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I close my eyes and dream
DHANY.Loud , Irritating , Cheerful. Asian. Al Faried Yusri - ♥ Family and my girls are 1st priority |
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![]() yeah! i skipped concert rehearsal today. and i dont feel the slightest feeling of guilt. wow! 0_0 . went out with lil sista and Haney darlinggg. Haney wanted to buy something for her sista. so yeaps. After that, went to Sunplaza park. we went straight for the swing. haha. i was screaming my lungs out. hahaa. the swing went too high 0_0 . i kinda tried the flying fox. wow! best jugak ey? ^^ abeyyyy, it rained heavily. soo, we zooooom-ed to the void deck. we got bored, so yeaps, pictures are taken[: here's the pichas[: ~ ![]() alamaq~ pipi bulat siaa dektu. ![]() ![]() hell yeah! [: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wow, i feel tall! ~ 0_0 ![]() ![]() mcm cartoon siaa ^^ ![]() ![]() picture perfect ![]() ![]() ![]() haha~ Nadd muker mcm monyet[: ![]() ![]() so yea. concert training today was like bullshit. the coreographer expects the ug to dance like the mordern dance people, like as in move our body more and sway our hips. like hello? i dont know about the others, but i aint swaying my hips like some mad bitch. after that, the rest wanted to practice on fancy drills. kay, i know y'all want everyone to know the steps perfectly. but for gawd's sake, you cant expect a person who hasnt attended any rehearsals to know how to do it. get that Yasmin? kaw aja aku macam tknk aja sioll. tknk aja suda ah. aku step down dari ni concert sua. now, i feel like throwing myself on my bed. hugging the minnie mouse abg Khai gave me , and just crying myself to sleep. i cant take all the noncense y'all are giving me. and whatever it is, dont expect me to be in a super good mood every rehearsal. i aint a robot, and i certainly aint programmed to be happy all the time. im a human being la kay, and humans have feelings. kay, enough anger being let out. still counting down the days to the chalet. currently 6 days left. i seriously cant wait. im definitely gonna spend most of my time with Sarah and Abang Syamil darlings. and not forgetting cam-whoring with them too. its garaunteed my worries will fade away[: gosh. i feel so fucked up. :/ kay, im letting out my anger so if you dont wanna read, get loose. Sacchi , Amandeep &` Ibenzer are so gonna get it from me. You guys knew i had a sore throat? at least just by hearing my voice? like c'mon la guys. if y'all never sabo me for once cannot is it. like fcuk la sia, you guys new i hadnt finished doing the question, how in the world would i answer the bullshit if i havent complete it? no brains. pfffft. &` friendster is really being sucha bitch. kay nevermind if i cant send comments la ey. but i cant view my fcuking profile. like knnbcb. its been happening like 3 times already. abang Hairizam, i really thank you alot for helping me. eventhough we just met and hadnt known each other well, u still helped. sayang abang alot[: kay, no mood la sial. bye kay. to start of eyy, life has been harsh this days. i got sick right after the oral exams. &` now im coughing like mad, &` i have no appetite to eat at all, coz my throat is like, killing me . &` now all i wish for is to get better before the trip to Palembang. &` now i dont understand why people even want to add me in msn when they dont even talk? whats the use seyy? &` they end up asking me who i am. like , c'mon la people, you added me in the first place. so you should know who i am right? oh gawd. stupid no brains. pfffffffffft. &` people, dont judge me by looks okay, you're being so fcuking lame, get it?! you guys dont know me, so dont talk crap about me la okay? sorry for the harsh word. i just aint in the mood. okayy. today was oral examination. and i was nervous like, real nervous. Walked to school with Haney and Zirah. so then, sampai laa kat skolaa. beyybeyy, exam starts. and so, me and Haney went to chatchat with Fathin, Naqiah and Ferra [: Naqiahhhh!! nervous gyler kankan? haha. sampai bongkar gua peyy wallet ey korang. wakakaaaas.[: after waiting for like, 2 hours, it was finally my turn. *shows adeq Fikri's shocked face*. and so,during the conversation, the teacher asked, what do you wanna be when you grow up? , i wast thinking PILOT. hahaaa, cool gyler.i bet noone said that. but then, theres not much to eleborate on that kannkann? so i said i wanna be a fashion designer. and the teacher asked me why? mak oii. macam mau bagi penumbokkkk. so then, went home alone since Haney had some cookie selling thing[: bumped into Markers. oooops. Marcus and Zhao Qi at the Mrt station. haha. Zhao excited pahh nampak akuu. gyler pey budakk. X] . kaykay. enough stuff? byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! [: ![]() kay, i have to admit, this is the best outing yet.