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I close my eyes and dream
DHANY.Loud , Irritating , Cheerful. Asian. Al Faried Yusri - ♥ Family and my girls are 1st priority |
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oh gosh. im so hyper today. well, theres nothing else to say, it is afterall , my birthday , isnt it? thank you all truckloads, to those whoe have wished me, and also , those who have given me wonderful presents((: i love you guys tripletruckloads((x skip those stupid parts, come to the awesome ones((x had parent-techer conference. blahhblahh /: went to madrasah(: Hazwan came! which was what made me so happy + hyper. i got to see him on my birthday. what more could i ask? i got a little chat with him. so here ; Shaleen : Heyy. Hazuan, kau greenview kan? Hazwan : ah. asal? Shaleen : ouhh.. kau masuk team bola kan? Hazwan : ah. yeaa.. asal? Shaleen : [ i forgot what she said. lolx ] Hazwan : a'ahh Me : Shaleen, ask him he noe izzul tak. Shaleen : what? why me? Me : please? * cute dog eyes * Shaleen : fine, Hazuan, kau kenal izzul? Me : * turn around face him. makes eager face * Hazwan : * looks at me * ouhh.. ermmm. ya. i kenal. (: Me : ouhh.. really. confirm? Hazwan : yea. sec3 kan? Ncc kan? Me : oooh.. kenal punn(: Hazwan : asal? Me : nth, he's my cuzz.(: Hazwan : ohh.. * smiles ,erhemm, somewhat charmingly* Me : *smile* haha. merepeks siolol.((x tapi dier Hawt okey! so doncha go around blaming me for going gaga over him.((x Labels: my extraordinary superman((x Just came back from tution. and im upset. change teacher laa. ): i want my Miss Farahdiana back!!. i reached tution late. 30 minutes late to be exact. the teacher deaf sia. Me : hello people(: Teacher : girl, what's your name? Me : Dhaniyah.(: Teacher : Nadiah? there's no Nadiah here. Me : Dhaniyah!!!. >:(( [*whisper* - makk, kene Nadiah sioll =___=] Teacher : ummm. Me : aiyaaaa. Siti laahhh.. Teacher : ouhhk. okeyh.. here's your worksheet. gosh. i was pissed seyh.. cher, if got free time, dig your ears please(: and im not trying to be rude here(: anywayss, he made us read the passage. and thank god he lets us choose our paragraph. and i chose the shortest paragraph of course. and Amandeep, u are being rude okeyh. if that teacher can hear me, why cant you? you're deaf too huh!?. alerrmak! i smack your face, baru tauu.. and Sachi. if thats how you spell your name. stop laughing uh babe! my stomach pain sia. haha.. and today you look more 'handsome'.. lolx. dont think wrongly.((: and thank you for laughing at me when i read eyh! let me loose focus only. i knoe uhh funny right? similar i read as silimar.. hahah.. okey.. it is funny(: and thank you Abang Hairi for wishing me, an advanced happy birthday(: i love youu Abang Hairi Tembammm(: i really dooo(: thank you.(: arhhh. tomorrow have parade rehearsal. mampos aku.. hoping not to get bashed yaww(: okeyhh. thats all. byeeee(: alright! my tekak hurts. that means im gonna eat more of chocolates and lollipops(: haha.. I know im weird. so today sucks bigtime. I really could'nt get my eyes to open. all I really felt like doing was to sleep. and math is really giving me headaches. severe headaches. English lesson was the best. I went to the toilet with Haney. and she pratically gave me a shock in the toilet. I was shrieking. haha. Haney splashed water at me. so i came out of the toilet all drenched. thank you (: after school I ended up following Hyrza and Amirah. Rashid and mark wanted to tag along. they kind of lost us. we left them and went to popular, then to eat at kfc. saw Izzat(: and he walked like super fast seyh. guess he was in a hurry. tak sempat senyum): okeyyh. thats all i guess. annnd.. im obsessed with these songs ; low - Florida ft. T-pain. how to save a life - The Fray. ini satu kisah - Aliff Aziz. you'll be safe here - Rivermaya. hahha.. old songs eyh?(: ohmigoshhhh(: i miss Mr.Blueee already laa. i miss Shaleen. i miss Aiin. i miss Feeqah. i miss Abang Syamil. i miss Kak Trishaa. i miss kuciing(: [ Amirul Adli. he cute budohh(: ] . i miss abang Faez. i miss Asib!(: and i just found out that if according to reg. no. , im before Wazein. like what the fucking hell.. banyak2 orang blakang Wazein. Asal tak blakang Hazwan Bin Hamzah. lolx.. full name siol aku letak. HAHA. ouhkays. this few days dah tak nampak si dektuuu. happy banget sihh.(: im freaking weird laa today. firstly eyh, im not sure why im so kind to Nabil. secondly eyh, i keep staring at Nadhir =___='' out of all classmates, i had to stare at him. anyways, im afraid im gonna get a birthday bash from the Airgirls. hope none of my flightmates remind the seniors. or else im going to go home all dirty. hahahaha(: it sounds funn. and i dunno why, but i feel like uploading old pics. so here(: Alyphh hot kann(: hahaaa(: i miss them(: ni cute kan! haha. look at Nadhir(: isnt he cute? Fathin,Haney,Nad,Naqiah,Apple,Hidayuh,Nabilahh(: ilovethem(:
