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i saw iman at school again. or should i say, mr iman? hahaha. (: keh, man, if you're reading this, i was just kidding uh. went to school with abang again. it was nice having company. especially if the company is him(: keh, skip some stuff. had dnt. and mr Han really was blur today. i wonder why eh? hahaha. and kiddos to me. i finished my dnt project already, and i made a heart keychain. (: and Marc, Nash and Sean said it was pretty. (; went home with Rach and Syafiqah. and i bumped into a little boy on the way home. am i clumsy or what? haa. and the lil guy was super cute. i turned around to say i was sorry, and he said ' jangan pandang blakang, kalau tidak hantu datang ' hahaha. so cute. (; anyways, happy birthday to AZHAR smallkid (: ~ a friend in need is a friend indeed. i couldnt have imagined the someone that has never been close to me, was the one who had pulled me through all the lies, foolishness, and hatred. who was the one who told me that everything would be alright. the one who made me see the you werent the one. who made me realise that you were hurting me deeper if i never let you go, and that i had to let go sooner or later. and i am suprised when he was the one that could help me stand back up. and he was the one who tried to make me feel better even though he knows that he would have to say and do the same thing each day. many people dont realise that he or she really cares until the person shows it to them. and i admit that i am, one of those many people who didnt realise. and now that he has helped me, i can never thank him enough. imran, though weve been through hard times in primary school, you still held out your hand, and offered me help. and it is now, that i realise that you are a true friend. thanks a million imran! <3 and, happy birthday PECK YENG! <3 all the best for your o lvls. (: i know i havent been updating lately. mom kept the internet cable. so yea. anyways, i wrote a poem during that period of time. i dont think its good, but im gonna type it out, so you guys let me know what you think of it, aye. (: theres no doubt i could ever forget all the times that we had the laughter we had shared stupid intentions to be bad. and every moment we spent together i thought it'll all last forever but now its goodbye for the two of us, and i'll remember you forever. to tell the truth, im over YOU. thanks to Imran sweets. he made me realise, he made me see all the negative things about you. though it may seem like he's exposing all the sensitive things about you. but hey, he's doing it for a good course. he's doing it to help a friend. and for that, i love that guy. (: you've gotten another partner.even faster than i expected. ure trying to hurt me deeper. but you havent really succeeded. why? because i have friends by my side. because i have friends that love me and are willing to help. and because i have the best-est cousins of all, to guide me through. <3 so try all you want, and you'll never succeed. because all the brightness surrounds me (: happy birthday syidah , alyph (: finally had madrasah yesterday, after two long weeks. suprisingly, hazwan and syazwan turned up, and yet the class was quiet. incredible. (x i was kind of angry at ustaszah. wtheck, she told all the girls to sit at the back of the class. and when i say back, i mean way back. how tall does she think i am. and how the heck was i supposed to copy what she wrote on the whiteboard when hazwan was sitting infront of me? blahhh. nasib je bulan puase oi.~ amirrul was being such an ass. he made me scream like a little girl when he told me i stepped on a roach. and he blocked my way to the shoe rack. but no matter how mischievious he can be, i still love that kucing. <3 after madrasah went to break fact at simpang bedok. bumped into ferra and ain darlings. then parents thought of breaking fast at tang tea house because the service at simpang bedok was lousy. booo~ - momma bought a camp rock dvd, since she says i and naddy love the show so much. hahaha (; - im missing Nizam and abang syamil bby )'; how awesome, i bumped into khari otw home after breaking fast. and i was literally jumping up and down like a kangaroo when i saw him. i soo miss him! (: i saw a dunman guy in the bus just now. he looked like irfaan. maybe it was. but i doubt it becuase the guy wont stop staring at me and i heard his friend talking him into asking for my number. baek kape tu kawan? but that dunman guy was cute anyways. (: and dila darlings, thanks for accompanying me eh tadi. appreciate it alot (: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIANA!