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I close my eyes and dream
DHANY.Loud , Irritating , Cheerful. Asian. Al Faried Yusri - ♥ Family and my girls are 1st priority |
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![]() the fact that i ignore u is because ur f***ing irritating.. get it? so do not disturb me.. and i seriously hate ur attitude okeh.. i've been trying not to shout at you.. or whatsoever.. but you were the one who would always make me do that.. so yea.. if you dont like it that way, then freaking f*** off paham tak? buto siak. tau uh badan lu banyak pey besar, tau uh aku ni ketot, senonet je, bey ape? pikir aku weak? kepale hotak kau ah siak. aku rembat kau, gaurantee besok tak datang skola siak. gi mampos la.
oh its Monday again.. Everythings happening so fast.. well, at least its not as bad as Tuesday is gonna be.. so yea.., I had math, then Science.. and then, its was recess!! =D so you should knoe what i did.. so then, after recess we had english.. gosh.. i forgot there was a class test! nevermind that, the test wasnt so hard afterall =D.. so then had art.. haa.. walked around the class, made alot of chaos, and Ms Lau didnt even care.. woo.. rock on!!.. and, Nadhir and Syafiq kept pulling my hair.. like, gees! is my hair a string guys? is it? its not right? pull a string la.. not my hair.. and! anyways, im glad that our friendship is mended laa Nadhir =) oh yea.. continuing .. so we then had mother tongue.. and Cikgu Rahman tak datang!! yea! so skipped the class test.. and we were like, wohoo! gosh! i was bored during mother tongue, so decided to snap pics so heres the pictures =) ![]() blur laa kann.. but i loikke! =) ![]() from L: Faez,Nadhir,Nash ![]() haa.. sorry guys =P ![]() ini Faez!! && Wan =)&& Gulshan sebok okehh.. so i didnt post yesterday right? well.. was tired when i finally reached home so yea.. ~ so here's what i did yesterday.. went to madrasah.. gosh.. changed venue again.. but nevermind.. at least i reached on time .. =D i had to seat infront of Syazwan.. oh dang.. he was irritating i tell you. okehh.. so he kicked my chair, so what.. i didnt mind him kicking my chair once or twice.. but wth.. he kicked like every few seconds.. and dang.. it made me dizzy.. to add on to that, Hazuan made lots of noise.. so yea.. i was like having a mjor headache.. but yea.. i left them alone.. just act as if nothing was happening.. until the lesson ended, and i was free to go.. =D so then i went to uncle Ronnie's house.. and wow!! the house was marvelous.. it was like a hotel.. even the toilets were nice.. seriously.. i didnt even knoe it was a toilet at first.. so yea.. ate , and did other things.. haa.. and yea.. got to play his piano and guitar.. hha.. and the view from the highest flor of his house was , oh so lovely.. i really wished i had a house like his.. so yea, had fun until 10pm - 11 pm.. around there.. then went home.. hha.. and yea.. felt damn tired.. today~ didnt do anything much.. and now im bored.. till im like talking crap with Fadhli.. hhaa.. so yea.. thats all.. the happiest moments of life, would always come unexpectedly Amir ohh Amir, jangan nak merepek eyhh.. [dah puas abg?] School was a bore.. except for miss ET's lesson, where i had to put up my drawings of the uniform groups, and when Nadhir finally entered the class.. Unfortunately, he wasnt in the mood.. and was very emotional today.. I felt sorry seeing him in that state.. and yea.. seeing him like that isnt normal.. I hope his doing fine at home.. he shouldnt be too emotional.. its not good for the health.. especially the heart.. and yea.. the soul.. Nadhir, i know we had been through fights and stuff.. but i do care for you.. i care for all my friends.... and especially for my close friends and my dearest besties.. i do care.. so take care of yourself, and please dont try anything stupid okehh.. okeh lets change the subject.. had NCC trainfire course or something.. gosh.. it was confusing.. and it gave me a major headache.. haa.. then went home.. Sir Izzat came.. =D haa.. Sir Hawtstuff laa deyy.. but he seemed alil bit crazy.. i guess there was something wrong with his brain? anyways, went home with abg Fir.. gosh.. and haa.. many thought we were together? like, wow! do we look like we're together or something? =.