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Happy 15th birthday Nigel! Happy belated 15th birthday Syafiq! Ahhh, finally fifteen. It has got to be awesome turning fifteen, I suppose? well, nevermind. Im going to turn fifteen in one month and four more days time. And Im pretty lucky my birthday doesnt fall on a school day. Or who knows? I might come home covered in eggs and flour! haha. ^-^ Today was definitely unexpected. Today really could have been the best day of 2oo9 so far. Spent the whole day with the best-est buddies, Hyrza, Amirah, Nigel, Nick and Ken. Wabted to go for lunch after the Chem class test, since most of us felt rather hungry. Couldnt make up our minds, so we went to e!hub, and ended up playing bowling. I decided I didnt want to play [hahaaa, malas.] Nigel was begging me to play, but I didnt. [see, im strong when it comes to peer pressure. haha!] Yadayada, spent almost the whole time being disturbed by Nigel. -_- and I almost froze to death. haha. BUT, it really was awesome hanging out with them. ^-^ I want to do it again! haha [actually I cut the story short. we did a hell load of other stuff. haaa!] bloody hell, my handphone is deciding to be stubborn again, so i cant upload the photos. sorry mann. ^-^ invisible, and indivisible. Oh, Im so very dissappointed with myself right now. I flunked my emath class test. This is so frustrating. Id had better buck up on my math. Common tests are just around the corner. Poor Nigel the monster has got his phone broken. How sad! Poor thing right, my dear Edward Cullen? [haha] I have so many things to get done by this week! ; 1. math worksheets. 2. malay worksheets 3. stuff for Dnt project. -_- 4. Train myself to wake up early. for part A's morning Excersize.. [hahaaa] 5. get well soon. [stupid haze! i hate youuuu!] 6. i think thats all. hahaha. Syafiq Galah's birthday is coming soon. And so is Nigel's [i hope he didnt give me the wrong date, eh! Haaa.] And as usual, im the one who is so friggin excited about this. C'mon, birthdays man! hahaha. k la, k laaa. bye! [wanna do mathhhh! 0_0] This whole week has been awesome. Mostly due to the many hours of free period we had. Miss Chan and Mr Lim were away for something. [whooopwhoooop!] Stuff I did for this week ; completed some math worksheets. got to know Nigel more better ^-^ Had hell lot of fun during madrasah Ate Wazein's sweets. [hahaaaa! sweet stealer!] got to know Nicholas and Andrew better. ^-^ listened to music and sang out loud [like a retard. haha] wished hazwan a happy birthday. made my NRIC! [whoooooohoooooo, IC uh eh! haha] went for NCC training [many claps for dhaniie!] had a fight with fiQ. [sad, but worth it.] ps ; actually this part is just randomness. hahaaa. Im freaking bored right now. Been messaging Nigel the monster[!] haha! yadeedaadeedaaaaa. [ohh, btw Nigel, last long with herr yeah!? ^-^ ] hmm, madrasah today was awesome. Hazwan , Syazwan and Rahman were horryfyingly sweet to me today. [haha, mentang2 valentine's day eh] And Im feeling rather happy to see Hazwan finally paying attention in class an putting in effort when doing class work. He's really changed. Im super glad for him. (; wokeyh, bye people! - HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY to HAZWAN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ADE! keh, bye! haha
like fire , you ignited. your light is ultraviolet.
His birthday is this Wednesday!. THIS Wednesday. wow. Its his birthday, and im the one who is so bloody excited, eh? Hahaaa, and if y'all are wondering, I am not getting him anything. Not even for that I still cant stop myself from laughing wildly when I watch Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging [the part where Georgia went on a date with Dave the Laugh]. Darn, my tummy hurts from all the laughing. Its super hilarious. [and kinda disgusting. hahahaaaa] That scene really doesnt fail to make me laugh like a loon. x__________x Went for Ncc just now.Well, im going to come for training more often now. I have to brush up on my drills. I admit it, my drills suck bigtime. Dearest part Cs, im sorry our standard dropped. We all should come for training together more often, I must say. And im sorry I didnt turn up for the past month or so. No more tution for me! Mom decided to stop my tution classes. But hey, im not all that happy now. Mr Lim will be catching up with me soon. [oh, no no noooooo!] And of course im not going to let that happen, okay! [muahahahaaa!] Im still going to try and be ahead of him ^^ Ive really got nothing better to do. Tried out the graphmatica thingy, and its not really as fun as it seems. [yadadeeedaaaa, i thought it was fun when teacher showed it to us. hahaa] yikes, annual cross country's tomorrow! haha, what the heck, I'll just walk the whole way like I did for last year's cross country anyway. Whoooooo, finally cikgu gave us a compo to do. My head's full of ideas right now. So I think id go of right now. [before all the ideas go running away] KEHKEH, BYE PEOPLES!
Im blogging again! Since there aint much homework left, except for the two worksheets Mr Lim gave us to do during his absence next week. Besides that, All my homeworks are almost complete. ^^ Ive taken Mr Lim's advice, and told my mom about the work my math tutor was giving me. And turns out she belives me,[ahhhh, saves me the time of asking Mr Lim to phone her and tell her that my math tutor is really giving me sec4 work.] which is really marvelous. By the way, Im shocked that Ive managed to pass my physics class test. I had expected myself to flunk, and yes, passing physics really is a big shocker. (: Hazwan's birthday is next Wednesday, which is 6 days away. 27 days to Mom's and Fiqah's, 37 days to Ain's and Fathin's 53 days to mine. I want presents people! hahaaa, no no. Im just kidding. A birthday wish would be just fine. ^^ I LOVE kbm2