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I close my eyes and dream
DHANY.Loud , Irritating , Cheerful. Asian. Al Faried Yusri - ♥ Family and my girls are 1st priority |
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May 28 , 2009 ; Changkat Changi NCC[air] girls [!] CHANGE - OF - COMMAND PARADE [!] The day many partCs have been waiting for, or for some, wanting this day to come much more slower. And now, the day has come, the day when our dearest parD s officially step down, the day us, the PART Cs officially take over. The parade went smoothly. Everyone's drills were almost flawless. Fortunately my throat didnt give any problems. And there were no cock-ups during the slow march. Me and Faiqah did well, as said by senior Amirrul. Yasmin and Jasmine came for the ceremony. I was glad to see them. Its been so long. Its really nice to see them again. Had a moodswing after the ceremony. I dont know what caused it, but I know I was unhappy with everyone except for Faiqah. And when I say everyone, I really mean everyone. Okay, and and and, not forgetting monyet's birthday yesterday eh! ; soooooooooo, HAPPY BELATED 15th BIRTHDAY HAFIZH-nyet BUDDY[!] Midget kasi Monyet present biler school reopen aye? :D looooooooooooooook OUT beeeeeeeloooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww!! ; its me and abang fir! hehee this was taken after the ceremony. [makan time!] , and abang decided to snap pictures. :D and this is what happens when Fir and Dhaniie takes pictures. :D *abang held out the chicken infront of my mouth, ape lagi, posing mcm nak bedal tu ayam uh. (x **I know my face looks funny, so shuttup. hahs. May 29, 2009 ; Last day of school, hurray! Well, not really. Holidays are supposed to be for studying. Atleast to improve la kan? got my report book! 0_0 10th in class , 63rd in level. I am NOT happy. NOT! gaaaaahh. must inprove, must improve! ~~~~ Im sick, again. goodbye. - DO NOT READ THE WHOLE BULLETIN!!! JUST QUICKLY COPY AND PASTE. DON'T SPOIL IT! Name 10 of your friends Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 10 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first. No CHEATING... 1`Fir 2`Mamad 3`Syamil 4`Ain 5`Shaleen 6`Hadi ? 7`Syazwan 8`Aqil 9.Syakir Astro 10`Ryan Fazly DONT LOOK AHEAD UNLESS YOU FILLED UP THE TOP! 1. how did u meet no. 4? `madrasah 2. Do you have a crush on anyone up there? `uhh, no 3. What would you feel if you hadn't met number 1? `life would be different uh. 4. How did you meet number 8? `school 5. Is no.2 one of your best friends? `yeahh 6. Whose number 9's best friend(s)? `Acap? 7. Have you ever dated number 1? `hahas, no 8. what do u think of number 6? `Mr. irritating - funny - meanmean tall person. 9. Do you love number 1? `alot 10. Ever been in the same bed as any of the numbers? `no 11. What can you say about no. 5? `awesome girlfriend 12. Describe number 10. `caring. cute. :D EXAMS I feel weird! weirdy weird weird! Why? beeeeeecause, I feel like there something missing, but Im pretty sure everything's in its place. yadayadayadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... AKU BOSANBOSANBOSAN!; Shaikh!meet up soon, meet up soon! rindu kau siaa ): semua kesusahan yang kita lalui akan disusuli dengan kebaikan.; so Im really hoping that studying Design and Tech would atleast make me get through with a pass. wowweeeeeeeeezz~ Madrasah just now! awesomeawesome, since ustasazah decided to do the taskirah, and none of us had to do it. three cheers and three cheers and three cheers for ustaszah! hahas. Ustaszah asked us about the Qadar and Jamak thing. Well, she picked three guys to answer. And on of their answers were simply illogical and plain hilarious. Sheikh Ashraf said ; yess we need to do Qadar and Jamak if we study overseas for one year. Khairul Aizat said ; we dont have to do Qadar and Jamak if we go overseas and study for one year [cos we'll be staying there for a long period of time]. And Hazwan Nasri said ; half of the year w do Qadar and Jamk, the other half we do normal sholat. Its illogical! haha, but funny. :D Aqil messaged me to call him. Stupid arse, kat je laki, tapi tak tau nak call. HAHA. Called him and chatted from 11+ to 1+ in the morning. Talked alot of crap. And he asked me to cut of my hair?! WhatTheHell. I told him im so not gonna cut my hair . And then he told me to rebond my hair. hahas, WhatTheHell? tsktsk. -
AKU BOSAN, AKU NAK TIDO. KAY BYEBYE ohmy, I really must thank abang. he practically spent time making Social studies notes for me. I really appreciate it alot, what with not having proper lessons for at least a month. Such a loving cousin he is. byebyebye. banyak math worksheets la. happy 14th birthday AMIR. english and malay, I dont really think i'll score well in these. I want to cry, really. Like come on, even the people who were awesome in malay said the paper was torturingly difficult. It really doesnt give me any hope, yknow. Many dont have hope. That includes irritating 'sister' Mariam. :D And Fadhli is sick. Do get well soon, dearest. No hope for upcoming subjects either. Especially double math. done revision, but im not getting better. I almost gave up, but that really isnt a good idea isnt it? Hadi, kamu diam sih. Cakap je kat aku : muke je melayu tapi tak tau buat melayu.. tsktsk diam uh eh, diam. hahas. dier sendiri takle buat melayu, kate orang! podah Di. and anybody know the meaning of alpa? :D |