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I close my eyes and dream
DHANY.Loud , Irritating , Cheerful. Asian. Al Faried Yusri - ♥ Family and my girls are 1st priority |
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BOOOOOYAAAAHH. hahaa, mind my randomness. As usualy, im bored. And that also explains why update my blog every single day. Unless i dont have the time to do so, that is. Holidays can be such a bore. I just realised Ive still got my math adn social studies homework to finish up. But, I kind of forgot the formula to solve the math questions, and i havent bought the social studies books yet. So tell me, how the hell am i going to complete my homework in such a situation? Enough about that, chatted with abang Fir yesterday. I told abang about them. But it was mostly about her. I told abang how much i wanted to warn him about her, but I was kind of too late. Abang told me to tell him anyway, since i really wanted him to know. So i guess i'll tell him soon enough. Kiah! please listen to me. Just for once. ;D Im getting so excited for the class bbq and family chalet. Especially class bbq. It may be the last time we get to talk to each other since next year we'll be much more busy-er [mind me, i dont know how to spell it. hehs]. Family chalet, i think i'll have loads of fun. I hope so. you're the best ever.
BOREDOM IS TRYING ITS VERY BEST TO KILL ME.SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP ME. - Everybody seems bored today. I could tell, because so many people are chatting with me right now. Well, not many, but still alot. Currently chatting with HairiTembams. He told me ive changed alot from sec1 to sec2. Well, we started arguing, then both of us got irritated with each other. And then i just gave in to him. Well, maybe I have changed. I just dont realise that I have. But everyone goes through changes right? Oh well, now im bored again as Hakeem is offline and Hairi is busy. And now Hakeem is being super random while messaging me. Its really very weird. Ive never seen him this random before. Been messaging Fredaaaa since 1102 am. Messaged about the usual stuff, including about him and her. Both me and Fredaaaa agreed that we should try helping him by telling him how she's really like. And , I still despise him. Its just that I despise her more, and I dont want him to get hurt by her. And yes, he'll owe me big time for 'saving' him this time. WILD CHILD
I think im not myself this few days. Im suddenly missing him so much. Ive the sudden urge to be with him. Goodness, sometimes i think im going crazy. -Im bored, and yes, im rotting at home again today. Maybe i should call Syafiq soon and tell him I really want to go out. Syafiq! movie treat soon! pretty please! Haaaa, im so freaking bored from staying at home all day. - And oh! I cant believe i just ate chocolate just now. I guess I forgot i wasnt supposed to do so, then. Now i have to start all over again. Dhaniie! dont eat chocolate, dont eat chocolate! ;D I feel like a pig. A huge fat one. hahahahha. ;D ** and he's not Kiah, mind you. ** i miss the feeling called love.
![]() Ive been having weird thoughts and sudden flashbacks this few weeks. I sometimes wonder why i hate you so much, but I already know that i have every right and reason to do so. All these thoughts are driving me insane. I really cant take it anymore. Why are you still in my head? Why dont you just scram from my mind? Im getting so tired of all these flashbacks and thoughts. Im getting so tired of you. Please go away. - ---------------------- I bumped into two of my good buddies from primary school yesterday night. Somehow, bumping into them made my bad mood go away. Maybe I was just so happy to bump into Muhd Haziq ----------------------- ![]() Matt Prokop! Met up with Freda today. Went to watch HSM3 after so long. The show was okay, very touching. For once, i really liked Sharpay, not to say that i hated her in the previous movies. I just liked her much more in HSM3. And hurrah, i got to see Lucas Grabeel and Matt Prokop! oh well, i find them so cute.;D After the movie, wondered around Pasir Ris. Well, kind of. Went to the library for awhile, and then Fredaaaa thought it was too quiet. So we went to the park, to chitchat and stuff like that. And i have to say, we crapped a whole lot. Mostly about the usual stuff we crap about + about herr. HAHA. But most of all, i had an awesome time today with Fredaaaaaaa twinny. i love her can? ;D oh, and I saw Huzaifah , Akmal and Nabilah today. haha =_=' Nabilah was with Juliet. I didnt know they were close. And yes, I was shocked when i saw them just now. Btw, Nabilah was pretty. I kind of liked her clothes. haha! ^^ i know im weird, so shut it, will you? haha! keh, shooooo. abg Fir ? [;