( i really aint in the mood, but im bloggin anyways. partly because im bored, and partly because its the only place i can let my emotions out since my dearest cousins are busy. fir is currently busy with his 'o' lvls, and syamil is currently busy with, studying and trying to get his butt into a 4express class next year. (: the eoys are 19 days away, and yet im still stuck to this great creation of mankind. only thing i can study now is math. because i really need the practise. besides math, i cant study the rest of the subjects as i need to memorise stuff. and when it comes to memorising, i'll totally forget what ive memorised after afew days. so theres really no use studying history and geography right now. but i'll do my best to do well in eoys. ive promised hakim, cousins, and parents that i'll get into 3e2. high hopes man, high hopes. oh, and hakim, eventhough weve parted, i'll still keep my promises. hope you keep yours too. i know its kind of late, but hey, goodluck to all sec 4express students in your 'o' lvls. especially to abang fir and those i know(: -- ive been seeing and bumping into alot of loyang sec guys/matreps nowadays. some may think its lucky to bump into a guy. but hey, who would want to bump into an irritating jerk? yea, i bumped into jerks, most of the time. but i had to relax and remain calm anyways. i wont want to loose points[as what apple would say. haaa. cute, i know!] when im fasting. lol. -- im addicted to the song 'atas nama cinta'. its sweet, yet sad. it kind of tells the situation im in right now. i think thats why i like the song so much. lil sis must be going crazy. ive been singing the song everyday without fail. haha. (: i'll sing all of a sudden, and lil sis will be like, 'oi!diam la, nnt hujan!'. kurangasam punye budak kecik. haha. i made a new friend! Nizam darlings(: Nizam told me some things i should take note of. and yes, Ayie, you are so dead. turns out you're a fake,huh. i tried to escape the fact when Nadia told me. theres no escapping now. ive heard the truth from Nizam himself. wtheck? impersonating another persons twin. bravo la siol. go get a life, and stop impersonating people. best? keh best!.(: -- my handphone has been busy lately. with iman, and hakeem messaging me. and i bet it'll be much more busy when Nizam texts me later on. wow! it is so not like usual. its so noisy!~ Labels: im keeping the promise as you can see. im seriously angry at him. well, not because he broke my heart. its because he hurt me deeper by putting a pic of him and his ex as his display pic in messenger. i know it may be kind of lame, but i know he's just trying to hurt me deeper. well, i told nabil and fiQ. and nabil said ; u lupekan je lah die. u maseh ade nabil kankankan. [that made me laugh out loud because he kind of sounded like a girl. bahaa.] and fiQ said ; my dear, cheer up. fiQ ade. i'll cheer u up keh. smile! [isnt fiQ awefully sweet? yea, i know!] i feel like hugging this two guys so tightly and not letting go. but, come to think of it, it'll be kind of disgusting. haha. and momma wont let me go to campfeast. like, hello! i wanna go. i wanna meet up with nabil and irfaan. i miss them a whole lot and now momma tells me i aint allowes to go.i really dont know how to tell nabil this. ~ but, i still have to tell him, at all costs right? blahhhh~ thanks for turning me into the person i didnt want to be. and sadly, the vengeance is all towards you, noone else. so, are you regretting all this now? i hope you are. 'coz people are calling you a jerk, bby! (: its strange, but ever since saturday, everything in my life falls back into place. or, so it seems. seems im doing much better in math. awefully weird, i know. and haney has been quite good to me. since she missed me i guess. nabil and ninz helped with my problem with him. gosh, they really had me laughing like a heinna. and i thank faten for lending me the rubik cube. it somehow made me cheerful. maybe its because of all the colours. haha. oh, i get really random and hyper when i see colourful things. finally bumped into kak wanni. salam-ed her, and then i went of finding yasmin and faten. and we had to pass-by this sec1 class. and i swear i saw dominic in his seat. but i ended up almost bumping into him in the corridor after giving aidil the rubik cube. and i went like, omgomg. =__='' nevermind. maybe i saw someone else? whatever la. i cant let go, the feelings to strong. but somehow, i know im wrong. ~ i'm gonna be over it. just wait and see. thanx eyh. go on, hurt me more. break my heart into more pieces. and make me weep like one overly emotional soul. i know you dont care anymore, but why do this to me? why am i the poor soul to get hurt by you. now i know your true colours. hakim, you a big jerk. ive changed my blogskina gain, if uve realised. i did it since he decided to break my heart