i have no idea why, but i feel like writing in malay. sorry laa eyhh. if other races cant understand. ask someone what it means. fuckinabeyhcibai sial. this few days aku betul2 nye geram sial. Naufal, kalau bace, this is how i feel okeyyh? from now on eyh, kau ngan aku stakat kawan je. kalau tak tahu asal aku kate ni, tu kau peyh pasal. Abang Aiman pulak eyh. buat muke blur je. orang da ingatkan, buat muke 'do you think i care?' .. alermakkk! beyh that fucking parents and teachers meeting. on my freaking birthday? like butohhh siallll. banyak2 hari, aku nye birthday. macam sengaje sial.. jubo betol ahhh.. ishhh.. what the hell is happening to my life? at least i can count on Hyrza and Haney. or maybe even Rashid.(: haizzz... okeyhh.. maybe i'll post in english now. today wasnt that bad. went to maunt faber with family. did nothing much. had no fun. ate tons of icecream. i miss that first time i met him. i miss it alot. and thats the reason why i ate alot of icecream. like, ishh.. im not myself this few days. and now my fucking voice is gone. because ive been shrieking the whole week. bleahh.. life sucks. forget it . im done posting. no mood laa seyyhh. [you'd better fuck off, or you'll be more then sorry boy.] bahhh! im gonna update about yesterday first. okeyhh.. umm. oh yeahh.. the uniform groups had our speech day rehearsal. it didnt last long. =_____=' seniors decided to train us a little bit more. brushed up on our marching and tukar langkah(: then we had our water parade!(: i was the last to finish up my drink.lol. bloated lahh deyy!X) we got dismissed early(: went to change. then waited for Rashid darling(: [erhemmm. not my boyfriend] then me and Hyrza lepak-ed with him. and Rashid sungguh full of nonsence. Hyrza sungguh full of stories im sungguh full of crap!(: hahax. fun! kan hyrza kan? kan Rashid kan?(: we waited till 4 buses had passed. took the bus. ended up taking the same bus as Maam Ng and Asib. i miss Asib lerrr.. we only got to chat for awhile seyhh. sungguh menyedihkan! today. bored maut lahh seyy! fuckinabeycibai. the parents and teachers meeting is on 29/3! which is my birthday.. fuck sial but nevermind. i want me present eyh Nadhir! you promised(: okeyhs. didnt post yesterday. and the day before. nevermind. lets start from yesterday. .yesterday. helped sort out the part A's uniforms. it was like fcuking confusing. like, argh. i got a major headache! today. helped out with giving out the part A's uniforms. it wasnt as bad as yesterday. but still, i did have a headache.again. tought three part A's on how to wear the uniform. hell, it was really confusing. but i managed. slacked in the air-room after helping. shared our ghost stories. we were all shouting like hell. even at the slightest sound. i shared my story too(: well. my 3rd aunt's story. so i shared it with the rest. at around 6+ headed for home. and im now blogging. im freaking tired! ouh bed! here i come! okeyyh people. im back.(: i didnt update yesterday. so i'll start from there. yesterday. i went out with Hyrza,Syiqah,Syidah,Yasmin,Haily,Adam. i hadnt decided on what to where. so Hyrza came to my house first to pick me an outfit.(: so then. went of to Tampines. met up with Yasmin and Adam. waited for about 10 - 15 minutes for Syiqah and Syidah. so after they turned up. went to buy the tickets. we all wanted to watch 'the eye'. but the show wasnt on until 5. so we decided to watch 'the leap years' instead. so we bought the tickets. and then headed of to the food court to have lunch. after lunch. found out we still had time. played at the mini arcade. haha! played hockey. i was screaming my lungs out everytime the guys scored. haahh. typical me.