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I close my eyes and dream
DHANY.Loud , Irritating , Cheerful. Asian. Al Faried Yusri - ♥ Family and my girls are 1st priority |
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![]() pure candid. hahaa. credits to Haneyy(: kay.just woke up. and its now, lets see, 1905. damn, im tired. because of going through the whole day of boredom. and heck.. gotta go to abang Fir's place at 20 00. im super malass laa, but whatever, i'll go anyway. shiiiiit tomorrow is the start of mid-year. oh, help me. no, save me from it. kay stop, i aint desperate. yechh. school was a bore, as usual. morning assembly was filled with chattering. especially between me and Haney. & Nadia, stop looking at my wound kay? its making me embarrassed. really. Marie Lee didnt turn up. happy? not really. so, lesson was no fun. got a major headache because of all the noise. god, cant Nik Son keep his mouth shut? ey Nik, sorry uh. dont angry uh ey? math remedial. ate pizza! nice budo. hahaa! the others were looking at us. hah. want some? go buy =______='' i played with my phone throughout the lesson. kay, lesson was boring, what d'you expect? kayyy. tomorrow's english exam. wow. i've been flunking english. sounds dumb? ive got solid proof kay. man, im so dumbbbbb. kayy. ----------------------------------------------------------------- oooooooooh. kay. baru balek rumah abang. finally. the cats were driving my nose crazy. i've been sneezing like mad. gosh. i hate it. abang looked very moody. so obviously, i didnt kacauu(: kasi abang rest. i guess he's kinda stressed. poor dude. kk. akuu naq blajaa math. bye uhhs PS: and god, make me taller((: PLEASE(: okay, its sports day. and it was freaking boring budo. but nevermind, sat with abang fir. so kecoh dier ade laa lebih. ^^ half of me regretted going. the other half doesnt. baek kepee? =______='' regretted coz the people from 3n splashed sweet water. damn, my hair was wet, and very sweet i guess. and oh, i bet it was good enough to eat? gosh, budo laa satu satuuu. &my other half didnt regret coz RED won. kay, bestbest. ^^ mak oii. aku happy sia. so Deane, still confident? i told you. ((: okay. mid-years are coming. and i totally have to buck up on math and humanities. god, why do i have to suck at them. kay NiNi, stop it. okayyy. guess i'll go on and studyyyyyy. and oh. HOT news ; Changkat takraw boys are the National Champions! cool ey? i know. and they're in the malay paper. double cool ey? yea, i know! haha. k dah. aku nak blajaaa. bye! Happy Birthday Hidayuh(: Labels: its okay Rashid(: oh shit. im starting to have this weird feeling again. and im hoping its not gonna be worse than last time. why do friends seem to leave, when im starting to think they're coming back? im sorry to say, but the only one that never did leave me, was Haney and Yasmin. you guys are angels. i love you! i feel like just crying right now. but i have to stay strong. i wouldn't want Amirah getting very worried again. bloodyhell. i thought sec school life was a breeze. but turns out, im wrong. well, at least life is better than it was in pri school. wokey. i think i need , uhmm.. Rasyid, Syaz1, Izzat, Haney & Yasmin to cheer me right now. mane korangg oii. I need you guys laa. and thanks Peck Yeng for the encouragement. i love you alot alot alot alottttt. ((: im aiming to get into 3e2 aye? pray i'll get Mr. Barry Lim yeaps. hho(: he's good + evil aye, Peck Yeng? hha. wokey. im tiiiirrreeed. bye people! nitez Peck Yeng! hoho((x Labels: aiming for 3e2 (: feelings have changed. you're gone forever.[random(:] morning assembly today was fun? Mr.Nahar was super cute. hha.(x kay. stop. lessons were all boring. but i managed to live through them. and unfortunately i had Ncc meeting after school. and maths remedial afterwards. can my day get any worse? yea! Mdm Hezrina didnt turn up for the meeting. haiz. nevermind.she needs rest((: and i realise many people are not what they seem on friendster. who agrees? especially those bitches. kat friendster act jambu, kat luar muker macam cicak siak. no offence uh ey? i have no idea why i just said that. haaa. random. i hate math. jeez. and my mom wants me to take A.math. mampos laa aku. maths nanti sume test aku fail. amacam? best! ((x wokey. im out of words. nanti update lagi la. anyways ; Happy Birthday Ferra! (: greatness! i've got my phone back, & mom got me a new guitar. how great is that? i love you momma(: this rocks baybehh. im super happy(: so, didnt post yesterday. tired and super duper lazy.