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DHANY.Loud , Irritating , Cheerful. Asian. Al Faried Yusri - ♥ Family and my girls are 1st priority |
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final goodbyes before i leave for camp. but no worries, i'll be back on Friday. okay, i really cant keep my mouth shut la kay, Maam Hezrina's baby is super dee duper cute, i tell you! of course he's cute. cute like his beautiful momma. ohmy. i wanna pinch little baby's cheeks. and i wanna hug momma Hezrina! i miss her. boohooo. and talking about miss, im gonna miss Hakim, Ain, Adi and abg when im at camp. take caire la korang eyh. ;D and to the rest of the blog readers, take caire. bye! i totally messed up my whole napha test. lets see, i failed about 3 out of the five stations today. which is seriously making me feel all angry at myself for not being fit enough. and to add to those failures, i have a huge feeling im gonna fail my 2.4 tomorow, as my body is aching all over. especially me hip. damn, it hurts when i walk. had tution right after napha. i had to rush to tution, as obviously i was late. because of some people who kept on retake-ing the test. went straight to tution, and by the time i reached there, my face was freaking red. Nabil looked at me as if he was suprised, and teacher didnt recognise me until i gave him an irritated look. so im guessing, teacher only recognises me when i look irritated? haha! tution seemed more fun than usual. almost everyone came. and sacchi kept on teasing me because of my baggy t-shirt. haha! the bestest senior ever! <3 okeh, im really getting irritated by Ms Dayana. and i regret saying she would be better than Ms Ong. oh, what a huge mistake. let me ask you readers something. would you get irritated if you didn now the answer to the question you got wrong, and you asked your teacher to explain, and she just asks you to find the answer yourself? yeah, she's like that. i tell you, im freaking upset that she malas to layan people that are keen to learn loh. ape punye cikgu sesat. haiz. dah uh, diam sudah. yesterday was the Ncc girls' POP/COC. the parade had afew cockups. but overall, it was awesome. everyone clapped during our marchpast. of course it makes us feel so honoured la kan. and Peck Yeng's speech was awfully sadening. to tell the truth, tears started to roll down my cheeks just after afew sentences. it was really touching.Rahila! congrats for getting best cadet! baik ah Rahila! ;D Maam Hezrina came in the middle of Xian Li's speech. and most of the part Bs were crying tears of joy by the time she stepped into the room. we really appreciated her pressence, as she sacrificed her time to see her part Ds fort the last time. oh, this is so sadening. D; and i wanna say congrats to all part Cs, especially kak Atiqah, Kak Syiqah, n Xian Li. ;D to all the part Ds ; on behalf of all the part Bs, i would like to say that we would miss you guys. you guys were the best seniors anyone could ever ask for.all the happy, shitty, and sad moments together, we will never forget. we will treasure the moments we spent together, forever. [with love, part Bs.] pictures say more; part Bs with Maam Hez ;D Part Ds with Maam Hez ;D Me and Sir tersayang ;D siak, sir mcm KEDI!~ ;D okeh, since Ain somewhat sabo-ed me, i have to do this survey thingy. so, here it goes! ;D Q1: The person who tagged you is? `Ain Q2: What is your relationship with him/her/them ? `hothotheat girlfriend ;D Q3: Your 5 impression of him/her/them ? `hot,jambooo,giler,sweet,caring Q4: The most memorable thing he/she/them has done for you? `she tried oh so hard to tell him for me. ;D Q5: The most memorable thing that he/she/them has said to you? `that im pretty. [that sounded so perasan] Q6: If he/she/them becomes you lover, you will...? `do nothing. pk aku lesbian? =__=' Q7: If he/she/them becomes your lover, things he/she/them has to improves on? `im not a lesbian la ass. Q8: If he/she/them becomes your enemy, you will..? `try to make things right again