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DHANY.Loud , Irritating , Cheerful. Asian. Al Faried Yusri - ♥ Family and my girls are 1st priority |
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alrights, so today i didnt go to school. and its been quite some time since ive chatted with Fadlan. i kinda miss his slenge-ness lah kann. and sadly, he's going for umrah this Sunday. if, im not wrong uhh. well, hope he and his family would have a safe trip to and fro ;D amin ;DD anyways, went to the airport with haney yesterday. many nice stuffs to take pictures of. but sadly, i dont have a good camera. so i used my lousy handphone camera, which obviously made the picture blur. haiz. and i also had afew flashbacks of Palembang while at the airport. well, it really shows how much i miss Palembang. and how much i miss that hotel! and of course my friends and kecohrable tourguides ;DD how i wish i could rewind time! seriously! and ouh, bumped into Aidil and his momma at the bustop. poor Aidil had idk what thingy happen to his eye la, den got plaster. haha. and he was kinda malu when he saw me. i think coz he scared tak handsome with the plaster thingy over his eye. haha. cute siaa ;DD and i think he wanted to tell me something. but his mother kept on talking. haha. and then, his bus sampai, senyum kat aku, bey bye2 ;D omg, he was so damn cute when he's super blur. seriously. hahaha. ;DD kayy, let the pictures talk ;D tuesday: aww, she kissed me ;DD![]() Thursday(yesterday) : it would have look nicer with a better cam.thursday ( when girls get bored ) : [mine] ![]() [Haney's] heyya! ;D omg, can y'all believe it? i can finally concerntrate on math. so, getting separated from Haney did have an efect. a good one ;D haha. well, since im sorrounded by people who wanna learn, i think my grades would get better, and voila! 3e2, here i come! haha ;DDD anyways, had lower sec assembly today. it wasnt as bad as the usual ones we'd have, so yeap, everyone wasnt in such a bad mood. tapiii, peyy kecoh! mak kaww, kepale aku macam mauu neletop siak! 0_0 then, followed Haney go jumpe si form teacher kiter uhh. beyyyy, dapat tahu dier ade photo taking plak. wow! fed-up sia! =____=' bloddy hell, went up , she go down, go down, found out she go up =_____= . mak, darah aku up je siaa. then, zoooooom, balek. sent Haney home as she didnt want to walk home herself. =__='' then, i go tuition. and i seriously didnt like what amandeeptaikheadedblacky said about me. fuck you lah budo! i wear earpiece doesnt mean i totally deaf cannot hear what you say right? whatever shit la kay, i know im short la kayy, tapi takpaya cakap sial pasal aku uhh. da laa hitam! aku suro Nabil hempap kaww baru tau ah siaaa. siak. geram siol. arghhhh. and, Hafiz dearest, kaw tak bersalah la dengs. it wasnt your fault that my phone fell, or that you hit me. that stupid blacky's fault la dengs. ;D sayang kaw! kayy uhhs, buuhbyeee ;DD kepalebutotaikheadedblackysial. go die before i torture you to death uh seyy! i mean it okayy. ! hello! haha. ;D alrights, school has started. and damn, i hate my new english teacher! well, not really hate uhh. i do NOT suke my new english teacher okay! asek2 blink3. haaaa. ;DD oh god! i cant wait till i get that cd la deyy. cikgu! i want that cd quickquick! heheheheeee. ;DD kay, so the sungguh the random. ola people! ;DD and, Happy Birthday to dearest Grandpaku ;DD and obviously, cuzzies came over to celebrate. so the house was like, super kecoh. with the guys talking about soccer, to cam-whoring, to aunts talking about accesories , clothes , and things of that sort. the little ones crowded around the computer. so i was damn bored, with nothing to do. and since i was the only teenage girl amongst all my cuzzins, i felt kinda left out when the guys talk about soccer and stuff. so, ape lagyk, dudok satu corner dengar lagu ahh ;DD and then, tertido plak. ;DD wahaaahh. tapiii, kene kacaw ngan liyana la deyy. lol. tgh sedap2 tido gi kejot aku buat ape la deyy? =______=''' hahh. and now, im feeling random. idk why la kan. ;D haaa, kay uhhs. bye! wokeyy, im freaking dying from boredom la deyy. and im totally not ready for school! like c'mon, 1 whole month of nice trips, chalets, farewell parties, tell me who wont want the holidays to stay? well, i guess kak Wanni wants to go back to school. haha. it seems like it ;D btw, didnt get the chance to chat / talk / msg Fadlan dearest today. like wtf, i cant live without doing any of those things for one day. haha. kay, sungguh bedek la kan. i mean, i cant stand not talking to dearest kecohrable buddykus , coz im ubber bored, and he's not online to entertain me with jokes and stories and stuff we can do when i go back to Palembang. or he comes to Singapore. haha. ;DDD ahhhhhh. im sleeepy. whatever. im going of to sleep . i wont want to have worse eyebags la deyy. i already have eyebags for goodness sakes. haha. kay, dahhdahh. bye pretty babykusss ;DDDD alright , im back pretty people! ;DD kay, im fucking fed-up with Nabil la kayy! ermm, fyi, bukan Nabil 2e1 eyy. ;DD that stupid guy. he gets angry at me for not going out with him? and i've already said sorry like, 3 times la eyy, and he just gives me his fucked up attitude. fuck you la cibai! give me attitude eyy? kaw kene balek ngan aku uh siaal! knnbcb. alrighteyy. so now, you people have seen how angry i am at that ass? yea! i hate him more than i hate Aiman biggy big balloon bumm! at least Aiman darling says sorry when he's wrong. not like that freak! argh. whatever. anyways, galah, you feel better right? im sorry to hear what happened at the f50 flight tadi. hope you get better soon eyy? ;DD anyways, abg fir is back! yeayy! and he bought me something. how sweet is that? sayang abg fir! ;DD and he said he's gonna take me out and go shopping ;D gerek kan dhe? duhh. he's my cuz ;D ![]() selamat sore[: haaahh. okay, the Palembang trip was awesome. there were lots of friendly people, and yea, cheap stuff! ;DDDDD the hotel was super nice, believe me. huge bathroom, spacious bathtub, soft bed and pillows, what more can i ask for? ;D lets see what the pictures have to say: ![]() ![]() the guy's Faris! im never forgetting him[: ![]() Fadlan and us[: ![]() ![]() Fadlan! [: cute kan dhe? ;DD ![]() Alvin! chipmunk [: ![]() NaQiah [: - ignore my face ;DD ![]() Ricky! rindu kamu dong! ]': ![]() ![]() |