((: wokey. so i'll update on yesterday. madrasah was awesome shit. ustazah tought us about puberty.[x fuyoo. Syazwan , Aizat ngan Nizam suke sak. happy betul dorang. & Ain agrees, right? right!. but Hazwan dearest was left out. and he wasnt in the mood. i got a huge feeling he fought with Aiman. haiz. poor dude. noone talk to him. so, i decided to smile at him & make him happy.(: well, it worked a tiny bit. hha. after class , lepak with Ain and the guys. haha. teddy was cute. terlupe ape naq ckp ye boi? hha. (: Syafiq sungguh menyebok. eysh. tak suke la kalau dier ade. super irritating.(x Wazein gave me sweet(: thankiew! eventhough it tasted like smoke. hha. tapi still dapat makan kan? best. today sungguh boring. parents went to johor with lil bro. lil sis makes alot of noise with the guitar. and im blogging.(: went to the library. super boring. then ate at McDonalds. fuyooo. ade budak hot lahh(: i heard its Walid's borthday today, so ; Happy 15th Birthday Walid sombong(: see? i wished you tau! finals baybehh
![]() alamak. gambar gelap uh siol. eysh. takpe. oh, bad day. i went out of my house late in the morning. so i had to walk the whole way to the mrt station. and did i mention Aidil talking loudly with his friend? gosh. they were f*cking irritating. argh! reached school quite early. the first person i talked to in school was Hanissah. duh. =_____=' i saw Naufal. ewwww. * vomits blood* he makes me sick. coz he IS sick. get it? the lessons were boring. i was half asleep throughout most of the lessons. uhm. actually two lessons only arh. [= which was obviously p.e and math. did'nt do p.e because mr.leong didnt feel like it. sheesh. and math was as pernormal, always boring. had both science and literature class test. and my head feels like it was gonna explode any minute. guess i thought too hard? hha. after school, waited for yasmin. then went to the canteen and blahh blahh. usual ruoutine.[ is that how you spell it? hhe.] went to eastpoint coz we got damn bored in school. bumped into Hyrza and Amirah. watched Yasmin and Hyrza play cards. had a severe headache afterwards. hha. weak uh NiNi, weak. \= went home earlier then them. promised mom i'd be home early, so yeap. anyways, 4e4 had p.e today. Yasmin wanted to watch, so yea, i was forced to watch also. hha. Muhammad and Azhary cute ler. [= haizz. past few days hadnt been great. firstly, im not feeling well. secondly, there are so many class tests. =______='' thirdly, Nadhir pulls my hair & Syafiq tickles me. arghhh. about the Nadhir and Syafiq part. i find it fun. hha. (: great news!(: ; Changkat's takraw boys [ B div.] got into the finals. yay. go get them(: we will be the champions (: nyahaa. bye! forget his name forget his face forget his smile his warm embrace forget the love you once knew remember he has someone new. forget how close you two once were remember he has chosen her. forget the way he had held you tight remember he's with her tonight. forget he said he'd leave you never remember that he's now gone forever. nice right? (': . tapi sediih siak bace. hha. lame shiit. today quite fun uh. went to school together with Hyrza and Mark. joked around in the mrt. Mark turned on this song. stupid siak. everybody was looking coz got vulgarities. malu budo. *smacks Mark's head* i had stomach aches the whole day. all because i had my breakfast. stupid right? right. i didnt eat during recess, just to avoid more stomach aches. i saw Afie outside the toilet. baru nak tegur kene kacau dengan Haney. alermakk. sakit laa. [x mother tongue kind of gerek. coz cikgu were calling parents of the people who didnt hand in h/w hha. nasib aku hand in sia smlm. [x kalau tak mak aku dah kene call bey balek aku kene lecture. eysh. tak favourite betul kalau macam ni. slept during english coz teacher wasnt really teaching. science wasnt fun today. ]: after school, tagged along with Haney and Hazirah. then suddenly nampak Zarrin. alamakk. maintain cool `NiNi, maintain cool. haahahahaaa. kalau tak maintain, takot kene kacau pulak ey? [x yess. dier tak kacau. best! hahaa.. k bye what was it that you said, again?♥
