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I close my eyes and dream
DHANY.Loud , Irritating , Cheerful. Asian. Al Faried Yusri - ♥ Family and my girls are 1st priority |
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3e2 baybehhh! im not really happy with my class allocation. well, its because i have to take d&t. but still, im freaking shocked i got the same subject combination as Peck Yeng. and ive been asking her about the subjects. She said history is quite easy, so maybe i'll just go for it. Amath and Emath arent that bad, coz its all in the basics. And she dropped d&t. hahas. well, i'll think about dropping d&t if it aint interesting/ easy. But Mr Han insists i take o lvl d&t coz im quite good at it. like i said, see first. (: abang Fir owes me a meal yaw! i told you i can make it. but kinda saded. i wanted to go e1. hahas. Went to the movies with haney, zirah and one of their friends. Didnt really know what to watch, so we tried lakeside terrace[ i think ]. i kind of forgot the name. call me forgetful, but i still dont care. haha. anyways, the show was alwesome. i found it kinda slow. it only gets awesome around the ending. hahs. but i still enjoyed it. (: I saw Amir and Faris darlings. Faris wasnt like himself, i guess. cheerful much? awefully weird. Amir , as usual, just gave me a sweet smile and looked away. So much for the "tegor bile nampak" thing huh? pfft. ive been staying at home, lying on my bed, listening to music, and being bored to death as i have nothing to do Except for study for my religious class examinations, and drawing random stuffs. seeing how things are going about now, the thought of myself studying math at school seems better. An now im all worked up and excited for the girls day out soon. and the cousins day out as soon as abg Firrrrr is finished with his o lvls, and when abang syamil is free. (: Anne, Haniszs, Feefit, Sheila, Fiqah, Riffa, Ain, Shaleen, Naazira. Bile korang free eh? hahas. sms gue the days that y'all are free. except for those who dont have my number, y'all text or beep Ain instead yea? heh. Ain, beep me once you get the info from them. keh, settled. happy 16th anni ummi n abah. (: done- 3 more days to go till i get to know the class im allocated to. Oh, this is nerve wrecking. As much as im excited, im also freaking nervous, and the suspense is really killing me. many are expecting me to get into 3e1. wahhseyyy, budak pandai katekan. hahah. nevermind, i'll find out my class allocation soon enough, before the suspense ends up killing me, and i go kedebaabooooooom. haha, i know. sound effect mahal. been bored to death lately. except for yesterday. went out to bugis for the whole day. and i saw Wannnnn♥. His reaction was awefully hilarious. I guess he reacted that way 'coz he was with his mom. Well, at least he did smile back at me. hahaha. I kept bumping into him afew times, and i swear i was getting very irritated, 'coz my sis will go shaking me like im her soft toy and then go, "ehh, wannn kat sini." haha. irritating nak mampos. (x overall, i had fun yesterday. Bumping into Wannn at bugis, least expected. hahah. yesterday was awesome, believe me. Amir bby♥ 'saved' my life yesterday, by asking me out to the movies. i didnt want to, actually. but after he kept persuading me so i went out with him anyways. We decided to watch HSM3, but the show only started at seven. So he asked me to pick a movie i wanted to watch. Lil sis wanted to watch oh baby, so yea. i went to watch oh baby [again], and it was still super touching the second time i watched it. haha. and Amir kept on asking me to sit beside him during the movie. but i didnt want to. and then he started to persuade me [again]. but neh, i taknak duduk sebelah u uh. bluueekkkk. (x Sadly, he had to go off to somewhere else right after the movie. or else we wouldve had much more fun. more fun crapping, that is. hahas. wahhh, Miirrrrrr, youve grown way taller in just two years, eh. Now your taller then me. and i guess now, you can call me pendek eh? haha. anyways, thanks for yesterday eh Miirr!. haha, and yes. we'll go out again sometime soon. if im free, that is. (x I MISS EBENEZER♥ I MISS EBENEZER!♥ its now 10.21am, and im wide awake, on a day which i do not have to go to school. And that pretty much explains why im blogging right now. still dont get why? cos im freaking freaking bored. I have seriously nothing else to do. The tv programs are boring, and i cant go out. This might be the worst day of my life, so far. Apart from the other things that have happened to me. oh, and i took 5 minutes to type out this paragraph. wow.(x ive seriously fallen in love with the song 'oh baby - cinta laura'. uber sweet. "i dont wanna loose you, yes i wanna hold you, i dont wanna make you, make you sad and make you cry" like come on, how sweet is that? hahahas. just bear with me. ive fallen in love with both the m0vie and the song. hahahha. Amirrul has been messaging me ever since i told him about what happened between me and Fariz. Miruuuuul, thanks for trying so hard to make me feel better. sayannng banget! (: im gonna miss 2e1`o8. `im gonna miss the laughter we had `im gonna miss the stupid things we did `im gonna miss our crap `im gonna miss hearing Faiz's laughter `im gonna miss disturbing Nadhir `im gonna miss being disturbed by Nadhir `im gonna miss the noise weve made `im gonna miss the jokes we shared `im gonna miss the two years we shared together as a class. hope we wont loose contact eventhough weve been seperated. love you guys!