[: i love Haney so the many the much the many the much okay[: haaaha, kay, sungguh merepekkk. we didnt actually plan on where to go. and Haney was late, kankankann? . only god, me, and Haney knows why. hahaa[: *grins* so, followed Haney to buy Zirah's pressie. nice laa siaa. [: after that, decided to go to downtown. kinda wanted to see the ferris wheel thingy. then we walked around. but we got bored after some time. so we zooommmm ~ go to the beach[: did many crazy stuffs[: really feel very relaxed. and i heck care all those stupiid people, and bullshit problems , and had a hell of a great time[: and Ameer didnt come along. so i was ubber happy[: wakaaaakaas. Haney, nyek nyek , truuutututt the sand. ahaii. only she knows. [: paham2 je luhh eyhss[: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() try your best, dont dissappoint me
gawd. why must one problem come after another. i really pity abg Hairizam right now. he's been kinda upset. haixx. abg Gyler dearest, i know you're really going through alot right now. i just want you to know that you still have me. you've helped pull me through my problems. and i aint gonna leave you sitting there and getting mad about all this stuff. if you ever need me, do tell me. it isnt much to ask, and it wouldn't hurt alil bit for me to help. [: do cheer up dearest[: sayang gyler byk2 [:loves~ all those laughter
having a sore throat. thats what i get for laughing and shouting too much. and im having stomach aches from laughing too. ahaiii. woww.currently chatting with Fiq and abg Hairizam [: due2 buat lawak kapee. kay best,best. Fiq kembang, mentang2 org suke senyum dhe.[: I and Abg Hairizam was talking about school and studies. Since he takes a.math, i can ask him to help in the future. great! [: and abg was freaking worried when i said i wanted to 'commit suicide'. which i obviously wont dare to do. sorry to make you worry so much abg. really. ]': kay. enough mushy stuff. tomorrow momma would be taking the report book. kay, akuu takot. *panics*. and going out with Haney and erhemms. hahah[: confirm gerek. oh hurrays. dearest Haney has returned! ahaa, kay merepek ey aku [; anyways, its been quite some time since i've last posted. ahaii. and many things hahave been happening. Made new friends yaw. Hairizam anddd Hidayat. they're the best[: but i prefer Hairizam darling[: loves~ kawan baek jer taoo! Haney decided to have an outing with Ameer. yechh. but whatever, i wanna follow her and buy a pressie for Zirah[: heck care whether Ameer is there. and i was thinking. would'nt going out with Hairizam be much better? its just my opinion eyy [: there werent any proper lessons today.tell me, how great is that? english lesson was spent as time to catch up with Haney dearest [: same goes for mother tongue[: but unfortunately i had to go for IMT straight after mother tongue. sorry darling ]; stupiiid M16 riffle. i hurt my elbows because of it. i cwear i would break it into half if i could. seriously. and i think it is like, 5 pounds? yarghhh. poor elbows. Ohh. abg Ari came yaww. i really miss him aloottt. and he said he would try his best to make it to the concert. loves~ . and he has this HOT PINK watch. its freaking beautiful. can i have it abg? :/ yo~. yesterday night was a blast. went to Jetty to see abg Afiq & Izul. Made alot of new friends[: haaa, kay bedek. made two new friends[: Martin and, uhmmm, kay takpe. i forgot the other one :/ abg Afiq ajak-ed me to cut the fish with him. ape lagyk, i join uhhs. we made sushi[: ahaii, kay bedek, we just cut it up. and it look pretty messy. ahaiii, and Martin kecohh~ Martin: wahh, got food. Me: haa, hungry? nah. * gives him kuih* Martin: what is that? Me: kuih pulau pinang Martin: ohhhh. i try uh. Me: ah, try. [: after afew minutes. Martin: kakk, i wan lagyk. Momma: haha, nah. Martin: oooh. thankieww [: siol, i laugh my head off. cute budoo. and did i mention, he sleeps like a cat.[: currently watching Qabil Kushry Qabil Igam. fuuuuyoo. sedihh siol cite. advise y'all watch it[: kay dah. bye Hello my dear babies[: .its already 1:03 pm and im still tired. haha. i feel like a big fat lazy pig~. anyways, i watched 'meet Joe Black' on HBO yesterday. funny shit. and Brad Pitt was acting in it [: oh, he's so cute. i like [: madrasah yesterday okay2 uhhs. Wazein doesnt seem to be himself, which obviously scares me. &-oh, i finally get to see dearest Amirul Adli. rinduu kucing aku alooott[: . Syazwan dearest was laughing like a mad monkey, as usual. haha. no offence yea?. and Aiman the Balloon Butt dearest didnt come. so, the class kinda got 'more' space to sit in. haha, baek kapee aku.. kay diam. i've been chewing on gum since morning. and my mouth is getting tired of chewing and blowing bubbles. haha. kay, sungguh random. but i really think im gonna spit it out. after i post this. im currently fighting with lil sista about which celebrity is hotter, Mathew Underwood or Sean Flynn. So, i'll type out part of our arguement. [: Lil sis: so, whos hotter? Me: Sean Flynn laa, duhh. Lil sis: ey, tak! Mathew hotter Me: kau tanyer aku kan? i say Sean Flynn. [: Lil sis: no! Mathew hotter. Me: okayy, gasak kauu. pfftt~