wokeyh. nari boring nak mampos.except for what happened in the morning. kan Mark kan? hha. asshole sia kau. kau pikir banyak klaka? nehh. =________=' school's a big bore. but Xian Li did this thing about love life. and fuyooo! Mr.Blue♥ & Me almost perfect sia. right Xian? right!. hha. tu pun bangge ey? hha. went to tution afterwards. Hafiz dearest was being such a pain in the neck. same goes to osborne. mcm mau tendang kepale satu2 sia. tapi tkpe. aku sayang adeq aku. A______ really made my temper rise. want to insult my school, look at your think your school so good izit? kepale buto!. then want say sorry for what ey? as if i would forgive a person as such. dream on uh ey. i noe my school isnt the best school. but your school isnt the best too what. so, go think before you spit it all out budoh! im not stupid just because i end up in this school what. mentang2 skola aku ni tak bagus ingat ape? otak aku pun tak bagus pe? gi mampos dah. you're not as clever as you think la cb. & next time dont come for tuition la. waste your time sia. and i'll have to tolerate all your stupid nonsence. tsk. nevermind. say all you want luh ey. asalkan kau bahagia sudah. =______________________=' k dah. byeeeeee[= past days been disturbed by Zarrin alot. but neh, its okeyh.(: today came to school mendak gylerr. but morning assembly something interesting happened. and aku dahh tak mendak due to all the action. keyh. ni klakar. i followed Haney to popular coz she wanted to buy some stuff. den there was this pack of 'cake'. well, i thought it was cake tapii kenee tipuu siak.hha. aku bukak nampak tuala. =__=' baek kepee?!. and on the way out of eastpoint. saw Mimi and Awie. Awie rambot cutee(: Mimi rambot cantik sia. i like(: k la. bye . awesome shit! Aiin's with teddy((: hope you guys last long wokey sweets?((: yesterday gerek! ((: stayback-ed with yasmin. she brought along her guitar. woohoo!((x went to the canteen to buy food. then went back up to block F. lvl 2. on the way up, bumped into Azhary and friends. Azhary wanted to borrow the guitar. but i didnt give it to him. haha. bey muker sedih?! ((x but he bastard sia. " eyh gal, my friend mintak nombor." and i just ignored uh. what else would i do? [: after we found a place to sit, yasmin tried to tune her guitar. haha. unfortunately unsuccessful. kan Yasmin kan? while yasmin was trying very hard to tune the guitar, i saw Dean and Azhary. called Dean over to help. but unfortunately Dean also cant tune the guitar. =.='' so Dean called Azhary over to take a look. and Azhary ended up playing the song 'your guardian angel'. gosh! i wanted to learn to play that song. Azhary, ajar me uh. preety please? ajar uh? *cute dog eyes* then Azhary and they all donnoe belah go where. haha. Syika and Xian came! woo. so we sat with them. and me and Yasmin were still hungry. went to canteen to buy burgers! sodap!((: and when we went back up, Amir, Nasran , Syafiq and some other guys were there. fuyoo! noisy sia. haha. Amir ketot! NiNi tak ketot! hahaha((x did maths homework halfway. lost focus because of all the noise that they all made. binget siak. and Amir, lu jaga lu! ((x wokeyh. today eyh. super bored. followed Haney home. then, she showed me this old picture. haha! it was her PAP class photo. and i spotted Azimah, Hazirah, Haney [of course!] and Syafiq[technical class,if not wrg]. haha.. they were super cute sia! no kidding! ((: and Haney was the most tembam. the cutest of all((: then followed her to buy her mom's present. well, quite nice uh. and i saw Walid at Open Plaza at TM((: and i saw Izhar and gang at TM too((: Izhar! kau maseh sombong! ((x and the balik! the got this chinese guy in the bus. he changed his shirt in the bus infront of me. what the hell. haha. & happy 8th birthday Nad!! ((: today was awesome shiit sia. no kidding. went to school, had lessons. so on, blahhblahhblahhhsss. after school had maths remedial. and i got myself all sticky just because Rashid made Haney splash water at me. Rashid! i hate you luhh.. besok kau kene uh.