='' kk bye.. stay tuned yea.. =) PS: take care of yourself =) and remember, i DO care ![]() the most exciting thing in life would be the most unexpected thing the fun we had today wouldnt be forgotten gosh.. i had loads of fun today.. stayed back, and slacked .. and ouh.. i talked to Aliff =) .. and sadly, he joined NCDCC .. and Izian joined NCC =) * claps * Then Xian Li thought us how to solve the Rubik Cube puzzle.. and dang.. it was seriously so confusing.. but i dont know how Hyrza got it.. while me and Yasmin were having headaches.. gahh =S then Sir Izaat came laa! =D .. he heart-throb laa oii.. im melting.. hahah.. had fun teasing him about the way he walked.. gahh.. and he asked us to go home.. and stop disturbing him =P.. gees.. he's so cute.. gagagaaa.. then went home.. and im so damn fed-up with Faris laa okehh.. kk lahh people.. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee dearest friend, im sorry for playing around with your feelings.. im sorry if i've made u mad.. i had no intention in doing so.. im dreadfully sorry.. please forgive me happy belated birthday =) .. im sorry about the whole thing okeh? i really am.. but i had no choice dearest friend.. =( i feel awful.. ive made my own best friend mad at me.. i knew it wasnt the right thing to do.. but please do forgive me? i didnt mean any harm.. =( oh how do i say sorry to him? i know what i did was wrong.. the trick, yea.. i knew.. but please.. im really begging hard.. please do forgive me.. i wouldnt want to loose a friend like you.. you're the one and only you.. and noone can replace you.. no matter how they try.. so whatever sin i have done, please do forgive me.. and i'll be glad that you really are my true friend.. and i do hope to be forgiven soon.. and to Zuraidi.. happy belated birthday okehh.. and im sorry if those words hurt you.. in any way.. i didnt mean to hurt your feelings.. i just didnt want to get into a relationship.. so, if you're mad at me, i really dont mind.. it IS my fault... i know.. to both of you guys.. im awfully sorry for what ive done.. please do forgive me.. im really begging hard.. all the pain and the suffering im hoping it will end soon Dont worry to much about them.. i'll help you guys =) how can i start.. today was a disaster okehh.. i hate it! i was late for school all because of the mrt.. well at least i wasnt the only one.. =) Syafiq was also late.. and so was Fathin and NikSon.. hha =] During music lesson.. we thought our teacher didnt turn up for school.. so we stayed in class.. not knowing what to do.. until Mr Erwin showed up =.='' and we got scolded for not going to the music room.. hha.. so we headed to the music room, and watched 'school of rock'.. then i dont know for what reason, Nadhir started pulling my hair.. hha.. =.='' stupid seyy Nadhir.. huahua.. [anyways, i pulled his hair too =) ] so then after school, went to the canteen.. then Shairah, Shikin && Wani came and starting saying that a girl at the opposite table said vulgarities at them.. god! people, use your brain la please?! respect other people can? and please dont disturb my little darlings can? what did they do to you? alamak! to: Shairah, Shikin [dont worry, i wont let them hurt you] to: Wani [ please dont do anything to make them hurt you all okehh ] guys.. i love you okehh.. and i wont let anybody to hurt you.. remember that. okehh people.. im tired.. see ya.. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee =D as the days went by, i soon realised that friendships will last forever and ; finally the day has arrived we were all anxious in getting new cadets to join us in ncc.. although it was tough getting people to visit our booth, we managed to get more cadets then expected.. it was great.. way great.. but god.. it was tiring.. they wouldnt listen to me explain or talk.. =___=' but thank you dearest Aliff and Izian, for listening to me eh adeq.. and for signing up too =) i love you guys alot.. seriously.. then after all this, went to change, then went to eastpoint.. and wth.. abg Fir asked me to wait for an hour.. and i waited way longer dude.. and sorry dude, i just got bored and kind of frustrated , and so i went of with abg Aiman instead.. and; im very sorry for not telling u before leaving.. real sorry.. but u didnt seem to answer my calls.. so yea.. i cant do anything kan? okehh.. im getting tired.. byeeeeeee people.. stay tuned =) you acted as if i wasnt there.. you ignore me.. is there something wrong, my dearest brother? was the move i made a wrong one? i just hope it isnt.. =( i expected today to be worse than yesterday.. but i think i got it wrong.. just like stated in Kak Wanni's blog.. 'perhaps yesterday was better than today' but lets re-phrase.. 'perhaps tomorrow is better than today' just maybe.. maybe, what the qoute speaks is true.. maybe i could take it as an advice.. you wouldnt knoe until you've tried.. how about that? aniways, carrying on .. ncc training was gerek luhh oii.. had lots of fun being trained by the part Cs `08.. haa.. they were fun.. made us laugh practically every few minutes or so.. haa.. and i love Peck Yeng jie.. she gave me sweet =D.. for my tekak =).. i loikey.. =D so then we were devided into two groups.. my group was supposed to help in setting up the booth.. so we helped till we got bored.. and wth?! Zuraidi said the tripod stand we made was.. uhh.. no good? so i asked him to make it for us.. haa.. and we relek one corner sua.. =D then i was like looking at Akmal.. when suddenly kena cekik by Ryan =.= and oh.. dearest Abg Aiman came luhh.. and i missed you so..[that , im referring to abg dearest] and so.. after all preparation, we all went home =) and mommy dear fetched me =D.. im tired .. so byeee... && Anuar Zain ~ ketulusan hati =) i miss the comfort of ur voice & i miss u another disastrous day.. and others are yet to come.. omigoshhh.. what is happening to my life? =(... had a fight with Hyrza.. and i was but Hanissah, Hazirah, and Andrea consoled me.. so i felt better. then i told Hazirah about the girl in my earlier post... ahh.. bad move.. she called the girl and haa.. i had fun asking her questions and seeing her frightened look.. i told u i was gonna do something.. and i did.. with Hazirah's help that is..=] oh.. the look on her face.. it was making me feel good.. made me feel satisfied.. i new she couldnt answer back to me.. i just new.. and i didnt now why, she and her friend just left.. with frightened faces.. like as if we had bullied them. =___='' but nevermind.. lets forget about the girl.. Hanissah and i made new friends > Wani , Shairah , Shikin.. aww.. they are awfully cute.. and Shairah reminds me of Rahila.. haa.. her attitude and appereance were like Rahila's.. had fun telling about the uniformed group.. and yea.. it was obvious me and Hanissah argued about our own ccas.. haa.. but i think they would join Ncc.. haa.. because Hanissah told them that Hazirah was fierce.. and they were kind of scared.. hoho.. then Ryan came. alermak.. i kena hug! *blushes* .. haa.. and i wanted to go home.. so Naqiah told Izhar to send me home.. and Izhar told me to wait awhile, till 4.. haa.. got tired of waiting, so i asked Ryan to send me home.. and now, Izhar is asking me why i left w/o him.. haa.. anyway, thx for having the thought of sending me.. haaa =P pics.. haa.. =P they're random Princess Haney huahua.. Rachal