![]() aku rindu ini orang. I know ive made you mad, somehow. But im really very sorry about what ive done. Ive never seen you so mad at me since many months ago. And i dont want to see you angry at me again. Remembering the times that you got angry at me, i felt very upset. I really am very sorry abang. I AM BORED. I WANT TO GO OUT. SYAFIQ! MOVIE TREAT SOON PLEASE! d[ ^__^ ]b --- Hating you has never been and will never be the biggest mistake. The biggest mistake was that I had fallen for you. Its been hard moving on, you didnt make it easy. You made me suffer much more each time i try to move on. But i really didnt regret forgetting you. ASSWIPE. IM UBBER BORED. I THINK I MIGHT EXPLODE ANY MINUTE. - Friday night, Kiah chatted with me. A real shocker, if you were to ask me. He has never talked to me, since many months ago. And on that night, he suddenly had the urge to do so. I find him pathetic, a total looser infact. He called me a fanatic, when he really is the one. Im never into gangs of any sort, so why'd he call me a fanatic? Just because i told him his two buddies were 'minahs'. How pathetic can he be? , trying to defend this kind of people. But in my opinion, though he has defended them now, they'd never be there for him when he really needs them. - Madrasah exams yesterday were quite difficult, not the way i thought it'd be. I had trouble trying to complete the paper, and answering some of the questions during oral. Im dissappointed that i couldnt do most of the exam questions. I felt pathetic. - The whole time, my attention was drawn to Hazwan. And i realised something. He looked so much like shaikh, their attitude were almost alike. It was as if shaikh was right there. It seemed so weird. So very weird. - Currently listening to true to me by metro station. I can get addicted to the song so fast. I swear this song is so awesomely wonderful. I cant get enough of it. Hahaaaa, mostly because the rythym and lyrics are nice. ;D Im so bored. And im missing so many people. Fredaaaa Nur Deanna ; YOU'RE MISSED HELLALOT. Abg Fir, Abg Syamil, Hanis, Fiqah, Ain, Sheila, Feefit, Farah [!!!!] ; I MISS YOU ALL SIOW!- I seem to miss so many people right now. I want an outing with you all soon please! ;D BOW WOW , JASON DOLLEY - aku punye eh! hahhaa. she's such a rush she's such a crush she's one in a million. ;D waaahh, wansuay pah?!
HELLO PEOPLE OF EARTH.I found this at some random blog while i was blog-hopping. Decided to do it since boredom has been doing its very best to make me explode due to lack of excitement during the past few days. How to Play? 1. Put your music player on shuffle. 2. Press forward for each question. 3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. No cheating! How are you feeling today? ^ seven things Will you get far in life? ^ almost easy How do your friends see you? ^ outta my head Will you get married? ^ bat country. What is your best friend's theme song? ^ hero heroine What is the story of your life? ^ check yes juliet What was high school like? ^ church How can you get ahead in life? ^ closer What's the best thing about your friends? ^ crash and burn What's in store for this weekend? ^ crush Describe your grandparents. ^ dance floor anthem. How's your life going? ^ dear god What song will they play at your funeral? ^ do you know How does the world see you? ^ elevator Will you have a happy life? ^ low Do people secretly lust after you? ^ goodbyes How can you make yourself happy? ^ how to save a life What should you do with your life? ^ hurt What does your mum think of you? ^ im yours. - sweet? What is your deep, dark secret? ^ inconsolable What is your mortal enemy's theme song? ^ it ends tonight. - fuuyohh, in your face. What's your personality like? ^ its not over. What song will be played at your wedding? ^run the show. whooooooooooooshh, that was really fascinating. hahhhhs. ;D Good heavens, I'll be sitting for my madrasah