((x after the remedial, Haney decided to go home. but changed her mind so we went back in. and unfortunately, Naufal was there. ehk kau tau tak kau sial?aku ckp ngan kau, buat dek je? kau belom kene dengan aku. kau jage. satu hari nnt kau balek mater lebam. then we got bored waiting in school, we decided to go to eastpoint to slack. i saw Mizi again. haha. Mizi! you stupid asshole. biler mau add?((x then went to tamp. we were bored, so decided to play truth or dare. haha. freaking awesome shit((x i'll tell all the dares, since i really have forgotten the truths. ha![: Haney dared me to sing a lullaby to a barbie doll. well, yea i did it.. hell it was funny. I dared Haney to take a towel and wipe herself. as if she had just finished bathing. got scolded by the store assistant. god, heck care.((x Haney dared me to say 'hi' to a guy. well, she had to pick the guy for me. and i hate it when this happens. hahax. it took me , urm, 3 hours+ to finally choose a guy to say 'hi' to. and Haney had upgraded the dare, and i also had to ask his name. but hey, it turned out to be okeyh.((; so here are the details ; ` Haikal ` 2o ` short - muahahax. ((x and i saw Walid. gosh he looked different. wayy different. but who cares? Haney ckp Walid tak cute ); haha. takper lorhs. [; im tired lerh. bye! shit luh sia. everything's becoming difficult for me. my marks are dropping way low for studies. im starting to loose friends. and im starting to agree with Awie. most friends are fake. only those few, are true. and im starting to think that most of my firends are really those fakes. come to think of it, most of them dont care much about me. practically dont care a fuck about me. so who agrees. they're fake? yea! they dont comfort you when you break down. they never ask whether everything's fine. they just sit and watch you cry. they never attempt to help. you know who you are wokeyh. i tell you, you're fucking fake luhh sial. and yea. i dont give a fuck about you either. so , fair enough? /: same goes to those freaking ex. what do they care? and for those few. you guys really are the best gifts i had. y'all care, and damn, obviously i care too. [: thanks for being there when i broke down. i dont know what the hell i would have done w/o y'all luhh.[: and w/o y'all, i think i would have hurt myself more. so yea. i'll be there for you guys okeyh? no worries people [: sorry for those harsh words. we all get angry at times right? [: S - L - double 'e' - Q ((x
yesterday was umm. lets say `gerek!had Speech day parade rehearsal for about 15-30 minutes. then went to change. then slacked before the actual parade. Sir Amirrul turned up, so it was kinda fun. he kept showing of his badges and his rank and stuff. sir, whatever uhh eyhh.. im not jealous :P Sir Sufiyan disturbed Shafiqah. hahx. but then kan, i get the blame. baek kepee sir? haha. lu jaga lu! ((x after the parade, went up to CCS. had our refreshments(: whooo! free food. nasi lemak lurh sey. amacamz? sodap! ((: then went to toilet. and me and yasmin saw Syika and Xian trying to get something out of their teeth. =____='' then went out. saw maam Hezrina. `salam her, said bye to her and little baby((: haha.. maam jahat ketawekan =.=' & blahh blahhs. went eastpoint. slacked awhile. then when on the way out of eastpoint, nampak Iqsan lagikk =.='' haha! malas nak tegur, so jalan. i went to 7-11 to buy some water. thirsty siolx. then bumped into Asri and friend. his friend asked me how changkat was. so yea. not being rude, i answered lorh(: then walked to bustop, waited for the bus. hyrza went home. BLAHHH3 then dahh sampai! hurrayss! then3, ade budak cute pat bawah blok. muker mcm Mizi, Faez, Amir[4n2 `08], && Asib. haha.. then muker innocent siolx. ((x &today. awesome shiit! Hazwan turned up for madrasah, so the class kecoh habes. Aiman jalan, badan peyh lah tegak! lolx. klaka siak. Hazwan macam model((: and ouh! Naaz made up a new word. hahax. model + pose = posel. get it? haha. lame siak. but its kinda funny. so, haha! ((x it was ustazah's birthday, so we had cake(: its nice.