Q9: If he/she/them becomes your enemy, the reason will be? `maybe because im too harsh? hehh. Q10: The most desire thing that you want to do for him/her/them now is? `always be there for her. ;D Q11: Your overall impression on him/her/them ? `loveliest firend anyone can have ;D Q12: How do you think people around you will feel about you? `idk. Q13: The character you love of yourself are..? `being random ;D Q14: On the contrary, the character you hate yourself are..? `idk Q15: The most ideal person you want to be is? `idk idk idkkkkkk Q16: For people who care & like you, say something about them. `NiNi cinta kamuu-kamuu ;D Q17: Pass this quiz to 10 people ! `Shaleen ;D `Hyrza `Haney ;D `Marcus `Hakeem ;D `Kak Wanni ;D `Sheila ;D `Fadhli ;D `Ct ;D `Izzat ;D Q18: Who is number 6 having relationship with? `Alif Q19: Is 9 a male or female? `Female Q20: If 7&10 are together, will it be a good thing? `hmm, maybe? Q21: How about 5&8? `they're guys la. Q22: What's number 2 is studying about? `somewhat the same stuff as i do. Q23: When was the last time you chatted with number 3? `Friday ;D Q24: Is number 4 single? `i think so Q25: Talk something casually about number 1. `she the bestest person to be random with! ;D 18/7 school was a bore, as pernormal. Art was merepek. PE was tiring, after PE was fun. eh Nadhir eh? lol. Math was putting me to sleep and English was torture. went home alone. Haney went for guides. saw Amiruddin at the mrt station. to Acap, i was smiling at Amir la slengg. haha. ;D blaablaaa. 17/7 school was a drag. almost slept during sci,eng. cant blame me, i was tired. i cant do anything about that then can i? ;D antar Haney go back to school. bumped into kak Wanni and Hakeem. and im still wondering why Hakeem was so friendly. he's usaully so sombong. haha. ;D had tution. teacher asked us to pick a partner of the opposite sex. so, since i was left with no choice because Sacchi wasnt looking at me, i partnered Nabil. heck care what people think, he was awesome. ;D 16/7 NCC [air] boy's change of command and pass out parade. im sorry for not attending eh Adi, Abang Fir. really sorry. 15/7 math tution. amandeep was fcuking noisy. i swear i could hit that boy's head with a metal rod. Hafiz laughed too much, Shahiirah keeps disturbing me about Nabil, Osborne was stubborn, as usual. and i, was tired. ;D nuff said.
![]() ![]() Syafiran finally, im home! and btw, thats not my bf yaw. ;D tapi, isnt he hawt? lol. Fifie! kaw hot! ;D this is so random. tomorrow is the airboy's POP. im hoping to go watch and see my dearest cuzzin pass out. i know he would really want me to be there to see him pass out. im sure he'll appreciate my presence. and of course, he appreciates me sacrifising my time to see him pass out. abang. anything i WILL try my best to turn up. ;D and these are the pictures from 2 weeks ago. enjoy! ![]() in case you cant see, me and haney wrote, kebelohan Hariz. ![]() an ugly drawing of syafiq. by me. lol ![]() an almost look alike of nadhir. ;D a tight friendship can never be broken
lets see, today didnt do much , really. to start of, i woke up at 12. well, how much later could i wake up right? haha. so then, i went to bathe and stuff. and as usual, switched on the computer. ;D and then tried to search for music and then bloghopped. dah takde keje la katekan ;Dafter some time, Fadhli came online. and then, boom! after so long, we finally chatted again. haha. tried to catch up with stuff that we missed since , so very long. and so, when to crazy + random people chat with each other, they talk about random stuff ;D so yes, imagine that me and Fad are those people. ;D ouh, and Fad. do try to get some sleep tao! ;D and here are the overdue pics of ncc day ;D[taken from abang fir] formal informal actions show a whole lot,