exams tomorrow, and im not quite ready just yet. Im quite lucky though, as i would only be sitting for two papers. And i know neither of the papers are arab nor sejarah. Thank goodness! - kbm1'o8 = love. d[ ^_^ ]b yohaaaaa, i feel much more fatter today. I ate donuts yesterday night. I know, im terrible when it comes to diets. The only way you can stop me from eating is to make me upset. Very upset. Someone make me upset, please? haha, keh no. I want to be very cheerful for the rest of the holidays. Madrasah exams are around the corner, Freda would be leaving for dubai in a weeks time, and Momma has been pestering me and asking whether ive invited cousins to the chalet. There's so many things in my head, sometimes i totally forget what im supposed to do. haha! - Went to Freda twinneyhh's blog recently, and i saw Kiah's tag. What he wrote was kind of dumb. I got fed-up while reading his tag, though. So i answered his tag. haha. go see if you have the time people! xD Currently chatting with Fredaaaa, and i just found out something that really makes my blood boil. That idiot really gets on my nerves. KIAH, kalau kau bace blog aku, kau masokkan ni bende dalam otak kau ; kalau aku nampak muke kau lagik, kau kene belasah ngan aku habes2. kalau tu tak cukop, aku bahasekan kau sampai dah takde pape lagik nak kate. PAHAM? tak paham aku tak tau ape lagi sia nak kate. Dah sah kau bengap. APAPE TAK PUAS, KAU CARIK AKU. - KAU TAK HAPPY, KAU GI TAG TAGBOARD AKU. JANGAN CARIK PASAL NGAN FREDAAA. CIBAIII. WOMANIZERRR ~ ------------------------------------------------------------- ----- I've been craving / wanting to do some stuff[s] ; `go jogging -lose some weight! `eat less chocolate. booooo. `meet up with Freda! twinneyh -1st day of sch. `outing with Sheila! and fiQah! `family chalet `cousins day out! ;DD `class barbeque. `grow a tiny bit taller. `another girls day out. ;DD `more dresses. `long skirt. teheeeees, d[ ^_^ ]b
I FEEL LIKE A PIG. A PIG!. *__* Ive been munching on snacks eversince the holidays started. And i obviously feel like a pig because i havent really done any physical exercises since the last time i had my Physical Exercise lesson. So you all can imagine how 'boncet' i am now. haha. But like i stated in the post before, sometimes i dont really care of getting fat when im munching on snacks. HAHA. - PIGGY PIG PIGGGGGG. ^^ im addicted to my PEE-ASS-PEE. d[0_0]b Haha, that was awefully random. =_= Aniways, im having my madrasah exam this Saturday. someone save me! haha, keh no. I need someone with the brains to help me study my stuff for the exam, especially 'sejarah'. I need someone like Mirul maybe? or Husna. keh ewwww, never! I bet she wont even try to help me. Arrogant. hahaaa, tak baek nye Dhaniie! keh, whatever. Shut it! - I MISS YOU GUYS HELL LOADS!!!! ; ![]() i miss dearest 2E1 2008. NOT IN ORDER ; ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() aku rindu korang laaaa. twinneyhhh! hahaha, missed missed muchhhhh muchhh muchhhh!!!! The most you could do was look at me, and turn away. And all i could do was let you be on your way. Weird, i sounded so upset. But im not. I just felt like typing those sentences. As usual, im bored, and im rotting at home again today, since both me and Freda are too lazy to get our butts out of the house. And once again, im not feeling well. And the reasons are simple : ^i slept on a hard pillow ^i didnt use my blanket ^i stayed up till late at night playing psp. Games really are addictive. Im addicted to playing soccer. And siblings will complain saying im making too much sudden jumps and shouting at random moments. Well, i say, blame the soccer ball. (: Suddenly, i've grown very tired of guys. Mostly tired of the guys that have been bothering me. Im bored of having to entertain this kind of guys. Firstly, they freak me out. Secondly, they act as if they know me so darn well. But obviously, the dont. Now i've decided to give it all a break, and im not going to entertain this guys no more. Because its all really just a waste of time, and they all always end up ruining my mood. - Chatted with Freda just now, and as usual, we shared stories, and some gossiping. hahaha. And I just realised both of us had so much in common. Somewhat of like twins. Then Freda had this wacky idea of me being her twin. hahaha. (x Okay, i really have nothing else to add. so i guess i'll be going off. - whoooooooooooooooosh, kedebabooooooom! im blogging agaiiiin, making it the second time ive updated todayyyyyy. hahaaaaa! ;D been tagged by Shafiqah bby! thankyou eh, and now, to kill the boredom : The rules & regulations : 1) Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. 