(: anyways. bought nachos , popcorn and drinks for the show. the two guys were kind of excited. over excited.hahh(: so the went into the cinema. haha! there was this advertisement that was so cute. haha! kan Hyrza kan?(: k so blahblah. watched the movie. k. movie ended(: there was these to guys sitting two rows behind us. and when the movie ended. the kind of shouted 'YAY!'. lol. boys.(: oh yea! i recommend y'all to watch it(: and sorry. there aren't any pictures laa. except for the picture of the ticket (: ![]() ---------------------------------------------------------------- today. im gonna die of boredom. im freaking bored. and ohh.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIIN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FATHIN AERLISA!! afternoon dudes, dudettes!(: and. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAAZIRA!!(: haha! big enough?.(: anyways. im so addicted to this song. i love the lyrics. they're so deep. and touching. y'all should listen to it.(: the songs over there(: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------ You light the skies up above me A star so bright you blind me Don't close your eyes Don't fade away (x2) Ooooooooooh Yeah you and me we can ride on a star If you stay with me girl We can rule the world- Yeah you and me we can light up the sky If you stay by my side We can rule the world- If walls break down, I will comfort you If angels cry, oh I'll be there for you You've saved my soul Don't leave me now (x2) Ooooooooooh Yeah you and me we can ride on a star If you stay with me girl We can rule the world Yeah you and me, we can light up the sky If you stay by my side We can rule the world- Ooooooooooh All the stars are coming out tonight They're lighting up the sky tonight For you, for you All the stars are coming out tonight They're lighting up the sky tonight For you, for you- Ooooooooh Yeah you and me we can ride on a star If you stay with me girl We can rule the world Yeah you and me, we can light up the sky If you stay by my side We can rule the world All the stars are coming out tonight (oooooooh) They're lighting up the sky tonight For you, for you- All the stars are coming out tonight They're lighting up the sky tonight For you,for you- All the stars, are coming out tonight They're lighting up the sky tonight For you, for you- All the stars, are coming out tonight They're lighting up the sky tonight For you,for you- ok then. bye dudes,dudettes(: ![]() the picture says alot. duncha think?. today i went to Apple's place. we had to do our science project. so yeap.(: so i went out with Aiin and Naazira dearest.. kind of celebrated Naazira's birthday. which is tomorrow!. we ate at KFC. then Aiin blanja-ed us cakes. thank you sweetheart.(: after that. i went to tampines to meet up with NaQiah.(: ooooh, wait!!. did i mention i saw Walid? yeap. i saw him. so carrying on. i met NaQiah. took bus 38 to Apple's place. met Nik Son and Apple.(: Nik Son was hungry. so me, my lil sis, NaQiah and Apple accompanied. we ended up eating at KFC again. hahh! we ate at KFC two times in a row today.(: so after watching Nik Son eat. went to buy stuff for the experiment. then went back to Apple's place. on the way back. i saw Azhari , Faris and Brandon. Azhari asked me if i knew where abang was. i said i had no idea.(: reached Apple's place! hurray!(: started doing the project. and i was the first person to use the video cam! it was cool. my first time.(: no laughing please!. we had alot of fun with the video cam. it was as if there was a party. there was like, quite alot of soft drinks. so yeap.(: after awhile. all of us started to get alil bored. and Nik Son started to get horny. typical Nik Son.(: it was fun. we all laughed like hell. and did i mention Nabilah came? anyways. after awhile the rest went into Apple's room. i and lil sis sat outside and watched tv(: went home at around 6+ ohmigosh. im exhausted. bleah! wanted to meet Asib dearest. but , im free when he's busy. and he's busy when im free. y'all get that?.(: okehh dudes, dudettes. bye!(: ![]() imissabangsyamilizuantripletruckloads imisshazwan hahax. okeh. that was so random. im bored. and guess what. i have no freaking idea why im so obsessed. obsessed with Alyph and SleeQ that is. i am like so weird. i know.(: but seriously. im so obsessed about it this few days. like, whooohooo!. im so freaking weird.(: anyways, you can't blame me for being so obsessed. Alyph is like so cute. and have i mentioned. hahx. okeh. im crazy. maybe i should stop. lets talk about something else then. umm. currently listening to ' pilihlah aku - SleeQ '. and on the phone with dearest Faez. he's bored. im bored. we're both bored. so yeap. he called. and we're chatting.(: talking crap. its fun you know. you guys should try it.(: so . talked crap with Faez. lots of crap. but i assure you. im way crappy-er. muahahax.. okeh. im bored.. im of to my room. buhbyess.(:
![]() hey dudes, dudettes(: something interesting happened today. so i thought i'd update.(: school was as pernormal. but my mood changed after i saw Naufal during recess. i have no idea why, but yea. so then, i decided to stand in between Irfan and Syafiq. and Syafiq, you are gross!. next time, please don't tell me when you feel like farting.(: and Irfan! thank you for the chocolate and lollipop love!.(: i love you my dearest hamster.(: so after recess, normal lessons. i got bored during geography. but i really had to make myself stay awake. Mrs Chua was observing my class =.= , so yea. after school. went to the canteen. Yasmin bought something to eat. i wrote in the _ _ _ _ book. its fun letting out my anger that way. i know it's bad. but still, so? after about fifteen minutes. went out of school. i got a little frustrated seeing Naufal's face. went to eastpoint and met up with Hyrza and the others. i thought of meeting Asib today, but i canceled the plan. went to slack at Pasir Ris interchange with Hyrza. and there was this two 'mats' siting afew metres away. after sitting there for like ten minutes. they walked pass me and Hyrza. and this 'mat' wearing purple said "hi" to me. haha. ok. i didnt really expect that. that incident literally made me and Hyrza laugh like hyenas.(: believe me when i say that.(: then me and Hyrza got bored. so we decided to message Iman Heng.(: turned out that Iman was bored too.(: after doing all those 'crazy' stuff. we got kind of tired. so decided to go home. and now, here i am , updating you all(: k then. bye dudes,dudettes(: i bored. dammit. i so need someone to entertain me now.(: right now. ouh. i really mean it when i say now. ![]() im back people.(: today was such a bore. Mr Nahar held us back for about 15 minutes. just for making a little noise. bleah. then after being dismissed, went along with Hyrza , Nor Amirah & Amirah Sidek. Nor Amirah decided to go to eastpoint, as she wanted to buy bubbletea(: I saw Peck Yeng Jie.(: She looked so pretty with her hair let down(: Im so jealous(: Afterwards, Hyrza , Nor Amirah & Amirah Sidek went of to bedok. so i went along with Shiqin , Fatin and Nabilah. but Shiqin wanted to go home. so she went of with Fatin, while i went with Nabilah(: went on the mrt, and saw Geraldine(: so i went half of the way home with Geraldine. and the other half, with Asib. i actually just made friends with him today. hows that? so he accompanied me to my void deck. chatted for awhile, then i went home(: thank you for the company new friend(: ily(:
hope to meet you again sometime. bye(: sorry guys. had to let out my anger. so yea. but still. i really hate that person. and to that person. i might not be the most wonderful person in the world. but i am to some other people. just like you are to your parents. so if i were to do this to you. wouldnt they be angry? thats what my loved ones are feeling right now. they feel angry. and they might not forgive you, if the would ever find out who you are. so. thats it. ive nothing else to say. bye(: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() erhemmm.. reader discretion is adviced(: *cough cough* dengar-dengar eh, puki aku ni longgar ye? macam mane eh orang tu boleh tau? step orang TU dah pernah nampak je sial.. dah nak kpo bilang the whole wide world that my puki longgar. wow.*claps*.wonderful indeed. and to whoever is saying all this. i do not know what you are up to. but i do suspect that you are [erhemm erhemm].*not mentioning anyone* so i do appreciate it that you come up to my face. and say all those words. that is, if you have the balls to do so.(: thank you. bye(: i hate math. i hate goegraphy. i hate bloghoppers who call me rude names. they are stupid people who do not know their names. and they find trouble at other peoples blogs. so what do i call them?. i call them stupid assholes.thank you.(: |