yesterday. and yes, i changed my blogskin to avoid thinking or remembering him. though i know it would be awefully hard to do so as weve had lots of wonderful memories together. im not thinking of being attached at the moment. im gonna stay single, and therefore, everythings gonna be about me, now. i know it sounds selfish or whatever, but id rather be single then be worried that my partner isnt faithful and stuff like that. hakim, i thank you for being truthful. though you coould have avoided this from the very begining. you knew you liked her even before we were together. but i just have to move on, and try to forget the past. i had the feeling you werent faithful, and that we wouldnt last long anyways.. and i thank ryan and ain for helping me get through this yesterday. i really love you guys. (: and, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ABANG SYAMIL BBY(: i love you slenge-dengs! hey, look. ive changed my blogskin. well, i find it alittle too feminine. its too pink. but i found the movable pictures nice. i wonder how they do it. it would be so awesome if i could do it. haa. keh, i just found out that there is no madrasah today. wtheck. ive been so willing to go this week. and now, theres no class. [inserts vulgar]. i miss too many people already. haaa. so, that means i'll show shaleen my cutesome drawings next week then. i still have a math worksheet to complete. well, at least it isnt that much. hooray. (: keh, i'll blog later if theres anything to blog about. till then, bye! its been 5 days . and little reddy still hasent go away. how irritating! and im kinda addicted to the song disturbia. though the music video really freaks me out, almost everytime i watch it. heck, the song's nice anyways. ive been drawing cute little cartoon people and animals lately. what else would a bored little girl do , right? haha, i find my drawings cute. the childish kind of cute. and i bet shaleen would go, " ohmygawwd, so cute!" . hahaha. hope she comes for madrasah tomorrow. i cant wait to show her. (: and oh, i find kak Wanni's pet bunny [doikeroop] and her firend's pet sheep [borat] , awefully cute. haha. keh, its super obvious i have nothing better to do then to blog. bahaa. to haney : sorry, i'll find time to buke puase with you aye? to baby : get well soon. ily (: hello earthlings,(: im kinda suprised that im starting to think math is easy. the only time i think math is easy is, when i get questions on adding, subtracting and stuff like that. and the questions in my math worksheet are definitely not so basic. because obviously,my class would be able to complete the worksheet if it was to be so darn simple. well, now i think im insane. best? keh best. oh and guess what! if mommy doesnt buy a new set of baju kurung this year, my family and baby's family would be wearing the same colour. blueeee. cool or what? i know! (: and i just fpund out ferra knows jimmy neutron. haha. its a small world, alright. and to marcus and ferra darlings, thank you guys for comforting me. and ferra, your right, i really shouldnt miss her. its just a waste of my precious time. i really owe you guys. ~ damn, i miss baby like , a whole lot. booo. )': 27 days and 7 hours to go(: met baby yesterday just before tution. he made me feel so free of problems. and he said i made him feel the same way. aint that sweet? anyways, baby looked super cute with his specs on. and he really reminds me of my cousin. went to sit, erhhmm, stand somewhere near my tution. since there was this old man sitting there. so yeap, we didnt want to disturb him, so we went to stand somewhere. we actually found someplace to sit. but sadly, it was too high for me. haha. it isnt me, its the thing that's high. (: talked about stuff. and baby got worried when i said i was sick. ): went to tution. it was chaotic. amandeep was arguing with osborne, as pernormal. hafiz was laughing like a a mad dog. and teacher was screaming at them like some mad lady. the two chinese girls sitting in front of me were talking at the top of their voices. and poor shahiirah and me were seated, very quitely, trying hard to concerntrate on our work. going to tuiton obviously wouldnt improve my marks, as you can see. id rather study with abang and hakeem. at least i can ask abang as many questions on maths as i want to. which is, much better. ** im sorry for making you so worried baby. ): Labels: nick jonas-kuuu (: ![]() wheee, today's the first day of the fasting month. so, selamat berpuasa kepada semua umat islam(: im excited for hari raya. meeting up with cousins staying far away. its garaunteed awesome fun(: im actually bored. ive no idea what to blog about. ive nothing to do. im just blogging for fun. blahblahblahhh.goodbye then,
psssssst; ur missed. ); |