well, basically yesterday was just a normal school day. but Haney didnt come, so yea, it wasnt as kecoh as normal. and as usual, everyone is ecstatic, as its Friday! ;Dhad PE. got briefed on napha test, and had to run 1.2. and i still cant believe i got 8mins +. it was worst thatn my last timing, i guess. ;[ so, as usual,again, had NCC after school. had our normal training, and brushing up of drills. and had rehearsal for COC. but unfortunate;y, i had to fall out. and so, i just watched the others rehearse. anyways, congratulations to Xian Li, kak Atiqah and kak Syiqah, for getting the post of SM. ;D happy for you guys! keep on working hard ;D so Xian, dreams do come true when you work hard dont they? ;D im happy for you ;D after NCC stayed in school for awhile. got some kinda of lecture from sir, as pernormal. haha. it wasnt that bad actually. ;D then, sir accompanied me home. and again, he carries on lecturing. but i appreciate it, coz he tells me about health and stuff. and for the lecture and company, i thank him. it shows he really does care. ;D we have the best sir in the whole world! ;D [sir jgn kembang dok. haha] okay, to start of, i actually wouldnt be blogging right now , but beacause of what happened at tution, so then, i will. i finally went to tution after several weeks of skiping classes. and damn, i missed alot didn i? basically, there were two new students. Nabil and Veronica [i think]. and the Nabil guy was cute. aint fat, and he look totally looked like abg Ari. and he kinda reminded me of my k1 or was it k2? heck care. he reminded me of my kindergarten friend, which also has the name Nabil. i miss that guy. and i dont think he even remembers me. sobss. haa! and i finally got to whack amandeep's boncet tummy. conferm saket peyy. bunyik kuat! ;D oh, i saw Aidil tadi. matrep tak menjadi nampak, matrep tak menjadi nampak! ;DD purple skinny with brown baju. not nice. hahaha. ;D and i am NOT minahrep or whatever shit la ehh Aidil. haha! hello ;D today, well, went to school as pernormal. sat beside Jasni while waiting for the mrt. and it was uncomfortable. lol. and got squeezed by a ... lady and a smelly chinese guy in the mrt. i felt like suffocating. seriously. luckily the trip from pasir ris to tampinese wasnt long. nasib, nasib. lessons went on as pernormal. except that i had to waste 1/4 of my recess for my classmate. haiyo! and the worst thing was, Naufal was watching my every move lor. like, wth. go class la sia! tengok pompan jek. hakkpuuuiiiihhhhh ah!. dnt lesson wasnt normal. Mr Han suddenly talks to me alot. well, i like it uhh. lol. and Fadzril wasnt himself today. wanna know why? ; he jumped out of the toilet, and started saying non-rude stuff. trust me, that was soooo not Fadzril. coz he usually shakes his butt in my face when he sees me. poor Fadzril. i hope he doesnt do that again. i almost had a heart attack siaa. nasib, nasb. Mr Han ader kat situ. ;D Fadzril! besok jgn lupe makan obat anti-biol sblm dtg skola! ;DDD heh. kay uhh. naq bikin homework-ku! bye~ hello fellow readers ;D today nothing much to post about. but theres on thing i wanna type out. abang! i want my guitar back! ;D wokeyy. there. ;D its been long since i last seen my dear guitar. haha. i wonder what abanghas been doing to my guitar. hmmm. d[0_0]b uhh, forget it. the more i wonder, the more dizzy i get. oh, sorry my poor brain. ~ and, I MISS PAPABEARkus and GALAHkus!!! D; but i dont think galah misses me at all lor. well, it seems that way to me. and he seems to be ignoring me. and everytime he ignores me, it would be like, "wham!" someone hitting me. so the menyedihkan kan?. but nevermind. anything happens, i still have dearest papabear! ;DDD oh god, i forgot what i wanted to say =___=' whatever la. BYE!! hello pretty babies! [dont ask me why im so cheerful ;D] today had madrasah. actually i had to go for Val's birthday party, but since i know i'll be tired, i decided not to go. so, sorry to Val, Sheila and Feeqa la kays. so, carrying on with madrasah. almost all my darlings came. and when i say darlings, i include the guys too. ;D well, most of the guys. luckily that fat freak didnt show up. or i wouldnt be so cheerful now. ;D ustaszah made us do a dialogue and act it. so, as