okay. so today was the last day of our ILJ. e1's & e2's went to the science center. the e2's reached first as us, e1's had an accident. and the owner of that stuuuupiiid car wont just let us go. and we were late, for like, 1/2 hour? just because of that car. wowooooowww! pfft. we did forensic science. it was like being part of the csi. hahaa. i like. we had to use an equipment called the pipette. though i prefer calling it a shringe?[: after that went back to school. e1's plan was canceled.stuupiid. we werent allowed to go to Mac. and we were [ random shiiit((: ] Kak Lilee: hey, look at each others chin, then y'all have straight line. Kak Yasmin: then if cannot see le? Me & Atika: *sticks chin out* Us: *laughs like hell* Kak Lilee: siala, ey, y'all dont do that uh. cacat siaak. Part B: hahahah! *some mumbling* hahahahhh. had ncc after the trip. i was kinda tired, but i really did miss having training. and i really didnt regret going for today's training. Kak Lilee ended up teaching us. it was awesome. had lotsa jokes, and till now, my tummy still hurts. haha. i really miss having Kak Lilee around to teach us like she used to. and this could be the last time she teaches us. ohmyyyy. sedihh budoo! and! something stuupiiidd happened at tuition yesterday. hahaa. Sanchi dearest cant find his slipper. and he was like searching through a pile of slippers. and he was scared to be left alone. stuupiid siow Sanchi. so then, i accompanied him, till i got fed-up and left. and when i left, he found his stupid slipper. what the @#$%& . bloody slipper. kay, just reached home. pheww. today was real awesome. went fencing with e1's. it was super awesome. though the whole class got fed-up when we got lost finding the place, and we had expected a better place for such an expensive sport. lets skip to the interesting parts[: I got partnered to Nabilah, luckily. i really didnt want to be partnered to ehemm ehemms. haahh. anyways, our partners were supposedly our enemies. so me and Nabilah were enemies laa ey. hhaa. so then, we had a competition. sadly i lost a point for my team. but i did enjoy. and my team did end up being the champions[: kayy, bestbest.[: i ended up having a headache after the course, but i seriously did enjoy it a whole lot. hahah. bet everyone enjoy it. and definitely, i didnt regret choosing fencing.[: here's the pichas[: ![]() ![]() ![]() naqiah and another classmate fencing. okay. tomorrow got some stupid course at the science centre. harap harap gerek la eyy. [: shiiit. besok ade ncc. just perfect. just when i needed rest, there's training. but nevermind. i really need to exercise man. and! i saw Sanjit just now. and gosh, Sanjit's scared of me? sobbs. hahAA. apeape je la eyy Sanjit. go run away go. =_____=''' kay da, gi belah ![]() today 2e1 went to the Singapore flyer. to tell the truth, it wasnt as exciting as i had expected. and view wasnt clear because of the rain and clouds. but i did enjoy the company of the girls. they were super kecoh. sadly, dearest Haney couldnt make it today. so she missed out some fun. *winkwink* i didnt take many self-pics too. didnt feel like taking pics with the other girls. but i did get some pics of the flyer,and a pic of Edison! but he looked away. ish. tak best la seyy. kay, afew more weeks to Palembang trip. haizz. i seriously have no rest this year. just let the pics do the talking. ![]() ^^
it aint the same without you
okayy. to start of, i really did flunk geog. and to add on to the bad news, i only managed to get borderline marks. except for malay and science. i seriously feel stupiiiiiiiiiid amongst my classmates. And classmates boast around about their high marks. thanks eyy korang. buat aku rase budooo je! pfffffffft.i aint really in the mood coz of those shitty marks. But i finally saw Wan today, so i was super ecstatic all of a sudded. kan Haney kan? hehh. oh shitts. tomorrow my class would be boarding the Singapore flyer. i garauntee i would be having headaches. but whatever, once in a lifetime pe naik. family wont want to ride it. duhh k dah, belahh wonderful meanings[:
okay. im feeling so the super malas nowadays. well, you cant blame me for being so can you? im super tired from all the studying for exams. so yea. slacking abit wont harm right? [:anyways, Hassan suprisingly wanted to catch up on things. you know, share about life and stuff. and i thank him alot for that. i practically told him almost everything, and he helped me resolve most of my problems. sayang Hassan! hahAA. just kidding. [: haix. im missing Hazwan and Amirul Adli already. and its only been 2 days since ive seen them. and i have no idea what makes me miss them so much. but still, i miss Wan way more. 2 weeks of not seeing him, you cant blame me, can you? [: i am definitely flunking geography. Like, come on la. the questions are super brain-wrecking[for me]. But i dont get how Faiz can be so stress free when doing the paper. wow! maybe his brain is like a super computer. in that case, can i have it Faez?. haHAA. [; while i was wondering how smart Faiz was, time flies by. Leaving me with only 30mins to finish doing 4 stupiiid brain-wrecking Qs. which i eventually finished answering 2mins before the paper ended. tu pun, nasib je. [: when the paper finally ended, 2e1 jadi kecoh uh, ape lagyk! we discussed our answers. and i kinda freaked coz Faiz's answer was mostly different from mine. ahhhhhh. shiiiiit la. but nevermind. me and Hanissah went to meet Ms ET coz she wanted us to do this CME worksheet. and it took us like 2mins to finish it. hahAA. after that, followed Haney to buy a mother's day pressie for her momma. I didnt get momma anything yet coz i only got a pathetic $2.40 in my wallet. and i spent $1.60 to buy lunch as i was freaking hungry. anyways, Haney bought pink carnations. and it kind of reminded me of literature coz one of the stories was 'pink carnations'. and Haney said "pink carnations.yes,pink carnations would do perfectly". hahah. baekk kapee.?[: so this is the last paper for mid-yr. Hurray! but still, oral exams are coming up. shiiits. i hate oral like i hate bitches. i freak when i cant find the words to describe the stupid picture. i hope the teacher falls asleep and has no freaking idea i have finished talking. then it would be super easy to trick the teacher. hahAA. im so mean. but whatever laa ey. kay uhh. bye. i miss Hazwan! exam bullshit la siaa. math and science, a high chance im flunking them. man, i feel so stupid. abang, tolong! i dont think i can make it to 3e2 nxt year. )': chill NiNi, chill. [: but still, it doesnt hurt trying my best. so, those who say i wont make it, whatever ey. i dont give a damn shiit la dumbasses. kay. math paper aku taq buat 3 Qs. and one of those Qs cost me 5 marks. baek kapeee. pfffft. i told mom, mom says its okayyyy. (: i love momma! [: today was science paper. man, it was a killer. luckily i studied. or i would have been stuck at that stupid Qs. but nevermind. atleast i finished the paper. hurray? pffft. but still, im ready to fail. same goes to many in 2e1. haHAA.(: oh. Happy Birthday Illya(: haha. [tengok, aku igt siak bdae dhe. de taq igt bdae aku. pfft] kayy. firstly, im gonna be soooo busted. that is, if mom finds out im using the com. and second, im dead nervous for my literature exam. ive been reading the two stories over and over again. and yikes. im afraid i'll forget all about the two stories during the exam. its pretty hard to squash two stupid stories and afew poems, into my poor, little brain. which i am positive, has been over-working this few days. well, im hoping to do very well in my literature. and i guarantee, i'll be flunking my maths. lets see, i cant do questions that require alot of thinking. and i bet the teachers put in alot of those questions? duhh. tell me which teacher would be so kind? pffffft. exams make me freak out. and i really freak out when i cant do the questions. fcuk. why do we need exams? why cant we just continue studying without exams. i bet life would be much more better than the life im living now. okayyy. aku dah start merepekk. better studyy more for later. good luck to all [again] bye! mid-years have started, hurray. =____='' kay, life has been a living hell. and to those people, ignore me all you want. im becoming immune to it already la. pfffffffftt. =_____='' kay. my knee's getting much better. and yeay, i can wear my skinnies again(: hahAA. kay lame. ive been totally ignoring Haney. well not totally la, kay. why? because i was concentrating on my knee. hahAA. sounds lame. but its true. go ahead and ask Haney. she got irritated with me for not entertaining her, and instead 'entertaining' myself with my knee. kay. madrasah totally sucks. but i thank ustaszah wirdah for making it better. sayang ustaszah banyak2(: i love you ustaszah!(:(:(:(: kay. enough mushy stuff. i was already really upset coz of something. then, Hazwan didn come. sobsob. but Syazwan turned up, so the class was still noisy. so i wasnt so upset. but , not that happy either. yechhh. i hate Aiman. stupid dumbass. nak tendang kerusi tengok aku pey mood dulu ah. fcuk off la. i hate dumbasses like you. k dah. bye. ps : good luck to all for mid-yr [especially kak Wanni & abang(: syg kamuuu] && Rashid , you suckkkkk Labels: thanx ustaszah(: |