2) People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little know facts as well as state this rule clearly. 3) No tag back. 1`i like being mean when i want to. 2`i make fun of every little thing when i get bored (: 3`sometimes i care about my stuffed turtle more than i care about my siblings. 4`i name my stuffed bears and turle after my friends. ;D 5`i find making funny faces while taking pictures fascinating. 6`i find weird and uncommon things cool! very cool! ;D 7`many times, i eat without even worrying of getting fat. ;D 8`i have more guy friends than girl friends. (: 9`when i say i hate someone, i really hate the person hell alot. 10`i think people without eyebrows look like aliens. there, i said it! - Peoples that are so fortunate (tagged !) : *Feefit! *Freda! *Hanis! *Ain! *Wanni! *whoever else that really wants to kill boredom. (: ![]() whooooooooooooooshh~ im back! missed my craps? (x So, yesterday. Went to Johor to have breakfast, like we do most of the time. Bought some groceries, and went to buy afew games and dvds for siblings. After getting all the stuff, went to visit grandparents. Little cousin was there too, so it was quite chaotic, the usual craziness when cousins meet. Watched Upin&Ipin. That cartoon is seriously effing cute. haha. Snapped afew pictures with cousin. And then, we were on our way. Dad brought us to Sembawang. The main reason was because he wanted to see monkeys. Haha. I kind of missed the old times when mom and dad always brought me to see monkeys. Hahahaa. While we were looking at the monkeys, mom told me what me and my siblings were like when we were just born. Lil sis was like a monkey, can see the reason why, mom loved going to see the monkeys when pregnant with lil sis. haha. I, on the other hand, looked like a cat. You guys may know what i mean, well, i had huge eyes, kind of like the cats' eyes. And my eyes were grey. Grey! how awesome is that? all i know is that, from then till now, many people love my eyes. hahhaaa. (x fatini; naddy; psp merahh oii. hah! muker aku baek! (x Umi! <3 Saturday was awesome. Had madrasah class. The class had an almost full attendance, for once. So it was superbly kecoh. Did only two projects, and then spent the rest of the time flipping through the Loyang Sec yearbook. I swear Kiah is super kental. The rest were okayy. Luqman was super cute. hahaha. -- shaleen; ehh, this guy cute sehh! pictures from NHLC Heyho. I went to East Coast Park today with Freda, Shaikh, Fadhli, Fariz, Luqman, Dzul and lil sis. And btw, thats Freda in the picture above.^^ I had a hell lot of fun with them, seriously. Fadhli is much more pathetic/random/nonsensical and Freda is muchmuch more prettier/kecoh in person. They really made me enjoy this beach outing an aweful lot. Made quite alot of new friends: Shaikh, Luqman and Dzul. They're really awesome, though Luqman doesnt really quite talk alot. But he was awesome all the same. Shaikh was awefully friendly, though we've only met one time i think. Hahahaaa, superbly kecoh. But i spent most of my time at the beach with Freda sweets. She was the most gerek of them all. Well, partly because i didnt really know the others that well. haha. But I have to say she really made this all awefully enjoyable. Hahah! And did I mention that Freda's soccer ball went into the sea? haha. It went into the sea about three times. Obviously it was all the guys fault. Hahahah! (x And Fadhli made-up a song about Freda and her soccer ball. It was awefully hilarious. Me and the rest went on laughing our asses off while Fadhli continued 'singing' his ridiculous song. Went of to change as soon as me and Freda got tired. Followed Shaikh and Luqman to the toilet. They were super kecoh! Ans Shaikh kept on using the girls toilet mirror. Beh kene tegor! hahaha. funnyyyyy. (x Then went home with Freda. and now, im home. updating for you guys,. hahas, so obvious. (: Here are the photos. Taken from Freda's blog. (x