today was DISASTROUS.. i went to sch, feeling fine until that person made me mad.. but i cooled down after afew minutes.. then my mood jadi baik lagi. i wasnt that angry like before. until school ended and i saw that girl. mak kau, muker mcm mau smack je sak. kau nak gadoh kan? mari uh. aku tak takot la ey. buto! first thing in the morning i woke up, and there.. i saw a message from nadhir on my phone i was like, wth.. he messaged me at 12+ midnight okehh.. but i replied anyways.. so spent the whole journey to school messaging Nadhir.. hah.. ~banyak soal urh budak tuhh.. reached school.. and studied.. lets skip this part okehh.. its boring.. had assembly =] afew talks from mrs uhh.. i dunno.. den a performance by 'wicked aura'! they are hawt.. lol.. but seriously.. they are freaking hawt.. then ate at school, then went home.. and Zuraidi sent me =] then saw kak Wanni.. with Hakeem they all.. ignore the boys, and smile at Kak Wanni hawtstuff =] anyways,how nice of Zuraidi to send me till Pasir Ris =] haha.. Im gonna post crap today, haha! :D today's such a bore, really. But luckily, I have awesome friends to keep me company. decided to chat with abang :D ![]() talked alot of crap.. haa.. had alot of fun laughing.. hee..but my stomach hurt alot.. ALOT.. but then, he had to go.. so i start becoming bored again.. then Ryan went online.. so i chatted with Ryan =] ![]() haaa.. chatted about something [ i forgot] then he wanted to go and bathe..haiz.. so i waited, till mom wanted to use the com.. so i went ofline, and went into my bedroom.. then i SMSed Hyrza.. ![]() haa.. we didn talk much.. then at last i have no idea why i did not reply her msg, but anyways, i got bored again.. and, so i called Faez.. hahh.. =] ![]() and my dear good friend saves my day.. huahua.. thnx Faez!! =] i appreciate it alot yea.. =] k.. mind me people.. i noe this post sucks okehh.. but so what? this is my blog.. and i say MINE.. =] Madrasah today. Damn,I got into the same class as Syafiq. I really wanted to go to a class which was Syafiq-free, but well, what can I do right? On the bright side, I got into the same class as Hazwan Hamzah. So, it aint that bad. Hurray? Learnt akhlak, and ustaszah bombarded us with tonnes of questions, so we really had to crack our brains for the answers, since everyone has to give an answer. Everyone was anxious, everyone hoped thier answer wont be said by a classmate. haha. Today was fine, except for the fact that Nadhir kept throwing green beans at me. Hahaa, wth. It went into my blouse, you idiot! Out of the many classmates, Im the one who gets the honour of getting bombarded with beans. Thank you eh. Nevermind, theres always next time, I'll get you then Nadhir. haha. Had science for the first period, and wow. Ms Marie talks quite a bunch. So, I got tired of listening to her, and talked to Haney instead, since Ms Marie wasnt teaching anything at the moment. I double-tasked. Talked and filled up my worksheets at the same time, like superhero right? haha. No la, doing that gave me a headache. LOL. Mother tongue next. The lesson which I got bombarded with beans. Thanks a bunch Nadhir. I threw the beans back at him, for the sake of entertaining myself. haha. Copied down the homework, and then spent the rest of the time talking until the bell rang, recess! ;DD English. English teacher was awesome! She gave us a passage to read and underline certain stuff. And then we could do our own things. I fell asleep, and Miss ET woke me up. I didnt even realise I slept through the period, wow? haha. Geography, boring, I really dont know why this subject is so dull! I couldnt sleep, even when I tried my best to, since I already slept soundly during english. My stubborn eyes just wouldnt close, bets. hahas. okay, talk so much! Assalamu'alaikum, sayaaaang you all. ;D happy birthday maam
alright, Im back!Yesterday was Maam's birthday. Happy belated birthday, Maam. :D and congratulations, you're going to have your little angel soon, winkwink. Kak syiqah, Hyrza and I wished maam a happy birthday yesterday. Loads of times, in fact, and I think she got really irritated with us for doing that. Sorry maam, (: till here, Assalamu'alaikum, sayangsayang you all. Haney ^ Dhaniie Its the very first day of school, once again! oh god, I was super sleepy. I almost slept during science, hahas. First day of school right, so I decided to sit with Haney. Had tonnes of fun sitting next to her. Anyway, I realised almost everyone changed.Mostly just changed their hairstyle, grew alittle taller, yknow stuff like that. But the two people I know of that didnt change the slightest bit were Nadhir and Syafiq. hhas. The same rascals, the same noisy ones. Okay bye. :D |