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I close my eyes and dream
DHANY.Loud , Irritating , Cheerful. Asian. Al Faried Yusri - ♥ Family and my girls are 1st priority |
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school was rather chaotic with the teachers day celebrations going on. to start it of, the upper sec had mass walk, while lower sec did the changkat wave. it sucked. (; had form teachers period, which was also the time that the dedications to teachers were announced through the pa system,and also the time we recieved our result slips. yes, dissappointing marks, once again.but ive promised baby, abang and parents i'll do my best and not let them down. performances were mostly awesome. aliman, you rocked mayn. hah, cuteness. abang's band was terrific. yasser's jumpstyle was alright. fancy drills was the best. hah. kinda biased, right? hha. met up with baby. i was an hour late. or rather he was an hour early. hha. boo, he brought jimmy neutron. bahahh. (: no offence little one. went to change, then sat at the interchange and chatchat while waiting for ain (: blahh. i forgot the rest. booooo. ain, mats suck bigtime. kankankan? (: missed.
im blogging because ive got nothing to do, im bored, and i just felt like blogging. (:ive finally gotten back my geography and history test papers. and the marks ive got were really dissappointing. i flunked geography by a precious half mark. how pathetic is that? and i got borderline marks for history, which had given me a huge shock. damn, my parents are gonna kill me. watched meet dave. the show was hilarious. rather retarded to be exact. i found the small "aliens" pretty cute. though some parts of the movie made me feel like smacking eddie murphy's head. sometimes i just find him so dumb. haha (x i miss hakim baby a whole lot, but it was only two days ago since we met. bahhhh. biler nak jumpe lagi? )': im bored, and theres practically nothing for me to do. school was suprisingly fun today. mr ho finally gave us work to do, so english wasnt so boring, like usual days. mother tongue was awesome. camwhored with ferra, since we got bored from listening to cikgu too much. and i think nabil got bored too, somehow. he started asking me and ferra whether he should sraighten his fringe. obviously i said no. ferra said no too. (: and just because of that question, the three of us started talking about hairstyles. and ferra said i'd look nice with permed hair. and of course i agreed!. haha. (x since my usb cable is being succha bitch, i shall upload photos of today / kayaking course some other time. i cant seem to explain my feelings. its all mixed up. i passed my malay. hurray! today went for CIP coastal cleanup at eastcoast park. to tell the truth, i didnt really pick up any litter. i was just walking and enjoying the sea breeze. haa, lazy mood. ate at macdonalds, and i really was full after having sucha big meal. talked with ferra, fathin and syafiqah. and i finally had a great laugh in months. and guess what? nadhir's nose is sensative. he'll sneeze if someone touches it. awefully cute, isnt it? (: met up with hakim after school. hakim was kinda quite, but he was quite fun to be around with. and though he's friends may be quite irritating, there were hilarious all the same. (: and i dont mean to be rude, but one of them looked like jimmy neutron. i aint kidding(: and hakim hunney, try to quit keh? ♥ (: photos on kayaking course will be uploaded soon. im feeling rather upset. the marks ive gotten for my science and math common test isnt satisfying. in fact, i flunked math, and i almost flunked science. its really heartbreaking, and i dont want to tell both my parents and abang the scores ive gotten. i know they would be dissapointed. and i seriously dont want them to be. 2e1/e2 are going for coastal clean-up tomorrow. for approximatly 4 hours . we're gonna miss about 4 lessons. and yes, i think its a total waste of time.,though the time can be spent with classmates. i cant be bothered about them anymore. any of you reading this. im sorry. but our class just doesnt seem united. we're breaking apart. well, its really the right time to break apart. we wont really have each other's company next year anyway. happy belated birthday to: kak atiqah & faris science test wasnt bad. and im excited for literature tomorrow. i have no idea why. im so weird. stayed behind at school for awhile with lilee,syidah,fatin and yasmin. oh, i really did miss lilee a whole lot. and finally getting to spend time with her really was fun.(: bumped into zara afew times. i promised her i'd say hi. but everytime i try to, she walks of. wow. how great is that? nevermind. i'll still try to say hi eh zara(: went to buy chocolates since i felt like eating some. went to sit outside eastpoint for awhile. and i bumped into mizi darling(: i miss that guy. payed back the 50cent i owed him. and his reaction was funny. (x mizi: eh, why you give me 50c ? me: i owe you what mizi: i thought you want salam seh. me: lol. dah amek tu 50c mizi: oh ah. okaaaayy. (x 5 tests down, 2 more to go. i know i told hakeem i couldnt on the com. but i have to do my DNA projek for madrasah. i wouldnt want my ustaszah repeating herself like a spoilt recorder. its seriously damn irritating when she does that. math and geography test was torture. i studied for geog till my head hurt, and still i had difficulty in answering the questions. and i didnt study so hard for history, yet i found history quite easy. how weird is that? it makes me so pissed. grr. tomorrow is my science paper. adi has confidence in me. but i have little confidence eventhough im quite good at science. maybe theres just too many formulae to remember. its so presurising. but anyways, im gonna ace this test whether i like it, or not. thats for sure (: i am already starting to miss people. and i obviously want to meet up with them. its been soo long since some of us seen each other. or even talk to each other. planned to meet up during the holidays.oh, i cant wait to see you guys la! (: im missing papabear and abang galah alot.