Hanis! Makan pedas, sampai nak nangis eh? haha. Feefit relax jek. haha. (: ![]() Feefit;Farah;Hanis;Ain;Dhaniie;Fiqah Haniszs gilerrrBby! ♥ ![]() For once my fringe was super perfect. And of course, im superb contented about it. haha. On the other hand, I felt so heartbroken while reading Freda's post. It reminded me of the past, of what he did to me, and the reason why he left me. And now it was happening all over again, only this time it wasnt happening to me. It was happening to her. I pity her for having been played by him. But i know, she'll be able to move on. Slowly, but surely. If you need me, i'll be here yea. d[^_^]b I just went to Mimi's blog. And his tagboard was super filled with SSK[s] tags, I swear. All i can say is, the SSK[s] are superb kental, and that they make a fool of themselves at Mmi's tagboard. I had a great time laughing my ass off while reading their tags, seriously. You guys should check his blog out. (x MORE PICTURES! YAY. - ![]() ![]() ![]() Ay, moustache! ![]() zaman cuteee.mutee!(: My lil sis came running to me the moment she found this pic lying around in her playroom. And guess what, this pic was taken on my first brithday. Take a look at me! Haaaaaa, i look so cute while chewing on something. And i kind of like that funny looking hat. cute much? hahah! keh, bye! ![]() Ive been selected to join the shooting competition again this year. Im stunned. In all the other cadets, why choose me. My eyesight aint that good, and im not a great shooter anyways, compared to last year. And if i do go for the competition, i think my eyesight will become much worse than it is now.Darn, i had better remember to bring my weird looking specs along. I should stress on the weird part. My specs really do look weird. I really cant wait for tomorrow. The girls should know why, right? hahas. Yea, girls day out man. I know that i may not know some of them, but thats what its all about. Making new friends. Speaking of making new friends, I just made one yesterday night, kan Freda kan? hahas. Well, it was pretty unexpected though, and I didnt expect her to be ubber friendly, because of certain reasons. Some may know the reasons why. (; Oh, and momma booked the chalet from the 30th to 3rd. Anyone wants to come? haha. nevermind, i know you're all shy. So im inviting y'all alright? hahha. You see, im not such a bad person afterall y'know. Like Adi said, im a saint. Isnt that sweet? he called me a saint. haha.(: BESOKKKKKK! (: Pictures from the other day. I finally could upload some of the phtos. This isnt even half of all the photos ive taken. Maybe i'll upload it next time, so dont be suprised if you see some outdated pictures posted randomly. haha. phone sucks bigtime. =_x
I know I dont really like her and all, but feelings are nothing compared to what he's done to both of us. Girl, I really feel sorry for you right now. Really, no joke. I know how you feel right now, mostly because he did the same thing to me. I dont get why he has to hurt so many girls. Now its two brokenhearts. I mean me and you. Ive learnt a very good lesson today. Hakim is just another jerk, not the Mr Right were looking for. I hope you see things the way i see them, and i hope you're strong enough to get through this. Somehow, i know you'll get through, because i managed to get through all the shits he's been giving me. So girl, if you're reading this, im sorry, and i wish you the best of luck. (: Take care Freda!- d[^_^]b ive been tagged once again by Feeqah bby. haha. well, to kill boredom. i think i'll do it.so here it goes. The person who tagged you is? ^Feeeqqaaaahhhhh♥ Your relationship with him/her? ^awesome bestfriend♥ Your 5 impressions of her. ^sweet, kind, random, playful, pretty! (: The most memorable thing he/she had done for you. ^everything we did was memorable♥ The most memorable thing she had said to you? ^i love you♥ If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be? ^ - If she/he become your enemy, you will? ^make things the way it used to be. (Repeat Question) ^id be hurt. What is it you want to tell her now? ^bby, your missed!♥ Your overall impression of her are? ^the bestfriend anybody would want.(: How do you think ppl around you will feel around you? ^i dont know, i dont care. The characters you love of yourself are? ^my random-ness. ^.