starshorty today. :D Going for the ceramah at Kembangan there. Lets see if there's anymore matreps getting lost eh? hahahas. Ain! *wink winkss* And after that, meeting up with papabear :D miss him alot. hahas. oh, and I really have to stay far away from him, or else my cheeks would get pinched. boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooossss ): hahas! And and I cant forget this ; Kahmunrah : do NOT cross this line. do NOT talk, do NOT touch the tablet! *with the action2, so funny!* Larry : oh, like this? *touches tablet* Kahmunrah : NOOOOOOOOOO!, you did all three! *acts like some retard* hahahas, what the heck. go watch night at the museum 2 la , go go goooo! funny like shit sia! (: kaykay, people, im not cutting my hair okay! yeahh yeahh :D HAPPY 6th BIRTHDAY TO AKMAL. [!] eeeeeeee, sucha brat today. noisy noisy lil brother, you are. Went to have lunch and catch a movie with family and cousins today. Coincidently, me and cousins were wearing the same colour. Well, we ARE family right? hahas. aaaaaanyways, had lunch at Ramen Ten. Cousins were making so much noise. Had a headache. hahas. Watched Night At The Museum. The movie was hilarious. :D I like. :D Feedodido seems a little down today, I wonder why. Do cheer up buddy dearest! :D And, okay. Had english oral yesterday. It was okay, except for the fact that my reading sucked big-time! I have to admit it, I suck at oral. and Ive always hated oral. . hah. Took pictures before oral. And made a hell lot of noise. Anisa, Me , Mariam and Hafizh were laughing for no reason. Wait, Ive got a reason for laughing. Hafizh looked funny. hahas. Played with Hafizh's phone. got bored. Punched his knee. hahas. He almost kicked me , wow! hahas. then he gave me his sweet. I think it was to stop me from hitting him. hahas, well it worked anyway. :D And then, had NCC stuffs. Cleaned the air room. now it looks so much, errrr, bigger. Me and Faiqah re-did the noticeboard. done it halfway. Will be finishing it when school reopens. :D |