♥ ![]() oh baby!~ alright, ive finally found that picture up there, after two days of searching for it on the net. It was awefully tedious, believe me. Keh, maybe it wouldnt have been so tedious when i had tried searching for the picture using msn.com. I spent almost two days searching for that picture on yahoo. I guess it was mostly my fault, then. nyahaarr. Friends from other classes have been telling me that im one of the 'many' going to e1 next year. Of course i went all hurray-ish about it. But come to think about it, isnt it too good to be true? yea, it is isnt it? haaaaaarr. But nevertheless, it really does give me more confidence about my going to e1 next year. Think about it [again], wouldnt it be so freaking awesome if what everyone is saying really is true? or really would come true? haas, i know. abg Firrrrrr! thanx for wishing good luck. good luck to you for your o lvls too eyh, and obviously la i'll tell you what class im going to and the results i got.(: and Mirul bby, thanx for everything today. much appreciated. carry on, i had tution today. Ebenzer and Sacchi came. so the class was pretty awesome today. Had the best time with them. Ebenzer seriously coudnlt stop making stupid jokes, and obviously the rest of us laughed our heads of. hahah. Ebenzer!♥ im gonna miss you a whole lot during the holidays. )': to Farizzuan; you, im seriously very sorry if ive made you angry or sad this few days. Im trying my best to make it up to you. Please dont do this to me. You told me you're a nice guy, but you've started acting like him. Why are you treating me like he's treating me now? Why arent you showing the nice guy you can be? I may have did many wrong things to you. But i really am trying my best not to repeat my mistakes. I hope you accept my appology. ]x I feel so aweful right now. I think ive made so many mistakes towards alot of people. But mostly towards Fariz. I cant possibly be feeling happy when im feeling guilty all the time. all i wish for now, is for him to forgive me for all my mistakes, and let me start over. 'Cos i couldnt possibly loose any more good friends like you. im so sorry, Fariz. )': i give my sincere apologies to you, for all the things ive done. i know i havent been a good friend to you. please, forgiveness is all i want. d[x_x]b its all dedicated to you(: 'Oh Baby~ today was awesome, though school was pretty boring. lilee tried to pull me into the soccer team. but i backed out. wasnt really in the mood to play soccer, and i was freaking tired and i dont think i had the energy to play soccer. i hope that explains all about why i backed out at the last minute. sorry eh yasmin, lilee. ain decided to watch 'oh baby' [that pretty much explains the huge Oh Baby title at the top (;]. so went home and changed, then met up with her at abg izzul's void deck. went of to e!hub's cinema to watch the movie. bumped into Atiqah. she definitely changed a whole lot. but i didnt really like it. i liked the old her. and about the movie, its a must to watch. the story line was awesome, and it was both a comedy and a love story. and overall, the movie was really-really touching. for most teenagers and those heartbroken people, this movie is perfect for mending hearts of hurt teenagers. (: i seriously enjoyed the movie, and i hope you guys will. btw, Zarro is freaking hot la siol. freaaaaakinnggg HOT! believe me. (: carrying on, Atiqah suddenly 'tegor-ed' me. and obviously it gave me a huge shock as i didnt even know she recognised me. well, i expected her to be like the rest. those "dapat kawan baru, buang kawan lame" type. i guess she's not one of them after all. claps for Atiqah. hurrayhurray(: and we were on our way out of e!hub when this guy persuaded us to sign up for i dont know what thingy at ntuc. haha. pathetic la. and ain went like,"eh, i know you". hahaha. wow, that was pretty random, wasnt it? hahaha. i know. went to slack at the void deck for a while, crapped and talked a whole lot, didnt we ain? hahas. and holidays klua ajak dorang2 uh eyh? kita bonding2 sampai jadi familia la ye? hahahahahha. keh, what rubbish. this is all matrep and minahrep stuff. if i offended anyone, sorry la eh, but its true okehh. it sounds awefully ridiculous, and i wonder why you all get into such gangs. you pick up a fight without you even knowing with the slightest mistake. pathetic. oh anyways, rewinding back to way before all this, i went home with Rachal. went to whitesand for awhile as Rachal wanted to buy some snacks for herself. went roaming around in whitesand, when i almost bump into O 'Anne baby♥♥. Anna, u tall la siol. i jealous, u! seriously. you are wayway taller than me. (: and! tomorrow im going to temasek poly! okay, the sec 2es are going. i bet im gonna have fun. firstly because there is a very high chance that i may bump into Adi darling♥ as he takes it course. this is awesome! and maybe i may bump into Iman, Jumari or Aiman too. (: hurrayhurray for the animation course! (: i got my trophy already. but, ringan la ringan! hahaha. ~ and today we finally got our yearbooks. but sadly 3n3,4n1,4n2 werent in it. and i just realised me