usual, all girls are in the same group. and as usual [again], we would come up with all sorts of noncensensical[i think thats how ya spell it] ideas. kan ain kan? *winkwink and we ended up acting up a dialogue about a teacher and students. basically a class la kan. so, me, Ain, and Naaz acted as the "bad" students[ehemmehemmm, tkpaya act sia. haa] and Husna and Khaliesa acted as the "good" students. haha. cute la korang! ;DD Hazwan's group was the first to act out their dialogue. and hell, their act was funny shit. merepek siaa. lets go straight to the Rahman"police" ; eh, buat ape uhh? Syazwan ; kaw gi marah uhh, tangkap dorang. budo kape kaw? class: hahahahahahah. ;DD Rahman ; oh wokeyy. *turns around Wazein & Danial ; *runs away Rahman ; *blur face * turns to Aizat Rahman ; mane dorang pergi uhh sia? Syazwan ; alamak, dorang klua la. ape uh kaww. =__= hahaha. kekek sia tu matrep tak menjadi. those who dont understand, ask someone to translate for you uhh. hahah ;DD but our act was way more merepek, kan ain kan? the guys were like, so damn quiet during our act. i guess they cant really hear us. haha. after acting, Syazwan was thirsty la katekan, so he togok air f&n , bey some termasok idong. dah tu, terbatuk-batuk macam giler. tu takpe, sblm batuk tengok kan aku dulu. =___= mak kaw, sumpah siaa, klaka naq mampos. taq stop seyy ketawe. [ketawe sorang katekan];DD and oh, Hazwan , Wazein and Amirul were super duper cute today ;D esp Hazwan! haha *winkwink Labels: birthday, dialogues, Syaz, Wan blast of energy ;D
awesome-ness! ;Dthe concert yesterday was freaking awesome. i bet the night show was even better. or should i say, way better. [erhemm, pasal ade Adi and some others la katekan! haha] the cadets in the fancy drills did a fantastic job, i must say. the teacher's act was hilarious, and the finale was a blast of energy. i have no doubt the night show was way better, with more talented ex students coming in to perform. oh yea, MJ' performance was awesome i cant wait for the next RHC concert lor. haha. i bet it would be better ;D today, went to wild wild wet with Haney, Zirah, and Naddy. another awesome day ;D and gawd, there were many HOT lifeguards eyy. hahaha. stoppit siaa NiNi. ;D and i bumped into that guy again on the way out of the toilet! that same guy who suddenly talked to me in the bus afew months ago. that guy which is totally hot. that guy which seriously has the features of abg Syamil. [abg, bangge uhh i say you hot? haha!] that guy with the charming smile. gawd! haha. and oh, that guy, who is still so short. ;D lol! andand! mummy isnt gonna be home to manje me for two whole days! oh mommy, i miss you already siaa. come home! come home! come home! and btw, i kinda miss abg Fir right now, and i have no freaking idea why! d[0_0]b and sorry people, no photos for today and yesterday. D'; wokey dokeyy. yesterday was NCC day! had our parade, and i was in the first row. and so is rahila. ;D gosh, rahila sure was terified to be standing at the front. haa, cute la ;D after the parade, snap afew photos with the airboys ;D kecoh la kan! Akmal super kecoh lorr, and, mulot maintain urhh boy. cute kaper kaw? ;D and then, we sang Amirah a birthday song ;D Happy birthday Mirah!btw, Adi dengss came! hahah. and he said, "hey NiNi, good job! you girls were better than my guys" and in my heart, i was like, " of course! kater airgirls!" haha. and surprisingly, Nadhir was super nice to me and Haney yesterday. and today. its totally weird, but i think i kinda like it. ;DD you never get treated nicely by Nadhir all the time y'know. ;DDD harap2 , Nadhir can be like this for the rest of the year ;D i would really appreciate it alot ;D anyways, Haney decided to name me "Plankton". reasons are; `im short `my eyes are big `im smart but beylo at the same time. but i denied, and said i wanted "Patrick Star" instead. reasons; `he's eyes are big+cute `he's super beylo `he's boncet, like me. [LOL] and today was super hilarious lorr. take a look at the videos people. ;DD |