i feel isolated. though i know i have many friends. but what is the use of friends that are never there when you need them. and this has thought me a lesson. no matter what, family will always be by your side. eventhough we know our friends may be by our side sometimes. thank you abang. thank you Syafiq. i love you guys! <3> i would like to say, good luck in your common test everyone. hope y'all pass with flying colours! (: im stressed. im scared i will flunk. and IF i do flunk, im gonna get scolded by abang and my parents. how pressurising is that? but whatever it is, i will do them proud(: all i feel like doing now is shouting at the top of my voice out of my window. hell, i dont care what my neighbours will do. as long as i get to shout all my anger out, its fine with me. ** went to tution. babi, the teacher seriously make my blood go up uh sia. - studied with abang and hakeem after tution. couldnt concerntrate in doing my compo. but it was worth spending time with abang and hakeem. they were gerek. and the 'bomb' best kape? haha(: happy 43rd birthday; SINGAPORE(: the ndp wasnt bad. except for some parts. heh. the rest were good. especially the marching contigent. haha, kay im so biased. Hadi was good to lah kan. my idol what! (: andand, i have my eyes on that bape hoodie. damn its nice. but its like $50?! babi betul. that hoodie is just lucky i dont have the money yet. bahhhh, still have alot to save up. )x firstly; tomorrow's the big parade, and Singapore's 43rd birthday! had school today. and obviously, its supposed to be half-day, right? 1/5 of my class went home at 11?so, isnt that not half-day? how unlucky were we? lets just forget about that. during morning assembly, ug had a parade, to commemorate National Day la kan. and sadly, someone made a huge mistake. and when i say huge, i mean huge. poor guy, everyone was having a good time laughing at him. i really pity that guy. and oh, Hakeem was cute. nyahaa (x after that had one lesson on NE. then procided to the hall. and had the usual singing of ndp songs. and hell, the hall was full of energy baybehh. especially when the upper-sec did the 'changkat wave'. coolio(:
i feel so fcuked up right now. and Ferra darling knows the reasons why. but whatever it is, i am not going to let the person hurt me further. she wont succeed, even if she thinks she will. that's a promise. school was as pernormal. had the usual lessons, and stuff. stayed back after school with Yasmin , and somehow with Syidah too. seen what the ug were doing for national day. i bet its gonna be cool. got disturbed by Hakeem. why? he caught me dancing in the middle of that place near the banner tree. and i was freaking unaware untill he cleared his throaght. and Hakeem, i will never ever dance for you again(x you wont see me dance again! nehnehnehpooopooooo (: my brain might shut down any minute. ask me why, i'll blame math. i had to study math for like about, 4 hours today. math class, math make-up, and math tution. thats a whole lot of math to handle in one day. and to make it worst, amandeep , keneth and osborne were chaotic during tution. fcuk, my brain felt like bursting! anyways, i saw a hot blonde hunk. actually i saw him afew months ago, lets see, 2 months? haha. i just forgot to update on what happened. but what i didnt forget was, he looked totally like joe jonas. so, you guys would know how i reacted (: ********************************************** okay, get back to today. i bumped into kakak on the way home. so yeap, talktalk awhile, then i went off. saw Amir at the mrt station. as usual, the little guy disturbs me. since i wasnt realy in the mood, i baded goodbye and went off. sorry Amir ): were drawing closer again, im back from camp! and this is one of the best camp so far, as everything about it is perfect, i guess. nice location, organised , and super dee duper awesome instructors. how much more better can this camp ever get? its much better as we had Ahmad and Anis for our instructors. and they're the bestest and awesomest. ;D first day of camp. i wanst all that excited as i didnt think camp would be a blast. took the bus with Ahmad to camp. and when we reached camp, many of us were crying out to the bus driver to turn the bus around. but then, it was kinda too late la kan? settled down, and were introduced to the instructors. so far, i still can remember Ahmad , Anis , Rizal , Khalis , Doey , Jenna , Faizal , Fizie and Wayne. I kinda forgot the rest.sorry la. haha. okay, so then we went to one corner to get to know the instructors better, and drew up our aims. did some preparations for the campfire, and then went to play afew games and learnt abit of the harnests and stuff for day2. day2 i was awoken by the cool sea breeze. sat down, wrapped in my sleeping bag , i stared at the sea , enjoying the breeze. and afew minutes later, i found myself talking to Haney. haha. so then, washed up and got ready for activities. we had our improvised rafting first. it was pretty tough, and our poor raft fell apart just as we wanted to try it out at sea. how heart-breaking. after that, we went for our dragonboating. it was kinda scary at first, but we enjoyed every bit of it. Ahmad did a flip, while i, fathin and naqiah were screaming at him not to. but still, his flip was cool. haha. after the dragonboating, went for high ropes. to tell the truth, i was really dreading this part of camp, but nevertheless, i still completed the multi-vines and wow woozey, though my heart was beating fast when i was high up there. had dinner afterwards, and then, the long awaited campfire. we were the first ones to perform, and i was very proud of my classmates, for the enthusiastic performance. as Anis and Ahmad said, we did well. ;D and today, was awoken by the noisy sounds of the aeroplanes, and the wonderful cool sea breeze. I panic-ed, actually, as i lost my sleeping bag cover. how sad. so then i went to wash up with Haney, and we packed our stuff after that. and it was heart-breaking to place evry single thing back into my bag. i really would miss camp, i thought.and yes, i did. had our breakfast, and area cleaning. slacked with Ahmad and Anis after that. played some games. Anis was super cute la kan. haha. and Ahmad tought us a new game. a game of concentration. it was quite fun, but noone called my number. how sad is that? boohooooo. and soon, i found myself back in school. and now, ; i miss ahmad and anis! |