and amirah sidik had the same hairdo on the day. coolness. and 4e3's pic was awesome. nice uh nice. abg fir cute kape dalam class photo? (x school was boring. nothing much. i went home with NaQiah. haha. it reminded me of last year. on the first time we met. oh, good times. good times. (: ~~ i feel as though the people around me arent there. it seems they all just dont care. ive been having this feeling for quite long, and maybe here isnt where i belong. ~ i say, you guys are useless! me and ain have been waiting all week for yesterday, and the guys didnt show up? bastard sia they all. pffffft. but nevermind. guess what? i finally found HazWannnnnnnnn's♥♥ friendster. keh, technically, it was ain who found his friendster. hahas, and so, it turned out haslam is indeed his lil brother. what a coincidence?! this is so awesome! (x anyways, im all excited for tmw. coz imma take ma trophy. hahahaha. wow, i sounded like a nigga. muhahahax. im bored. and the first person i attacked was Ejan♥. hahas. dude, amacam? nice not kena disturb? hahaha. (x and then i kacau-ed Anne♥. Anne, best kepa tadi? hahahha. then i got bored of disturbing people. )x talking to Anne was awesome. but the sight of kiahhhh and fredaaaa everytime i go to her profile kinda disturbs me. oh, speaking of kiahhh, happy 14th birthday to kiiaaahhhhhhhhhhhh♥ hello wello bello!(: ive got my EOY results. so, hear it goes. i passed my math and geog, which was rather unexpected, and i also passed my language papers and sci. how fabulous! i know! (: and now, for the bad news. i flunked my history. can y'all believe it? and i couldve sworn im gonna get good marks for history. wow! but hey! i passed geography right? (: and amirrul kinda confessed something to me today. and i went like, "awwwww, ur so sweet." but now, i have no idea which one to choose. mirul , fariz? ohmymotherr. i tried asking lilee for help. but mr soh told her to train when she started to make me explain everything and tried to help me. it always has to be that way huh? nevermind. i'll ask abang, ejan or iskandarr to help me, then. i gotta calm down, seriously. )x ![]() wokey dokey.thats the pic from the other day. i think the others are with shaleen. will get them soon (: and credits to ain for the edits (; and here are the other old photos that i didnt manage to upload the other time, since my usb cable was spoilt. and hurray! finally i can upload photos. hahas! (: ![]() i call this ; super lalat!(: `` pics from kayaking course, as promised. (: ![]() theres more, but my handphone kinda switched off by itself. so yea, i'll upload the rest of the kayaking course photos, when i feel like it. hahas. so well, wait longlong eh! (x ![]() hahas, i love this photo. take a look at my face. amacam? cute tak? hahhas. we got bored during mother tongue. so yea, cameras out, and snapsnapsnap. hahas. anyways, we didnt make cikgu angry. cikgu didnt even care. so why should we care, right? so, im not that decent after all, huh?. hahahahs (x im still not sure whether i should tell ferra and hanissah about jimmy. maybe i shouldnt. maybe it just isnt the right time. but when i feel like its the right time, it always turns out to be too late. so im freaking confused of what to do right now. if only i could get some help. but thats the other half of the problem. i have no idea who i can trust at this point of time. bleahh. ` anyways, im gonna get a new mp3 and those headphones. i want those headphones! haha, for a moment there i sounded like those rich brats that always get their way. hahaha, yea, ewwwww. ```` anyways, i went out with FiQah and Sheila afew days ago. Had lunch and then went of to bugis. I was kind of tired, mainly because there were too many things to choose from. and al the hoodies were so pretty. kan fiqah kan? hahahs. i ended up buying shades, fiqah bought shoes and sheila bought a bag. hahaha. macam2 seh kiter. and then i kept on reminding them that its already late and i have to get home. so then, we went of and then terserempak Muhammad at the mrt station. so i smiled at him, then that girl with him gave me that " fcuk off, he's mine" look. ewwwwww. **vomitsss* its been quite some time i never updated. busy la people. anyways, yesterday was awesome. went jalan raya-ing with Shaleen and Nurain. but sadly we spent alot of time calling up the guys, who apparently decided not to pick up the phone. pathatic la you all. next time tag along la. we call also dont want to pick up. =_= luckily we managed to contact some of the others. which included Aiman, Syazwan and Hazwan<3.**winkwinkwink. we decided to head to my house first, then Nurain and shaleen's house. and then the rest, which we only managed to serang Aiman and Ain's house. pathetic la. i felt so pathetic at aiman's house. there we were, sitting and talking to aiman when he suddenly ran of to the kitchen. why? because he wanted to hide from his friends. he practically left us there. so then his friend "beri salam". until me and ain couldnt stop laughing. why?[again] because his friend said it in a very feminine kind of voice. hahaha. trust me, it was freaking hilarious. and i felt pathetic because we were the ones to welcome his friends. not him. =_=' pictures from yesterday are with shaleen and ain. will upload soon (: ````` outing w sheila happy birthday NaQiah baby!(: |