(: & its chocolate. double nice((: anak Hamzah makan peyh comot :P tapi cute lerhhs. so let him be. i'll look at him form far. & si anak Hamzah ni kan, tak tau sabar ye. dier yang makan duluu((x haha.. cute sak. mcm baby gitukk. hahax. & oh. Shaleen got Alyph's autograph for me and Ain. * jumps like mad kangaroo * && there was this part where alyph wrote, ' Alyph loves NiNi! ' haha.. aww. cute aye? * melts * i loooove shaleen! hahaha.. i love SleeQ! i love Alyph too!((x and , Happy Birthday Ustazah Wirdah! kbm[one] loves you! i cant believe you're gonna leave us. i hope you wont have to transfer. )': I'm hurt, stressed ,and really freaking tired of hearing your excuses. all your excuses are coming to no use. they aren't making me feel any better. And you're damn freaking lucky because i didn't mention your name. 1.you made me trust you. now, don't even think i trust you anymore. 2.say I'm in the wrong. but take a look at who seems to be more hurt. 3.say you're hurt. but you started all of this. you hurt me way more. 4.say you love me still. but you show no proof. you avoid me! -__-' 5.you say you're sorry. but do you really mean it? I'm really upset. why me? why not hurt others but hurt me? it's not as if I'm so special, that you have to hurt me so much. if you just knew how much you're hurting me. even if you knew, who knows you wouldnt care? I know Amirah Sidek agrees with me. kan Mirah, kan? ((: she was one of the many people, who have helped me throught this. and i love her tripletruckloads. anyone who hurts her, i'll hurt you. to guys who are reading. read those 5 points again. i know it'll come into good use for you guys one day. never repeat this mistake. dont hurt another girl((: dont make them feel hurt. dont let them suffer. thats all i ask from all guys. ((: okeyh. to much about that guy already. lets see. yesterday went home kind of late. dropped of at afghan with Yasmin, she crossed over. i waited for bus no. 21 / 12 . while waiting, an ex-changkat came down the bus. then, i saw Iqsan and this other guy, umm. Roshan if im not wrong. haha. Iqsan effing cute lerrhs. he smile, Then Roshan also smile. hahaxx.. mcm immitate Iqsan gitukk eyh? i dunno la eyh. tapi Iqsan jalan mcm klakar gitukk((x haha.no offence!.. merepekss siolol. tapi he effing cute sia. then got this other guy.. and today? boring! hahah. fortunately didnt see him. im elated. i wont have to hurt my eyes. Mr.K didnt come i guess. i didnt see him walk pass my class today. whoooo. elated ----to---- not so happy. Haney is going gaga over Clark Kent , Wolverine & Pyro and im going gaga over Mr.K , Peter Parker[unfortunately attached] & Mr.blue it kind of sounds stupid doesnt it.? so what? i dont care about your opinions laa((x anyways, Happy Birthday Adil Sekodeng((: k bye. to have more friends is useless, when they all end up being fake all i really wish for right now is for god to show me the right way. im really having so much trouble, problems. and all of course, end up leading me to be so stressed. all i want is for those guys to get out of my life. for goodness sakes. you guys are so childish okeyh. get a life and stop disturbing me will you? and Hafiz dearest, stop luaghing like a hyena boleh? irritating laa adeq. i cant freaking concerntrate okeyh. and im really sorry if the words are harsh. and to ____. you're really giving me a hard time here , if u hadnt noticed. all i ask for is freedom. really, jut freedom will do. to all who have helped cool me down today. i really appreciate. but i give my sincere thanks to, Hyrza , Farhanis , Sofia bond , Afiah , Hanissah , Nadhir , Syafiq , Aqil. thanks guys. i love you guys so freaking much((x and to Ryan Fazly - Happy 17th Birthday((: to all blogreaders, im sorry if this post have hurt any feelings, but i had to let it out. |