^ On the contrary,the characters you hate yourself are? ^temperamental. The most ideal person you want to be is? ^myself. For people that care and like you, say something to them. ^♥i love you guys time infinity!♥ ♥those 10 people♥; ^Nizam ^Ain ^Hazwan ^Feeqahhhh ^Haniszs ^Ebenezer ^Kai ^Shaleen ^Mimi ^Faez Who is no. 6 having relationship with? ^idk. - Is no. 9 a male or female? ^male If no. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? ^no? it would be awefully weird. What is no. 2 studying about? ^im not sure. When was the last time you had a chat with no. 3? ^uhmm, last Saturday, i guess. What kind of music band does no. 8 like? ^she likes random music. haha. Does no. 6 have any siblings? ^idk. Will you woo no. 3? ^hahaha. errr. (x How about 7? ^yea? HAHAs! (x Is no. 4 single? ^yessss. anybody interested? What is the surname of no. 5? ^ - What is a hobby of no. 10? ^disturbing people. Does no. 5 and 9 get along well? ^they dont know each other. Where is no. 2 studying at? ^Hai Sing Talk about something for no. 1. ^awesome-ly random. (x Have you tried developing feelings for no. 8? ^HAHAs. Where does no. 9 live? ^Simei What colour does no. 4 like? ^she likes colourful stuff. Are no. 1 and 5 best friends? ^they dont know each other. Does no. 1 have any pets? ^no, i guess Is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world? ^yes he is! Kai is hot keh!♥ What is no. 10 doing now? ^working? i think. I miss talking to Nizam on the phone. I miss texting him in the middle of the night. I miss his awesome jokes. I miss his indonesian slang. I miss him. )': hello wello beylo. (: My phone sucks bigtime. I cant seem to upload any photos, because my phone would automatically switch off by itself when im transferring my photos to the computer. And to people who think my phone is awesome, it really isnt. I swear. Had madrasah on Saturday. It was superbly awesome. Had the whole lesson outdoors. We went to the park to play a mini amzing race. Which was awefully tiring, and i got really irritated as there werent any clues. So, you all can imagine us walking and running around aimlessly. Though we started of very lost, we ended up to be the second group to finish the race. Awesome much? And im super elated as i finally got to snap afew pictures with the whole class. And i swear it was difficult to get the guys to take pictures with us. They're super stubborn. =_x And i also had this dream. It really freaked me out. Nothing scary about it. But in that particular dream. I was Mimi's to be sister in law. Why i freaked? I was Awie's tunang. hahaha. Seriously la. it wont happen. =_=, But if it does happen, i think i'll freak out first before i get all happy about it. HAHA. Anyways I went to the beach with my family yesterday. Didnt go for the cert thing as i thought it was a waste of time. A waste of my time. Spending the day at the beach with my family was fun. Thought there was this stupid bee that kept flying around my, which seriously freaked me out. Hahas. Saturday's pictures will be uploaded soon. (: and i almost forgot about this. Im being tagged by AIN! and Haniszs to do a survey again. so here it goes; The person who tagged you is? `Ain! / Haniszs Your relationship with him/her? `my sweetheart(: / babe gilerku! Your 5 impressions of her. `sweet, caring, random, fun, pretty. (; The most memorable thing he/she had done for you. `i cant remember. but she has always been nice to me. The most memorable thing she had said to you? `i love you. (; If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be? ` - If she/he become your enemy, you will? `it wouldnt happen. but if it does, i'll try working things out. (Repeat Question) `try to make things the way it used to be What is it you want to tell her now? `i miss youu. - Your overall impression of her is? `the sweetest. How do you think ppl around you will feel around you? `idk. The characters you love of yourself are? `always random. friendly? haha,. On the contrary,the characters you hate yourself are? `temperamental. The most ideal person you want to be is? `myself i guess.(: For people that care and like you, say something to them. `you people are loved and cared by me too(: Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you. `Wanni `Sheila `Shafiqah `Zara `Marcus `Shaleen `'Ct `Mimi `Edison `Hakeem Who is no. 6 having relationship with? `noone i guess. Is no. 9 a male or female? `male If no. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? `uhhhh. hahs. tak percaye.- What is no. 2 studying about? `uhmm. art? When was the last time you had a chat with no. 3? `days ago. )': What kind of music band does no. 8 like? `hahas. i dont really know. Does no. 6 have any siblings? `yeap. Will you woo no. 3? `why would i want to do that? How about 7? `we already love each ohter. whats more to ask? Is no. 4 single? `yea, i guess What is the surname of no. 5? `Lee What is a hobby of no. 10? `slack? (x Does no. 5 and 9 get along well? `yess Where is no. 2 studying at? `Siglap Talk about something for no. 1. `I love her. She's awesome! Have you tried developing feelings for no. 8? `he's random, fun, awesome, and quite cute. but nope. (x Where does no. 9 live? `Tampinese. i think. What colour does no. 4 like? `yellow? Are no. 1 and 5 best friends? `nehh Does no. 1 have any pets? `no. i think. haha Is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world? `hahah. can say so. What is no. 10 doing now? `i dont know. yesterday wasnt so bad. though i didnt get to watch Electrico perform live. Me and Haney escaped and went to the esplanade instead. Went to eat at Hagen Daz. I felt relieved. Mostly because i could get away from all the heat at the padang, and seat comfortably at a quiet restaurant. We then went about, snapping afew pictures and then went back home. Overall, i anjoyed the whole day with dearest Haney. I'll cherish our moments, since we wont be studying in the same class next year. (: i'll post the pictures later. (: anyways, heres a survey thingy i have to do, since im being tagged. haha (x What are the things that other people do will make you hate him/her most? `bitch about people, backstabber. What is your most favourite thing to do? `being random. ? What kind of news do you read? `only news that capture my attention. (x What is your favourite channel ? `dinsey channel? hahas. idk. Is there someone in your heart right now? `kind of. Do you believe you can survive without money? `maybe. Are you afraid of pain? `not really. What do you feel like doing now? `meeting ain. hahs. If someone you love is already in a relationship, would you confess to him/her? `nope. List out 3 good points about the person who tagged you. `jambu, sweetest, i can tell her anything. (: What is your 5 passionate thing at this moment? `uhmmm. Do you still love your ex ? `alil bit. If you had a chance to be rich or happy, which one will you pick? `be happy. If you had a chance, which part of your character would you like to change? `hahha. like ain said, the blur part. (x What movie you want to watch now? `im not really sure. Syafiq, nak movie ape eh? (x What is the one thing you love about yourself? `im unique? haha. What you want most now? `to be cured of my broken heart. Why am I in love with the person I'm loving so much now? `i dont know. really. 0_x Im taging; -wanni -illyas -izzat -mimi -'ct. [and anyone that wants to do this thingy] ![]() i wasted my time placing my turst on a liar. that super hot geek. ♥ I have to go for a Healthy Lifestyle Campaign thing tomorrow. A whole day of games. Should I mention that is from afternoon till night? I hope its fun, or else its just going to be a waste of my time , attending the campaign. But looking on the bright side, I dont have to stay at home for the whole day. I thought Ive forgotten everything about you. But Ive proven myself wrong. Everytime a guy talks to me, it reminds me of how you used to talk to me. And the sight of that women makes it all worst. Why must this happen to me, not you? What mistake did i do this time? Why must Allah punish me this way. Ampunilah dosa2 ku. ): I feel so hurt right now. You shouldnt have done this to me in the first place, kiah. You really thought you could forget her by coming to me. Proven yourself wrong, right? Thanx alot for hurting me la. 0_x - went down to accompany my siblings to the playground. Everything was fine until she came down. She really gets on my nerves. But who cares? I saw my friend. So i "tegor-ed" him. Then she went "nak turon takya pakai lawa2 eh". I found it pathetic, really. I came down in just my home clothes. What is so pretty about my home clothes anyway? Anyways, im praying hard that abang Fir passes his o lvls. I hope he manages to pass his math. I wouldnt want to see him heartbroken. |